>Gets famous for looking like Nordic prince
>An actual role model to kids (the only one, really)
>Makes the red pill easy to swallow for normies
>Rigorous and calculated anti-brainwash narrative
>Genuinely humble and down to earth
>Unchanged by fame and riches (rare)
>Expresses righteous indignation without overdoing it
>Individualist, rejects all forms of group think
>Values truth above all
>Names the Jew
>literally /oneofus/
>Still making Hitler jokes
Are you not impressed?
/OURLAD/ does it again
While pol made me like him he could at least be more serious either sometimes or just in generally a bit throughout. If pol is right that he forms the new generation he should also more of like a parent to them.
Also prayers and Gadol Elohai to you white brother in South Africa
Just another shitty videogame youtuber who got bored of his job and is milking it as much as he can before he quits.
>married a brown shitskin
Stfu ahmed.
Probably a shitskin as well
>needs a memeflag to tell a lie
memes and shit aside: why do we still have memeflags? it was funny at the start, but it's just only pathetic, not even annoying anymore.
He will always be an entertainer for little kids, since that was always his demographic
What lie Mohamed? God, yurocucks are really pathetic
>be memeflag
>judges som1 by his flag
I'm russian Tyrone Lavorn
t.Shitskin living in Europe
Here are the stats for his channel.
Thought more underages watching him, hm
>this is white in russia
Thought he was a just your run of the mill youtube celeb douche years ago, but he really came into his own these last few years. He is a role model for the youth for better or worse yet at least he attempt to educate the masses on (((them))) in his own way.
His audience grew with him.
Thank God I don't live in cuckrope Mohamed
Shitty humour.
Shitty politics.
Shitty opinions.
Great role model.
Better role model than most celebs.
Thanks brother.
I think he is acting as a parent to them, knowingly or not. Gen Z has been intellectually abandoned to be raised by the media.
So fucking proud that he's swedish
Stop shilling here thanks.
What a fucking nigger!
K no more (You)s for you and yes, whiter than you Alwaleed Bin Taliban
This is deliberately misleading. Google doesn’t count young viewers
at least try.
I believe you.
"Sweden is the country most associated with the basedboy syndrome"
Quote from the latest episode
I can only imagine.
The irony of it all is fucking cosmic.
Shame his soon to be wife uses Tinder.
fucking mods
kek, saw her yourself?
bin that weak ineffectual banter m8
and thanks for bumping
>meme flag
You might as well just straight admit that you are shill
we haven't heard the last of based Mel...
holy shit, is lilwayne a friend of the bogs?
This is correct
I know and I love it, I watch him to help him out, been watching near enough since he started when I was still a teenager, now I watch him because of what he means to the movement.
Kosovo je Serbia
Israeli Juden.
yes, indeed it is so.
This is what nu-Jow Forums has become.........
damn, he got some powerful fucking friends
>first small village on mars will be named lil'waynesterdam