Israel serves the PM of Japan food in a fucking shoe. PM Abe is offended at this display of vulgarity.
What the fuck is wrong with kikes?
Israel serves the PM of Japan food in a fucking shoe. PM Abe is offended at this display of vulgarity.
What the fuck is wrong with kikes?
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That's what you get for trusting a kike
Abe isn't offended. The japanese view shoes as unclean.
it's not a real shoe-- but yeah, japs have a pretty conservative culture when it comes to "other people's dirt" even conceptually
Yeah they are unclean. Jews are disgusting. Next dinner will serve chocolate pudding from a child's potty.
Will there be foreskin?
Were you supposed to eat the shoe too?
absolutely no self awareness, if only they knew how ridiculous they look to the goyim
The scary thing is they probably didn't even thought it would be wrong in any way.
The Jew fears the samurai. Japan is superior to Israel in every way.
>implying they didn't do this on purpose
They are mad that Japan is trying to unseat Israel as Americas greatest ally.
The fact that he uploaded the pic onto Instagram tells me that he knows what he'd done.
He also probably edited Abe's face to make it look redder than it was, to humiliate.
Can you imagine them serving Trump dessert in a shoe? He would say "No way" and tell everyone it's time to go.
Jews are such filthy disgusting people
As a third gen Jap Brazilian I can tell you that eating out of a shoe if pretty much the most insulting thing you can do to a Jap.
If I did this to my parents they would drown me in my high tech talking toilet.
This reminds me of the fox and stork fable. Israel should be careful, offending a nation renowned for honour.
Kosher as long as there was no dairy in the shoe.
There's a big thing with feet and shoes here.
It's rude to move stuff with your feet, to put your feet on someone, to wear shoes inside... etc.
WTF is this a common Jew thing?
(((Modern Art)))
(((Modern cuisine)))
It is as much of an insult to a Jap than it is to go to a white person's home and putting your shoes on their couch or bed
David Hogg did milk ads?
>tfw abe
What is the public perception of this? Is it being talked about? I find it outrageously disrespectful.
This literally was the equivalent of Abe serving a pigs head to Netanyahu.
depending on whether or not we consider yanks white that's not a universal insult against whites
is "greatest ally" code for "greatest welfare recipient"?
Pretty sure the chef is trolling at this point
And he succeeded
Showing their dominance over the goyim via humiliation. Same thing when they force Western politicians to visit that satanic wall in that stupid hat. Vile vile people.
It was just a play on the word sho(e)kolad.
No and they haven't done this to any other chief of state.
This was a rare high profile state visit. Everything is planned meticulously at those. There are enough Jewish weebs who are familar Japanese culture. This was no mistake.
Like the rest of the world. What hipster faggots even consider this acceptable? Beside it could have at least be placed in some neutral foil inside the shoe, not some piece of cloth
Yes because it is famously forbidden to eat shoes in the Shinto faith, literally.
>fox and stork fable
Never heard that one. Gonna google it.
Abe could use this when netanyahu visits japan
Weebs BTFO
I don't know about the entire world but I think most people don't wear their shoes in their bed or on a couch.
To Jap people shoes are filthy and should not even enter the home. If I watch a movie with my mom who is a traditional Jap lady she pays more attention to the actors wearing shoes in bed than she does the plot of the give you an idea.
Serving FOOD in a shoe is fucking insane to a Jap
If Japan hosted, they could serve something like this because it's an ancient symbol used by Buddhism.
Frankie Muniz is claimed to be 5'5". My sister has a picture with him. She towers over him by at least a head. She is only 5"7".
I wouldn't eat it either. That's a fuzzy cloth inside to that shoe. It would get fuzzy shit all over the desert. These people are like animals.
I agree, this is all the chef's doing. And is he allowed to post pics on social media about his employer and other guests that he cooks for? I'd fire him.
I'm sure the shoes were brand new, you wouldn't be disgusted by a fresh roll of toilet paper right?
Yeah that's the most nutritious part
>Serving FOOD in a shoe is fucking insane to a Jap
Yeah, especially because shoes have such a connotation in Japanese culture and personal hygiene, I think this was delibrate, to disrespect the Japanese people
That kid was fucked 5 ways from Sunday if you read his online posts. He retired with plenty of cash to Arizona and has some weird obsession with scorpions. He hates them so much he hunts them like some soon to be serial killer.
He should get a blacklight and hunt them at night as they glow in the dark under blacklight.
Looks like someone ran out of toilet paper.
Intentionally shaming them. Trying to tell them they're literal bootlickers. Jews love this.
I know Jews hate to spend money, but surely they could have afforded proper plates.
I don't know where you're from boy, but if you don't kick them damn boots off at the door you ain't coming in.
Here is a dessert the same Kike Chef made when Trump visited.
>What the fuck is wrong with kikes?
They're the enemy of everyone.
Does not matter if they are new or not, shoes are seen as fucking disgusting to Japs.
How pissed would your mom get when you drank milk out of the carton, same principle. Shoes are seen to Japs as filthy shit.
actually, brazilianimals aren't even disgusted by shit stained toilet paper festering in a pot
By the holy baby Jesus did bibi marry a pitbull?
Destroy Israel
Better than serving him an 8 day old baby dick.
> to restrict teh spread
Nice try leftypol
Possible jappening soon?
In op photo... creepy weird hands on table. Maybe the zipper head was offended by the entire dinner
No plates for the goyim!
Why are chinks always so autistically serious? Just enjoy the fucking food
You are correct.
It was a gross insult. Members of the Jap community in Brazil were red pilled by this shit. Even my mom and dad think Jews are assholes now HAHAHAH
Thanks Israel for red pilling my parents
He had some brain damage actually. I read he forgot most of his childhood including his time as Malcom.
>I think this was deliberate
I wonder (((why)))
>If I watch a movie with my mom who is a traditional Jap lady she pays more attention to the actors wearing shoes in bed than she does the plot of the give you an idea.
American here. Wearing shoes in bed has always seemed incredibly weird even to me.
So many kids can read a script for a movie like My Dog Skip that I wonder how the actor is chosen, no wonder sexual abuse abounds and many former child actors end up like Jake Lloyd and Macaulay Culkin.
>Be me
>See OP thinking it's some kinda weird "art" piece
>think the journalist is just sperging
>think Abe likely thought it was funny
>see this
That chef is a cunt.
Yeah. As a carpenter I have worked on a house where the wife was Japanese. It was considered rude to wear shoes in the house. When I was asked to take my boots off I knew this and did. Normally I don't take my boots off as It's part of my safety wear. And I like to set a certain standard of not letting the customer think they can make stupid requests.
Why do jews have such low IQ.
Jap Brazilians are not favela dwellers Jean-Pierre.
The largest Jap pop outside of Japan lives in Brazil. Open a fucking book
* International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) head Yukiya Amano has affirmed that Iran have been following protocols during their regular checks.
* Japan is pro-iran deal
* Japan supports a Palestinian state:
>Japan is set to recognise the State of Palestine and boost its funding for vital projects in Gaza, in response to the US' damaging cuts to UNRWA.
* Japan refused to move their embassy to Jerusalem.
Just a coincidence goyim. Nothing to see here.
they will just stop inviting them to dinners. end of story.
Japanese will have to deal with it or not. Up to them
Meantime, many jews seek attention, any way they can get it, for no better reason than they'd die without it
Did Netanyahu elevate his stinking self via this gross insult to his guests? Do you admire him? Or is he an uncivilised, attention-seeking ape in a suit?
It all says more about the israylees than about the Japanese. Just another israylee fail. If the US stopped supporting israyle, it wouldn't last two weeks and that's the truth here
Fried foreskin calamari in brown shy dipping sauce, jewish delicacy
Ya, I also read about that, I think it has to do with epilepsy or something of that nature.
Pretty fucked up that his life is now reduced to a howard hughes type existance.
Hitler must have had a lot of these desserts
the main course: glove
dessert: shoe
the meeting about: ???
Pure Land Buddhism where you pray to Buddha for salvation and now even the historical Buddha at that even though Siddhartha said to never rely on an external deity, seems that humans love heresy.
Jews all the time pretend to be white, but you catch glimses of their alien culture that betray how weird they are.
>It's part of our culture, goy. Now eat from shoe don't be disrespectful little shit.
Nothing beats Jewish imagination when it comes to humiliating people.
Do the Japs in the Brazil mix? Do you guys still speak your language and follow your traditions?
I think that most educated people don't think it is a good idea to wear shoes in bed LOL.
Hitler was a real jerk
Bibi must be using the same person to give him on cultural advice about the Japs that Hillary used when she gave the “reset” button to the Russians which didn’t actually say “reset”.
Drinking milk out of the carton spreads bacteria, while brand new shoes are as clean as anything else. This neurosis about shoes reminds me of how Mohammedans are about pork, but at least they have the historical basis of trichinosis. All snowflakes melt someday!
It's common sense. It astounds me how Anglos don't have a problem with this here. Although there is a minority they are not cool with it.
Chosen based on how fuckable they are to the Jew Pig that is directing.
There was an interesting story I read back in the day about a top Korean actress that committed suicide. She left a note detailing the "casting couch" room her agent had secretly hidden in his office. In her note she explained that if you are a model or actress/actor (no matter what country) you are chosen because you are ok with whoring yourself.
Sick practices
I had Chinese roommates who threw used toilet paper in a bin instead of flushing it, I noticed because of the smell and convinced them to start flushing. Sometimes I think third-worlders obsess over one aspect of cleanliness (or "cleanliness") to try to compensate for their filth overall.
maybe he skipped on renewing his turista loicense?
what the fuck? i can understate shoe-like plate thing, but a real fucking shoe? wtf