IDW or Intellectualternative media Dark Web is a term used to refer to center-right e-personalities that challenge orthodox cultural narratives on
IDW or Intellectualternative media Dark Web is a term used to refer to center-right e-personalities that challenge orthodox cultural narratives on
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>"Identity politics is a toxic ideology that is tearing American society apart."
Not so fast.
wow I fucked up this post lol
good post
you are functionally illiterate
You might be drain bamaged.
E-celebs are fucking cancer and a detriment to any Right-Wing movement. We should be totally decentralized
Typical kike attempt to reframe the Right into something that doesn't threaten them.
fuck it, have an upvote!
Everything is discussed openly in Germany and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an employee, the other an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing dishonorable about choosing one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen in public and where matters are unclear or confused one settles it by argument and counter argument. But there is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic.
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.
Profiteering off of identity politics (such as Jesse Jackson and others) and identity politics are two separate things. The author did nothing to discern between the two in this weakly structured, assumption laden sentence.
While I certainly understand what the author intended to mean, it is not what was written.
It's so weird though, because it feels like even they can't touch them, all they can do is pretend to support them for now and draw their bolshevik hordes into their viewership to encourage outrage. For the time being it seems like they are pretty seriously untouchable.
fuck forgot my parentheses. Alt media seems untouchable.
>detriment to any Right-Wing movement. We should be totally decentralize
kind of agree, but its good to have figureheads who argue for cultural improvement. Normies will never be capable of forming their own arguments. That's why we need people like these guys to think for them and give them a semi-safe ideological box to put their latent autism.
>Dark Web
Tor isn't the dark web, neither is shit like the Daily Stormer
the blue checkmarks on twitter are all incredibly butthurt over the article
i dare say bari weiss is /ourgal/
this kind of dark
In what world I'm in when I'm supposed to believe that Ben fucking Shapiro is a fucking political renegade? Is this some sort of Jewish trick to make neoconservtive appear edgy and subversive, thus giving it an injection of cool that will draw in the youth?
An actual essay on renegade and subversive thought on the internet would probably focus on Nick Land, Dugin or Benoist, not these boring fuckers who's "edginess" consists on wanting thinks to be like they were under Reagan.
>Intellectualternative media Dark Web
Why do these cunts always associate Jow Forums and loose allies with words like "dark", "incel", "supremacist", "racist"? Are they trying to shut us down?
>Shapiro, Sam harriss, Candace Owens, Peterson, Dave Rubin...
>far right dark web
I could have wrote a better article about far right dark web than this.
Nah, bruh. We need e-celebs to bring in new people. Once they in, then they will go deeper and become independent. It's a two stage process. We don't need to do it just one way. That in itself is a form of centralization.
how much money does the New York Times get from the government?
Basically correct. Kike media wants shit like Ben Shapiro to be seen as “far right” when it reality it’s just barely right of center.
Helps them radicalize their useful idiots against “Nazis” like lolbertarians and free market enthusiasts.
>Intellectual Dark Web
>Joe Rogan
>The absolute state of the MSM
Sounds like Shapiro's twitter and youtube is a good place to hang out and spread redpills among receptive soil.
>I was meeting with Sam Harris, a neuroscientist; Eric Weinstein, a mathematician and managing director of Thiel Capital; the commentator and comedian Dave Rubin
so he talked to a bunch of jews about the "alt-right". i think im done with this bullshit article two paragraphs in lmao
The writer literally says he needs gatekeepers and hand holding in the last sentence. A beautiful moment of lucidity yet devoid of self awareness
I dont mind these guys but its pretty obvious they dont push things far enough. Also the worst thing an intellectual vanguard can do is come off as cringe and they are 100% nailing being cringey fucks
>It literally calls them heretics
I know it's doing it as a joke, but do they really not see the irony here?
These are the same people who argue that speech is harmful and that everyone they don't like should be deplatformed, right?
I was watching a video from this absolute retard on Youtube called "ThreeArrows", maybe you've heard of him. His only argument in all the videos I watched was to compare the subject at hand to Nazi Germany and read off statistics about Hitler. That was it, that was his grand scheme. These people are shocked when no one else wants to play ball with their bizarre thought police game.
Yeah exactly, it makes me laugh that we have an "edgey philosophers" group that excludes Land and Benoist is embarrassing. Havent looked but I bet they dont have Houellebecq on either
This is the new middle that wants to replace the current left (and they just might) and is superficially reasonable. Their positions aren't based on principled grounds though they would claim otherwise. You can tell that their true north is appearing moderate and inoffensive above all else.
The New Middle probably will replace the current left because those people have hit peak madness and I don't see a way back for them. The far left of the New Middle is Steven Pinker, the far right extent is Ben Shapiro. All of them have in common an animosity to national identity, a hatred of human nature, and an intense desire to remake man in a new globalist image.
Also why would you only want to listen to state-sanctioned philosophers? Doesn't that defeat the whole point?
You're living in a world that has shifted so far left that anything center or center-left is considered radical extremism.
This is your reality. Ben Shapiro is considered an underground renegade because he doesn't think there are 200 genders.
What the fuck is with this photo
>Ben Shapiro is considered an underground renegade
He ain't considered shit. That is straight up marketing bull shit.
We all know the what actual intellectual dark web is because people will never mention it in polite company.
>IDW or Intellectualternative media
Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) is a term used to refer to center-right e-personalities that challenge orthodox cultural narratives on alternative media platforms.
My bad guys.
>He ain't considered shit
yeah, less thanthat
Chkd for Malcolm X copy pasta
>He ain't considered shit. That is straight up marketing bull shit.
Yes he is, he's considered far right now along with Milo and Spencer.
That's the reality you live in. Where normies hear Shapiro's name and don't think of his Israel shilling, they think "Oh! That's that alt-right guy on the internet."
This is life.
You're living it.
It's only going to get worse.
Go look up some of the "left"'s heavyweights on youtube like Shaun and Destiny and you'll get a feel for what it's like being a retarded normie who thinks everyone near center is a Nazi.
the whole set of photos is bonkers and Joe Rogan isn't even an alt-right e-celeb
Liberal ideology has so solidified that any disagreement with it is seen as radical. This solidification makes their ideology brittle and threatened by any dissent. This is why they are so focused on censorship.
This brittleness makes it easy to fracture them, pitting subgroups against subgroups, like POCs against white women.
The author did an interview on MSNBC earlier today, had some entertaining moments. They had a moment where they almost started talking about biological differences between race, before ironically shutting it down. com/watch?v=SzXhwUBW8mM