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I've known about this cult from 2013 thanks to a certain website run by a certain lawyer and a certain celebrity.
But the patriarchy is the one that f orces women to be in sex cults?
Don't give Vice a click.
certain faggot thinks its ok not to post sauce
We are dealing with an industrialized, neo-feudalistic system of child trafficking AND Pedophilia in Hollywood and government high places
why are rich cunts so dumb?
also when did BDSM become criminalized?
crazy days and nights?
who's running it?
NY AG Schneiderman just got busted
He sat on NXIVM allegations since 2011
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's father was in NXIVM
She was hand picked to follow Hillary
>yfw a real life sex cult runs the State of New York
You are now aware that she has been involved in bondage fuckfests.
I'll bet that cheeky cunt sucks a mean cock.
>If there was ever anyone who needs to fear for her life, it is this woman. She is facing decades in jail. She was someone sent out from the church in the local community not very far from the sex clinic where she used to work after being groomed in the church. She was supposed to recruit potential tween and teen boys. She messed up and was caught. The church doesn't want her telling any secrets.
>Kirsten Gillibrand's father was in NXIVM
wtf are yuo of serious?
finally some proper annons
Over several months in 2016, Allison Mack attempted to contact Emma Watson using Twitter. The “Smallville” actress told Watson on January 24, 2016 that she was “involved in an amazing women’s movement” and thought Watson might be interested in learning more about it. Mack followed up on February 19, 2016 by saying she was a participant in a “unique human development and women’s movement.”
“As a fellow actress I can relate so well to your vision and what you want to see in the world,” Mack tweeted to Watson. “I think we could work together. Let me know if you’re willing to chat.”
Watson never responded to Mack’s tweets.
based hermione
>women's movement
>Emma Watson
that little bitch was already spitroasted between Weinstein and some other other old jew perv.
Implying Emma isn't also a satanist
Eerily realistic.
Some of NXVM biggest donors were memebers of the Clinton Global Innitiative.
Vice..? I'm not reading that fuck trash. Lost respect once they ghosted the image of their first mag cover off the inter tubes.
saved dem feetz
Yes. That is correct As front hole havers, they lack agency at all times and can never be responsible for their behaviors.
lesbian nigresses and spics in jail are going to SNIFF HARD on dem feet, and much more.
What's to discuss? Jews are gonna jew
I am surprised Hillary hasn't gotten her suicide yet..
She was selling underage girls to bill and pedestal
I think (((they))) will simply stop supplying her with newborn blood and foreskins when (((they)))'ll decide to put Hillary out, she will simply die a natural death since her health is probably very bad.
nah, the swamp will be drained.
We all hope so, user.
Yawn, this is stupid and retarded like all Drumpf supporters. He was just making up nonsense, as usual.
Top fucking kek
I wish our president shitposted on twitter too
"Like Rand, Mr. Raniere divides the population into “parasites” and “producers.” No. 11 of NXIVM’s 12 “commandments” requires all followers to “pledge to ethically control as much of the money, wealth and resources of the world as possible” on the grounds that “it is essential for the survival of humankind for these things to be controlled by successful, ethical people.” In court documents, Mr. O’Hara has alluded to “a lecture from Raniere/’Vanguard’ on why his followers do not have to pay taxes.”
Ms. Bouchey said Mr. Raniere’s libertarian ravings are a “sideshow,” but the wealth within the NXIVM network is formidable. It includes former Enron executive Stephen Cooper, Black Entertainment Television co-founder Sheila Johnson, former U.S. Surgeon General Antonia Novello and actress Goldie Hawn. Richard Branson has hosted an intensive NXIVM course on the Caribbean island he owns. Mr. Branson is listed along with Sara Bronfman as one of the two “benefactors” of the 2008 Albany A Cappella Innovations conference, the culmination of Mr. Raniere’s brief obsession with a cappella singing."
thats a good read... cant find it one jewgle
"NXIVM’s deepest reserves of power are rooted in Mexico, where self-improvement guru Edgar Boone Sabag began converting members of the Mexican elite, including the children of two presidents, in 2000. NXIVM has since launched numerous campaigns in Mexico, most of them devoted to curbing violence through the power of song, street art and “compassion.”"