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RSBN (ourchannel) fires Jewish Lookner, hires southern belle instead

Attached: bdNERr[1].png (387x356, 220K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: milkers wow.webm (720x1280, 1.87M)

She sounds aussie

live now

>milkers wow.webm
hi darpeesh

>implying that isnt a man
>Tera Broaddrick
>Tera Broaddick
Think again. Careful now.

not her


The shit she's doing is repulsive but those tits are gigantic

Attached: 1525686058960m.jpg (894x1024, 100K)

Southern accents are the fucking best! gets me diamonds every time

Attached: America girls.jpg (2726x3509, 2.36M)

source please man

You're sitting there with your pants down already, aren't you?

>You're sitting there with your pants down already, aren't you?

that's the point of asking for a source

>pls donate goy
How many times did she beg for donations? I literally randomly scrolled and stumbled upon donation begging in 15 seconds.

The point would be valid if it's a porn or if she's at least getting naked. I doubt this happens in 'the source'.

who can take her serious with being 18 yo and that retarded accent

Why'd they get rid of Lookner?

Attached: steve lookner.jpg (400x400, 28K)

No one. She isn't pretty enough to make up for her accent and stupidity.

he opened his own channel "Agenda-Free TV"

Laura looks like that scare in inland empire

This one

ayy lmao eyes


Sure does.

a name is enough though

Oh yes sure, but I doubt it's a pornstar. She might as well be. Stupid slut.

she's cute
wtf is RSBN though?

Our channel apparently

Attached: 1525722059318.gif (385x473, 2M)

She looks like a Pettibone sister.

Kek even portuguese knows