Éire/pol/ - New Week Same Shite Edition

Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe: youtu.be/aa7birRBmNM
National Party │ Páirtí Náisiúnta: nationalparty.ie/nationalparty.ie/ga/baile/
Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise.
Téigh leis an bpáirtí agus scaip an scéala / na méimeanna le do chairde ar líne nó eile.

Learn Irish │ Foghlaim Gaeilge:

Jewtube channels of note │ Cainéil Jewtube Chéimiúla:

Twitter Accounts to Follow/Shill │ Cuntais Twitter le leanúint:

Headlines │ Ceannlínte:
>Scally to be 'frank and forthright' in CervicalCheck investigation

>New evening rural bus services

>Facebook no longer accepting 8th referendum ads from outside Ireland

>'Free flow' Border possible outside customs union - Foster

>'Heads may roll but it's important they're the right heads' - Leo on cervical scandal

>EU pushed to change rules 'urgently' so we can introduce ban on plastic straws here

>Red squirrels return to Derry woods

>No 'statute of limitations' in NIO draft legacy paper

>Foster offers to act as facilitator in Enniskillen memorial row

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Other urls found in this thread:

checktheregister.ie/appforms/PVS1 - Postal Supplement - Illness or Disability [Bilingual].pdf
checktheregister.ie/appforms/PVS2 - Postal Supplement - Occupation or Student [English].pdf
checktheregister.ie/appforms/RFA3 Change of Address [English].pdf
checktheregister.ie/appforms/SVS1 Special Voters Supplement [Bilingual].pdf

I'm pro life and I want to keep the 8th Amendment, how do I help and what can I do?

1. Vote. The referendum is on the 25th of May

2. Make sure your pro life family members vote. If you have elderly or disabled family members bring them to vote.

3. Use social media. Share and post pro life content. Some pro life hashtags:

4. Help a campaign, there are many:
The National Party's Abortion Never

Pro Life Campaign / Love Both

Save The 8th

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Registering to vote

To vote you must be at least 18, an Irish citizen and an ordinary resident in the State since the 1/8/17.

Check if you are registered on checktheregister.ie/

If you aren't there is still time. Depending on your circumstances there are different forms and each has a different deadline.

You are not Register of Electors : RFA2 form
You are on the Register of Electors but have moved: RFA3 form
You have a physical illness or physical disability causing you to need to vote by post: PVS1 form
You are unable to vote at your polling station due to circumstances of occupation (including certain students): PVS2 form
You live in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution and wish to vote at one: SVS1 form

Deadlines for the abortion referendum:
Supplement to the Register of Electors: Tuesday 8 May 2018 (RFA 2 + RFA3)
Supplement to the Postal Voters List: Saturday 28 April 2018 (PSV1 + PSV2)
Supplement to the Special Voters List: Saturday 28 April 2018 (SVS1)

Forms can be gotten online or at a Garda Station, you will need to be in the presence of a member of An Garda Síochána to complete these forms so it's best to get it there. Make sure you ask them for form by name. You will also need to prove your identification and address, so bills and photo ID will be required.

Online links for forms:
checktheregister.ie/appforms/PVS1 - Postal Supplement - Illness or Disability [Bilingual].pdf

checktheregister.ie/appforms/PVS2 - Postal Supplement - Occupation or Student [English].pdf


checktheregister.ie/appforms/RFA3 Change of Address [English].pdf

checktheregister.ie/appforms/SVS1 Special Voters Supplement [Bilingual].pdf

The forms must be posted or given in person to your local Council office. It's recommended to do it in person to ensure that it gets there.

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Redpill me on this?

posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

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Damn that was quick. I was about to make one.

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the discord lads...

discord gg/jFTvpt

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Guys, explain this to me already. Can you now abort downies? If not, then you should all go and vote pro abortion.

"The truth is old , and it has been handed down to us by our fathers. It is not a new thing, devised to meet the exigencies of a situation. "
"Irish nationality is an ancient spiritual tradition, one of the oldest and most august traditions in the world."
"A nation's fundamental idea of freedom is not affected by the accidents of time and circumstance. It does not vary with the centuries, or with the comings and goings of men or of empires. The substance of truth does not change, nor does the substance of freedom. Yesterday's definition of both the one and the other is today's definition and will be tomorrow's."
"They have conceived of nationality as a material thing, whereas it is a spiritual thing."

- P H Pearse

(read the coming revolution and reject foreign ideology like white nationalism)


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It was rather slow, nearly 10 minutes late but I guess we can say it's running on Irish time to get away with it

The only downie that should have been aborted is you Pierre


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Bump for Great Parnell

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Srsly, you are against aborting defective fetuses and against the right of every family to become happy parents of healthy children?

Abortion Referendum - Social Media Operations:
>Operation Zyklon
Spread awareness of globalist connections to Repeal groups. Make people aware George Soros was caught funding them.
Related Articles:




>Operation Trojan Horse
Infiltrate Repeal groups and maximize toxic elements. There are fake profiles already pushing Repeal, LARPing as them should be simple.

>Operation Truth Serum-
Expose Repeal campaign lies and show the reality of abortion. Hijack Repeal tags on social media. Drop red pills on abortion.
Related Article:

Pro Abortion campaigns:
Twitter -

Facebook -

#RepealThe8th #Together4Yes

Time sensitive:
>Operation Bunker Buster-
Plan of Action: Raid the Repeal group behind the censoring of abortion information. Post graphic pics of abortion procedures and red pills on abortion in a rapid coordinated attack.
Target: mobile.twitter.com/repeal_shield

>Operation Drunken Monkey
Plan of action: Disrupt college students ability to vote by creating multiple nights out corresponding to the night before the vote.
Tags: #Sesh4Repeal #8sesh
Targets: Dublin and Galway students supporting Repeal.

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(((They))) are trying to legalize abortion in Ireland.
>Soros funding pro abortion campaigns.
>Media biased towards pro abortion campaigns.
>Celebrities supporting pro abortion campaigns.
>Corrupt politicians pushing abortion and involved with Soros funded campaigns.
>Abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks if the 8th is repealed.
>Abortion up to 6 months for health including 'mental health' if the 8th is repealed.

>Pro Abortion propaganda pushed by (((Irish Celebrities))).

>Whores want abortions.

>American (((Pro Choice activist))) stops local man from putting up posters.

>Soros funding pro abortion campaigns.

>Pro Abortion campaigns lying about the 8th Amendment to push abortion.

Quick Rundown on Abortion Referendum:
>Date of Referendum
Friday the 25th of May.
>Pro Abortion campaigns - RepealThe8th.
Want people to vote Yes and remove the 8th Amendment. They are mainly radical feminists, marxists, and socialists.
>Anti Abortion campaigns - SaveThe8th.
Want people to vote No and retain the 8th Amendment. They are mainly Pro-Life groups set up to fight abortion.

>Irish YouTuber gives basic gestalt on (((Yes))) campaigns.

>Irish YouTuber explains the utter state of (((Repeal))).

Save the 8th and save the Irish Future.

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well lads

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>Fake profiles shilling Repeal.

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Why did last night's Éire Jow Forums get Shoah'd?

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(((Their))) scared.

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>Groups connected to Repeal.

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goddamn immoral bastards

I thought so

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dia dhiabh a chairde

Get you a girl like this


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go home yank

lads the simon "the rat" harris posters this morning
top fucking kek



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Dia dhaoibh mo chairde. An bhfuil aon Gaeilge agaibh?

Speaking of fake profiles

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very scared.
this was on the "in ireland today" video on youtube

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Dia duit,tá Gaeilge ceart go leor agam mar tá mé a dheanamh mo ardteist anois.

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Ádh mór mo chara

cant link on phone
it was the (((irish independent)))) or the (((irish times))))

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An-maith! Ádh mór ort le do ardteist!

go néirigh an bóthar leat
practice your irish here

Lads, can anyone make a list of the main (((politicians))) pushing Repeal and their social media info.
Time to make the traitors sweat.

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Is math liom mairéad as wwoofail Sa téalann

start at the top

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Go raibh míle maith agat, Táim an-bhuíoch mo chairde.

The baby is to cartoony change it to a realistic looking kid and you've got a winner

I-is th-that an angel sent by god?

Anyone here able to tell me what is sung here
It's so beautiful I can't stop listening to it.
The Iesum dominum venite adoremus is obviously Latin, but what about the rest?

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Sounds like Scots Gaelic

Can you understand some words?

Jesus, Lord, come, I pray thee,
Jesus the Lord.

Let the Trio be praised
Gura Nollaig Mhic Dhè i!

Ios was born to our chief
In the farm spiral.

The world was too narrow,
Although He created it.

The one back was without respect,
God's Living Room e.

No protection, or thatching,
It allows the spray drum.

The wind will come back -
There are many windows that make it flat.

Macan is gorgeous
Arrived by a lot.

There are little benefits to sleep -
The bed of my jealousy is bad.

E slopes in the barn,
Damh closer to furrows.

The wild country of the devil
It sounds like a creature.

But God is the power of power,
King Who created us all!

Many times I made a rush,
I hated my crime;

I cleared from the door -
I would like that.

But his Mother is clean,
Your soul is without breath.

You will pray to Mecan
Let's knock on us;

No longer forgotten
How you have suffered and your debt.

Christmas Eve
In the hut the Bèthlem.

There was no welcome or no
on the tour along Beththlem.

Every door was bruised,
when Mother's mother was born.

Here it is.
It's not scots Gaelic, it's Irish

Attached: dominum.png (596x544, 55K)

Page 12. fionamackenzie.org/DuanNollaig.pdf
You could have just looked in the comment section

Thanks everyone
>You could have just looked in the comment section
I've been listining to it for more than half a year, so when I began searching that comment wasn't yet in the comment section (and I didn't check in the mean time). My bad.

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Do not listen to It's Scots Gaelic

That music is a bit unsettling.

Yeah that is Scots Gaelic lad. Even the songs style is

>Send some gays to Eurovision
>Get through
Really makes ya think.

>Really makes ya think.
Not really. Pretty much everyone knows Eurovision is 10% shitty music and 90% virtue signaling

Do you know any other good Scots Gaelic songs? Listen to these aul' Scots Gaelic-speaking Canadians. I feel more of a connection with these lads and Gaels in Scotland than I do with any West Brit/Jackeen: youtube.com/watch?v=EFpGS5PXj38


auctioning off my vote to who ever gives me the most amount of positive reasons that aren't just parroted Jow Forums jargon. Was originally going to vote against the most annoying side.

the eurovision is more bent than a damn roundabout its hardly a surprise

The Eurovision has been ruined for a long time now

This one seems to be well known on YT now

> I feel more of a connection with these lads and Gaels in Scotland than I do with any West Brit/Jackeen

I 100% feel ye.

Repeal are the most toxic and a No vote will cause worldwide salt from lefties.
If the country that legalized gay marriage by popular vote also rejected abortion by popular vote, the minds of lefties would explode.
Imagine Repealers calling the country that lets fags get married a 'backwards religious country'.

Be fucking hilarious alright and then we can go on the attack

If the result is No it will make people question whether abortion is okay.
Some European countries may demand their own referendums.

Vote No to maintain the fabric of society and with the added bonus of watching these lunatics freak out

but will they blame rural Ireland if it is no?

just think of the salt, i can hear them screeching already

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Who cares.
They can blame whoever they want.

Long live the squirrels of the old country, death to the American greys and all who harbour them

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Probably because people were discussing the state of Jow Forums

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Unironiccaly the best squirrel

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I'd prefer that they do. I want to know I have power over them

This pleases me.

Go raibh maith agaibh


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Lads if Yes vote passes who dares me to full on molest Simon Harris?
I pass by Lennister House every morning so it's no bother

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This is a board of peace.

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board of peace
dont do it, but would be hilarious if you did

I'm a decendent of patriots who fought in protection of the rights of the Gael. Our island is divided enough without this talk of West brits and our patriot dead warned against the use of such language. I may be a dub but that doesn't mean I'm not a Gael. Dublin has problems with brainwashing as all cities do but at the end of the day most of those people you condemn are not just your brothers and sisters but even more than that they are in the clutches of people who would/will cripple them given the first opportunity. They need help desu

Who else hates this onions faggot and his pathetic onions music.
Imagine almost dying just to get to see pic related. I swear to god, anyone who wears those problem glasses deserves a headbutt.

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I swear to fuck I didn't type 'onions'. I typed onions. WTF

Silly basedanon.

I hate Ed sheeran too but why are you going on about onions?

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I agree with you. There's undeniably a west Brit contingent though that fawn after "progressivism" and see the Irish Catholics as the "little people" to be brought in line with more "British" "progressive" values.

His version of galway girl is shite.

It's a word filter. Mods got triggered by soi.

Smile for all the sad lefty bastards having to sit through this, night after night!

Christ I hate this snivelling little fagoot

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