I’m going to start making my own coffee

I’m going to start making my own coffee...

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aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20180508084237&SearchText=coffee grinder 600n

>b-but muh based Asians

They hate us too.

only because he/she has asian idol in photo doesnt make that person asian.

wow, stop spending money in those places?

>Muh qt azn waifu doe
incels BTFO

who the fuck would buy coffee? lazy fucks.

also asians are basically bugs.

How else do you get it? Stealing it? Fucking retarded Australians.

>Paying $2.99 for a terrible cup of coffee
>Not making your own with a pinch of salt

I hope you're not Finnish. You would shame your ancestors.

this fucker is nuts
"i hate white people"
"yeah i love white men so what"
the insanity clearly shows that whatever the pic is hiding is a poc

>Stealing it
come on leaf you know the answer

protip: when you see a professional looking photo of a pretty asian girl used as a twitter handle, it's always a fat nigger dweeb behind the account.

She can spit in my coffee any time

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south koreans in the US are hyper sjws


Guess Australians don’t deserve benefit of the doubt anymore.

you're a bug.

My family is from South Korea and we aren't leftists or SJW's and nobody is either.

If you do not grow, roast, grind, and brew your own coffee you are degenerate and will never be allowed into the ethnostate.

>wake up
>harvest coffee beans
>roast coffee beans
>grind coffee beans
>brew coffee
>oh shit
>it's 11 PM
>time for bed

>she spits in peoples coffee
>she think THEY are rude

socialist logic right there

I live in a rare micro-climate near the 45th Parallel where we can grow grapes.

If you're not growing grapes and fermenting your own Ice Wines you will never be allowed in the ethnostate.

Keep drinking your filthy slurp

Coffee Slurp is the biggest Clown beverage of all time. SLURP SLURP SLURP

that's not a real person, just fyi

Salt in your coffee? Do you put it in the grounds or in the cup?

she sounds like she is black and is definitely just avataring our fromis_9

Top Kek

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SK here are super traditional and all rightwing

And chkd

You swallow her spit when you kiss her so is this an indirect kiss?

Mfw she gets a service job and after a month becomes redpilled because white people, even at their rudest, actually still tip these days.

people that go to starcucks.

His point - - -

Your leaf head

Ebin :DDD

Shiet I'd be a customer for life if she spitted in my cawfee.

Just a little pinch in the grounds before brewing. It really makes it a lot better.

Like, scoop the grounds into the filter and gently tap the salt shaker on top twice.

>not already making your own coffee
Do you like to be charged $4 so some teenager can press a button for you?

The "muh based asians" shit comes from retards who idolize anime and JAV models without knowing a single goddamn asian IRL.

All the standard criticisms that people make of white women go double for asian women. They are the most shallow, vapid, shrill, materialistic, harpie-like cunts and thots in existence. And that goes even more for the ones who race-mix.

Anyone who unironically buys coffee from a shop is 200% maximum pleb anyway, even without shitskins spitting in your drink. It's so much cheaper, more convenient, and better-tasting to just quickly grind your beans in the morning and make some coffee in a french press. All you need is a kettle and a small coffee grinder and either a french press or aeropress. Takes 4 minutes to brew, it's so fucking simple. And think of you're saving by not needing to travel to a cafe, not needing to stand in line waiting, not needing to pay out the ass per cup of coffee, etc.

People only think starcucks and other cafe crap tastes good because they're used to drinking shitty drip coffee made with stale pre-ground coffee.

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If I’m at home I do not pay teenagers to make my coffee. If I want some coffee while I’m out in public I will buy it. Being autistic you might not understand these social boundaries, but it is unacceptable for me to enter a restraunt and go into the kitchen and prepare my own coffee.

Coffee drinkers need to be gassed

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this^ id pay extra to have her menstrual blood in there too

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Haista vittu

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He had no point. Laziness and coffee have nothing to do with one another, unless you somehow think being lazy and being tired are synonymous.

Gutter Trash: China, Korea
Not Awful Tier: Japanese
Almost Decent Tier: Vietnamese, Taiwanese

Hes saying "Dont be lazy and have someone else make your coffee; make it yourself" Ffs how retarded are you?

I fucking hate white people.

We hate you too.


it reads like a white libcuck who pretends to be a nigger pretending to be asian


If you ate white people it's usually a sign that you're a member of an inferior and inadequate race and thus have severe jealousy and anger.
White people think this is hilarious.


Is this specifically referring to Asian-American women? If so, sounds about right.

nigger...this is literally the dumbest post I've read on the chins all day.

No, it's true. Asian-Americans are all shrill SJW thots, and the Koreans are the worst offenders.

Ok, yours is the most retarded. Congrats. You win the trophy.

I do it all the time. All you do is keep your head low to the ground, don’t make any eye contact with any employee and just make the coffee. They won’t question you, trust me. If anyone says what are you doing mumble “gettin’ a check” or a something

Only a very stupid person would let people who hate them prepare their food.

Great argument.

Why would any woke person ever go to a restaurant nowadays anyway?

>You’re only supporting immigrants
>Immigrants hate you

Here, let me help you:
This is the grinder to get, look for it by the name "600N", it's a ripoff of the Taiwanese Feima brand, also called FeiYing, if you want the ceramic discs, you can just buy them and replace them for $20-30, but it's not needed
>aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20180508084237&SearchText=coffee grinder 600n
Get the EM-100 or similar espresso maker
Typically can be found for about $100, nicer versions can be had for a bit more, but this is entry level, it doesn't matter.
Take a dremel tool and cut off the bottom of the baskets because they are dual-walled and pressurized. Remove all plastic parts from the inside of the portafilter, it's just a screw.
For an investment of $200 you now have a setup which beats most coffee shops.
>Never buy any beans that were roasted more than 1 week ago.
All beans go stale after 15 days and are basically trash after 22 days.
>Grind only what you need when you need it
Grounds go stale after 15 minutes
>Sperg shit
You can be a sperg and roast yourself, but it's not worth it.
No, trust me, not fucking worth it. You will then fall into the 15 month shelf-life trap of green coffee beans, buying in 50-100lb quantities, and lose all the savings, this is the autism part.
>Normal shit
Just do it this way, find a coffee that is fresh roasted, cheap that you like, ideally around 5-6 bucks a pound and you'll be pouring your morning doubleshot for less than 20 cents a cup. Your grinder will last basically forever, your machine will last about 2 years before it craps out, but it has a warranty, so you'll get 4 years out of it.
2 double shots a day = 14,600 grams = 33lbs a year including waste
$200 a year in coffee
$40 a year in machine depreciation
=33 cents per double shot of espresso that beats most coffee shops and you don't have to be around niggers
>Everything over that is a nigger tax

>drinking coffee

She can just spit in my mouth plz


Woah kewl, I didn’t understand the part about the dremmel tool though

TC area, baby.

>drinking coffee
Grow up

You have to BUY coffee if you’re making it yourself you absolute cocksucking mutt.

>letters other handle your food
>drinking coffee
hahaha lmao wtfff dude
>caring about some random thot on twitter

I'm starting to think the fabled ethnostate is destined to be populated by one person who lives in his own mind... and in a cardboard box on the side of the highway.

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GIDF out in full force. Can confirm a lot of Asians are socjus trash. We have more Koreans than Mexicans in my area

You can either buy a new basket or just modify the one they include. All cheap machines have a false bottom so you think you are getting crema, but it's just coffee foam.
>Be retard
>Buy espresso maker
>Use shitty grounds
>Use shitty grinder
>Don't tamp
>Expect something like starbucks
>Be angry
>Leave bad reviews and return machine

>Be company
>Innovate new basket for retards
>Retards are happy
But you're not a retard, and you want actual crema, and will get actual crema, because you are using fresh beans and a real grinder and know how to tamp.
On that grinder, you'll want to grind around 1.5-2 on the dial-a-grind after you zero it. It's different for each type of bean, each roast, and how fresh. Limit your autism to this level of it or it will consume your life and leave no room for race war.

most people with kpop shit in their profiles are white or latino teenage girls

>white people are rude

This is not my experience AT ALL working retail. White people are pretty much always nice, the rude ones are always pajeets that have 12 kids with them and asains that act like they are owed the world (since most are crazy spoiled)

Why is Chaeyoung working in a coffee shop

>buying store bought "coffee" (probably a sugar laden drink)
>not siphon brewing extremely strong premium coffee over a halogen infrared heater lamp and storing it in a thermally insulated vessel that will stay hot for over 24 hour that you can drink or draw from with a syringe for intravenous use at your convenience.

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>how do I take coffee away from my house?
>what is a tumbler?

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At least we tip.

I used to serve tables in the chicago suburbs. We would literally fight over who would get the white tables, as they would usually tip at least 18%. On the other hand, a section full of Mexicans or blacks would pretty much mean no money for that round, as we would be lucky if they gave 10%. I've literally watched a nigger look at the 15% her parents left for me and take half of it. They literally have no consideration for others.

I pay extra for qt grills to spit in my food and drink

You should. Buying coffee is idiocy. Drinking coffee at all is idiocy. Just go to bed earlier and you won't need it

it was the 'enact the labour' Suey Pak who gave you guys a bad rep - boycot colbert or what ever retarded shit made her spit out her bibimbap.

Korean bro here. The odds of that person being Asian is somewhere around 2%.

Chances are it's a nigger. I've seen a lot of niggers using those type of pictures as their avatars on twitter.

>buying anything from a shitskin
>ever associating with them in any way shape or form

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I used to put bacon bits in Jew's salads when I worked at Joe's Crab Shack.

If I ever saw someone spit in my coffee, you best believe they're going to get a face full of hot coffee the instant they hand it to me, followed up by some quick punches and possibly a knee to the face.

All this anti-white racism is breeding countless warriors who will unleash our anger upon the world. And the world will weep, for they forgot how ruthless, merciless and tortuous the white man can be.

There is a whole subset of history devoted to the machines we invented to torture people.

It is soon going to be unleashed upon dumb bitches like this.

If she's the gook from her pic she can spit directly into my mouth

that's probably a self-loathing white weeb, not an actual asian girl

There's a big difference between asians and Americanized asians. The former are very traditional while the latter are almost as degenerate as white women.

I have never drank coffee. I have a thing, cant remember what my doctor said but if i take anything bitter my body will reject it one way or another. So this stupid Asian, leftist, yellow skinned, dog eating bitch can go and fuck herself.

And here thought Asians were somewhat based - looks like we were wrong.

>buying a $7 cup of sugar with 10% coffee
I fucking hate every single person who does this. You drink anything other than black coffees, you're a fucking faggot basedboy.

>quit coffee 3 months ago so I'm no longer dependent on the caffeine jew

It was fucking terrible the first month but I wake up and feel fine, just like I did when I was a kid.If you still drink coffee you're a goyim.

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Pornography and masturbation are much larger banes on one's life than a caffeine habit. I've eliminated both but occasionally still have a cup of coffee to energize me for whenever I truly need it.

Just because you said that I will brew some coffee and I will drink it both black and with liquor.

>Drinking the liquid Jew
You deserve it.

don't forget the soimilk

yes brew that coffee goyim, can't start your day without it or you will be low energy and cranky all day maybe wank off to some BLACKED while waiting for it to brew.

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if her profile pic is really her I'd pay to have her spit in my covfefe
and on my face

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