What is the most redpilled fast food? and why is it Five Guys

what is the most redpilled fast food? and why is it Five Guys

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Five Guys doesn't have a drive through, so it is not fast food.

Five niggers isn't that great and stop misusing the term redpilled.

This is the only answer

>anti gay
>Christian values
>closed on Sunday's
I think you might be correct.


>Le $9 chicken sandwich and fries joint

It's not 5-guys. It's literally

In-N-Out is pretty based. Five Guys is for niggers.

>Five Goys
In-N-Out burger ftw

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>Le $9 chicken sandwich and fries joint
Quite right.
Keep the fucking peasants out.

Lunch is $10 now, poorfag. Even at McDonald's. I blame Chipotle.

These guys are obsessed with peanuts..... Seems a little chimpy to me

bet you can't cook worth a damn

>redpilled fast food

Yet another proof that Jow Forums is a joke site.

Eating whatever you want is the true redpill

>bet you can't cook worth a damn
My wife can.
I can get by.

>cooking in 2018
that's a lie

Chic-fil-a, Culver’s, five guys are all redpilled

Chick-fil-A has steadily been decreasing the size of their chicken pieces in the sandwich, strips, and nuggets while raising the price every few months. I can't get behind that shit -- it really is $9 for a meal there.

The best fast food is clearly Zaxby's or Bill Miller.

How are their milkshakes

Don't worry, it's a microwave

DAILY REMINDER: Eating Burgers is degnerate.


>paying for overpriced school cafeteria-tier burgers

Good goy!

SHEEEEIT! All this time I thought Five Guys was a place for gay orgies.

Zaxby's did me right when I was driving through Tennessee