
ok so let me give you guys some backstory

>Be me like 2-3 days ago
>wrote an amazing speech on immigration and shit for the national tests we have in Sweden
>My teachers wont allow me to give the speech to my class for fearing that i offend someone
>I get angry that i wont be able to redpill the few people that get to listen to my amazing speech
>go talk to the principal cuz my teacher is an overweight feminist with colored hair

>tfw the principal already knows
>tfw they have contacted skolverket (National Agency for Education) for advice
>tfw they also say that the speech is too offensive to give in front of an audience

>ok so im fucking pissed at this point and hate the fucking timeline i was born in
>decide to record me talking to the principal
>went pretty good actually
>decide to record my teachers response to my speech
couldnt hold it in front of an audience but had to give it in front of her

>upload it all to youtube

>it backfired

my teacher filed a complaint to my youtube channel that she apparently new i had , saying that i had to remove the video in 48 h or else youtube staff will remove it

i know im right about this because a few friends linked me to a bunch of articles about yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen (freedom of speech). But im scared that she will take legal action or expel me.


my talk after the speech with the teachers:

the speech itself for you sweden fags reading:

Attached: kek.png (1693x611, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>YouTube is the only video sharing site

Put it on liveleak

All anons that can need to get to subtitling this, your story, and the actual speech in whichever languages they can and spread it as much as possible.

Yea i can start subtitling the video, im rendering my talk with the principal right now

Welcome to goatfuckistan. This is why the country is turning upside down, keep fighting the commie fucks.

Glorious bump!

>According to the Swedish Penal Code (Brottsbalken)(SFS1962/700)Chapter 4, 8–9 §§, it is illegal to makeunauthorizedrecordings of telephone conversations (a court can grant permission for law enforcement agencies). Also, anyone participating in the telephone call may record the conversation—at least one party must be aware of the recording. A recording is always admissible as evidence in a court, even if obtained in illegal matters.
>this is tricky as it says it illegal
>But he was denied to free speech by his techers
>So its counts as evidence where the teacher is stopping him from excutiing his right of speach

bump eet

>mostly she is trying to threaten you to back down
>the best way to respond is tell her bring it on in the court

haah fyfan vad du schoolade dem.

new link to the speech:

i put it behind a comfirmation wall originally

I cant wait until the assassinations begin.

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well yes. Had to spam it somewhere

How old are you? What kind of school level?

You mean, sucide by two shotguns slugs n the back?

can you guys stop trying the first link to my speech, its spamming my phone, use the other link instead, its open

17, its called gymnasium here but its kinda like highschool

Aren't you the same user who posted printouts all over the school?
If yes, then You are a legend user. I can't help you here sadly.

The indoctrination starts way earlier though...

No but i know him irl

Well that as well. But mainly what happens when the outcasts of the outcasts feel disenfranchised and society is under rapid change.

Think Incels just much more ideologically convinced and with much more firepower.

Its going to happen on a larger scale than what we are used to now. The average white mass murderer is around 30 years old. So im guessing if things does not improve economically until the 2020\25 we will see a new type of political assassination in the west. Not for gain but for revenge.

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Not a phone call, it's in person.
>I accidentally hit record in my pocket and discovered this tape later before I uploaded it.

Tell him he's the MVP my mahallo!

So you are still a minor?

nigger, threst of the world doesn't understand svenske bs

punch her in thefuckig nuts though, imo

Nåväl. Har du funnit att det kanske inte är en bra idé att vara rumpa?

yea legally

hur menar du

pretend someoneelse did it then

What the hell?!
@2:00 min, the sour cunt says "it's the person that feels offended that is right"
Is that a law or is she just real dumb?

Keep this up, put subtitles on it. Put up the whole speech too. They have no power over you on youtube.
Make mirrors, upload to liveleak if they happen to manage to go trough government channels to remove it.

>media owned by a small number of "foretag"
good one on holding back on saying jews

Yep, so, the recording without consent and knowledge of the other parties and the publishing said recording is a problem. Not a smart move.

You want to drag your parents / legal guardians into this?

Ignore the mountain jew.

You are within your rights. Fight this shit. Do not back down. No matter what.
They will threaten your future, they will threaten your freedom.
But with the problems you address in this video you have no future or freedom anyway. Realize this.
You have nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Are you stupid?

no, but in this case im right

It is legal to record the conversation if any member consents, even if the person who is recording consents. As long as im a member of the conversation im legally allowed to record audio

do you not think ive researched, nigger?

You are. He did not break the law by taping a conversation.

Fight it, and try to forget about Jow Forums forever.

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you dont have to take it down...tell them to try to get youtube to take it down and that you dont give a fuck. threaten a lawsuit

What exactly is the problem here?
Can't you record the speech alone and spread it to your friends?

>teacher threatens legal action for what a person uploads on their private video sharing account

All I can think of is if she's in the video or some shit, and doesn't want to be. otherwise lol, tell her to fuck off, she can't dictate what you do on the internet

Your country is retarded and I have no idea what legal protections your country offers you
> America we have free-speech
> in America “hate speech” is not a thing. It literally does not exist in our legal system because all speech can be “hate speech”

> The only real advice I could give you is never ever back down
> under no circumstances should you apologize
> I repeat do not apologize no matter how much pressure is being put on you
> do not apologize
> do not say sorry under any circumstances
> if you apologize you go from being the victim to the victimizer
> do not fucking apologize
> if you apologize you be looked at as weak and damaged goods
> do not fucking apologize

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I will not ever back if they try to remove my freedom of speech, that is never happening.

Im willing to die for that right

In this case I like being a mountain jew. Here it's illegal to record someone without their consent and it's illegal to publish this recording. (Except business related like orders, reservations and similar actions.)

So, thank you swiss penal code. We take our privacy seriously.

>be me

Head back to R*ddit, friend

a bump for /ourunderage/ vikang
Swedish AND GenZ but fighting the good fight, perhaps all hope is not lost

Don't apologize. They're not your friends or family. They'll use your submission to attack further. Don't apologize. You don't have to be antagonistic, in fact calm is better. If they get angry with you demand an apology from them, or tell them they're being to hostile to communicate with and walk away.

Thanks for the advice, im trying to translate the 2 15 min videos right now and hopefully the speech but that will take a while


Ta bort inloggningskravet.

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jag la till en ny länk, men kan skicka screenshots också

+ ta kontakt med FriaTider eller Nordfront (beroende på var på sojaskalan du befinner dig). De har kört liknande artiklar alldeles nyligen och tar nog gärna emot det här.

>15 posts by this ID

shills can't compete with school closing, see you at the other site during the summer frens

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Sweden is a one party consene country. OP should be oky

en kompis i nordfront har skickat första videon redan, vet inte om de tar upp det och jag har redan skickat in detta till fria tider men om de blir spammade med samma story så kan den inte missas

When I was your age I was edgy and very confrontational, constantly wanting to cause controversy.
I soon learnt that I would get no where in life unless I shut the fuck up and kept my head down.
Don't fall out with your teachers because you want to reveal your power level. At your age they could fuck up your life.
Wait until you are at University to debate immigration and nationalism. High School is just a means to an end.

I love my country. From the snow-covered fells in the north, to the beautiful cities in the far south.

I love our history. From the Swedish Empire to the peaceful country we've had for several hundred years.

I love my people, and not just those who agree with me politically, but I respect those who directly oppose me, even though they don't respect me back.

Yes I love Sweden, I love everything that this country is about and stands for.

The only thing I don't love about this country is who runs it. From the moral know-it-alls on the left, to the populists on the right, both of whose opinions flip-flop depending on the state of the country. These politicians want nothing more than to benefit themselves. They don't care about preserving our beautiful country. The only thing they care about is how they are to turn the opinion of the people to their side, so they get more money and more power.

However, all of the Swedish political climate is now changing.

The politicians are starting to panic now when they realize the people don't want mass immigration where grenade attacks and gang rapes are a daily occurence. That that which they have created isn't a multinational dream society, but rather a nightmare for the majority of the people who are now starting to realize the problems, even in the richest parts of the country.

Welfare collapse, hospital queues and housing queues, all record-breaking, unemployment which in some areas have never been seen before.

What these politicians are trying to do is brainwash us into believing these problems don't exist, that the housing shortage has no connection to the immigration of hundreds of thousands of persons. That the GDP is going up, which is just a side effect of more people using money. Of course it will go up if we take more loans due to the housing shortage, of course more money will be put in supply if the banks can create money from all these loans infinitely.

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>be a coward
I'm sick of this. Advice like yours nearly killed me


doesnt look like anything to me

>>be a coward
>I'm sick of this. Advice like yours nearly killed me
IF you look at OP's posts he admits that he is 17
At 17 teachers can fuck up your life if they hold something against you. High School is merely to get to University. Once you are an adult and have a place at University that is when you should voice your political opinions and debate with people.
Not at fucking 17.

What these politicians are trying to do is paint an image of Sweden which isn't true, if not just true in the richest areas where almost all of these politicians live.

They spread this through -based mass media, almost all of which are either controlled by the state or Bonnier, Schibsted, or Stampen

They're trying to prevent us from seeing the truth, because they know the truth hurts them.

This leads to why all parties except SD [TN: civic nationalist party] support the constitutional amendment [TN: which would make it harder for alternative media to request public records]. They are afraid of the truth, and how the people have the truth at their fingertips thanks to the Internet and people who dare speak freely. This scares them.

I will presumably be painted as a racist, nazi, and in geberal politically incorrect by the supporters of this establishment and probably the majority of you, just because I love my people, my country, and not these goddamn rats in power.

I don't care about these labels anymore. These labels only have power in case you're silenced by them. Dare say something and disregard the consequences if that which you say truly is something you believe in. If you do this and go against the stream more people who agree with you will stand behind you and they too say something. And if we are many enough who have had enough of how these "representatives of the people" act we have a large chance of actually making a difference.

Dare to scream, dare take attention and more of all dare speak the truth.

Who knows, maybe people in other countries even see what's happening in the "most progressive country" and these persons too dare exclaim the truth.

It's so sick that the media has managed to paint the truth about our country as taboo, that it's politically incorrect to speak the truth. To point out what's wrong in Sweden today as something one shouldn't discuss with people, and many don't dare, but I do.


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