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Blumpf BTFO by based Iranian cocksucker
>enabling more people to have nuclear weapons somehow reduces the danger of them or their proliferation
I keep being on the fence about if this was good or not, my gut says it's neocon bullshit, but willing to wait and see. kerry/obama chiming in like this really pushes me into the 'fuck the iran deal' category.
If this works out for the better, it may be Trump turning the tables. instead of the US being israels attack dog, we're using israel as our dog in the ME. I might be ok with that.
Trump promised to undo his entire legacy until there was absolutely nothing to show for it and this should be no exception. It’s as close as we’ll get to King Nigger never existing that the goal?!
B-but I won a peace prize.
He thinks his opinion is still valid. How cute.
>There are few things more important...
Illegal Aliens
Legal Immigration
Building a Wall
To name a few.
I hate king nigger more then anybody else. But he’s actually right about this, Iran already hates our guts. By removing this deal where only showing ourselves to be pro-Israeli shills
I unironically support this in full.
Hahaha his official statements are now done via Facebook
What a fucking faggot
Where have you been? It got personal when Bobama read Trumps tweet on Kimmel.
>meanwhile kikes busy in a dozen threads that Jow Forums always liked this shit deal
So the plan is to set the world on fire because "lol obama".
>Not wanting Iran to bomb the shit out of Israel is bad
>he doesn’t want to watch the world burn
Why are you here?
I can't support "moderate rebels" Kelly even if I want to believe Obama's Iran deal was made in good faith
>DOW closes up points
looks like people dont like sandnigger Iran after all.
I sincerely doubt if he wrote the response but who cares what stupid nigger thinks that doesn't even know there are 50 states in the country he was elected to represent.
P.S. Get back our cash O Nigger!
I think the deal was a good thing, and I don't care that it was Obama that "did done it"
Iran wants nuclear power for energy and research
USA/Israel is afraid of nukes, so they make a deal wich solves everything
I'm open minded, but I don't see how Trumpsters can turn this into 1488D chess or something
this seems to be Israel's wishes for US sanctions on Iran wich may lead to war
Same. I just don't understand why the US is unhappy. The overseeing atomic energy commission said Iran was following all the protocols. What does the government know about Iran "cheating" or whatever that we don't?
Dude's not even a US citizen.
It's only fair that we undo everything he did.
Vid VERY MUCH related:
Trumpfags are literally calling anybody who disagrees with them a “Muslim lover”
Do Trumpfags not see the irony of calling Obama "king nigger," yet at the same time referring to Donnie as "God Emperor?"
is this another rapper?
>2013 trump criticized obama for warmongering in syria
>now obama criticizes trump for warmongering in iran
to name a jew*
fixed it for ya
No, what is the irony?
The primary goal is to keep the Israeli lobby satisfied so he can move his legislative agenda through congress. Erasing Obama's legacy is secondary.
Bin Laden's still dead.
>Iran wants nuclear power for energy and research
What do the mullahs make their public chant on a regular basis?
Ah yes: "Death to America!"
Now, what sort of nuclear research would the mullahs be paying their scientists to do (with billions from Barack Huessin) when their public M.O. is "Death to America?"
This is a complex topic, so take your time.
>showing ourselves to be pro-Israeli shills
you think the world doesn't already know this about america?
Was dead long before King Nigger was installed
That's some high grade salt, user. Saved.
>defending King Nigger
Jesus Christ
Another interesting point. Taken to the extreme, would another middle east war like iraq be worth it if it gave us real immigration reform, a wall, and so on?
Is that too close to a deal with the devil
Well, the insult to Obama is that he wanted to make himself a "king," considering the historical context of the US not wanting to be ruled by a monarchy and rebelling against it, yet Trumplets are perfectly happy to install the monarchy of the orange buffoon.
proof? oh that's right, they don't have any..
America has been fucking with them since 1953, I'd hate America too.
Nobody is saying that idk where you get that unless you do feel that Obama is in fact a Muslim
>having nuclear weapons means war and destruction
Haven't we already figured this out with the cold war. Nuclear weapons prevents war. If anything, every nation should have nuclear weapons. Those who push for denuclearization are unironically pushing for conventional war . Maybe these leftists are still upset that nuclear weapons prevented the soviets and nato from going to war, and instead of communism spreading, it was contained and slowly died.
The US will not be happy until Israel is appeased. Israel will not be appeased until US Bombs are falling on Iran.
I'm not saying that Israel has no reason to be scared
hence the deal
3rd party people would come and look through their stash
if they tried some shit and made nukes, they would be collectively punished beyond repair
the deal was good
stop being a fanboy
yes, he died in pakistan years before obama pretended to kill him and conviniently throw him to the sea
>Trump has made me agree with Obongo
Worst timeline ever. Fuck this kike.
>would another middle east war like iraq
Iraq was a success until Obama pulled all the troops out
Who hates Trump pulling out of Iran deal:
80% Democrats
Shareblue shills
But for some reason we're suppose to hate Trump doing this because..something something JEWS something something
You niggers need to try harder
This is what i am really curious about and I would like to do some research on this but if anybody has any insight:
How easy is it to deploy a real nuclear weapon? Do you just push a button? Is it 1 guy who flips a switch?
I imagine there’s a lot of infrastructure around housing and maintaining and developing and then overseeing nuclear weapons and if you are going to have people smart enough to go through all that it seems like they should be smart enough to not just give some nigger a app on his phone where he could press a button to nuke a continent.
I feel like whatever autist goes through all the process of developing nukes is going to decide to do something else cool like build a fully functional scale model version of the millennium falcon with working warp drive and lasers and shit.
it is for the benefit of Israel and Israel only. it's a justification for war in syria
No. Don't be a retard Jeb.
>Obama talking about the Middle East
>pls don’t destroy my “legacy”
The post
Wow bringing Trump’s skin color into it nice one you fucking bigot
We only do because we don't want more war in that region for obvious reasons. Please understand that some Europeans disagreeing are doing so out of pure self-interst, not to offend you but to defend our Europe.
What if we don't support Israel when they ask for it and tell them it's their fight now? Oh no, I guess we weren't siding with Israel after all.
We Isreal board now boys!
>he thinks people care about niggers
>invite millions of shitskins muzzies to overrun your countries
>Our Europe
It’s already theirs, you just haven’t gotten around to realizing it yet
Just you wait until 2020!
But most media/the left fucking loved when it looked like Trump was going to invade syria, then he pulled back. Now they are all pissed.
So we give them what they want even though they hate us? FUCK YOU retard. /leftypol/ wants you back.
Now that most of the alt-right is being purge from social media there are waves of these MAGA hate israel lovers running their dumb mouths. Either that or the pajeets who develop heuristics to detect and block bots have just made bots to spread conservative light, establishment approved ideas.
So that's a justification for a possible war with Iran? Because Europe already suffered an invasion due to war with Syria?
Nice one.
>they hate our guts
>let’s appease them
>Don’t want them angrier at us
You sound like a rape victim
Cry baby faggots
>Death to America
You do know why they hate us right? You do know why they have a shitty theocracy right? If you don't you are apart of the problem and need to shut the fuck up.
>my full statement
reminds me of the hillary book signing at costco
This timeline kek
>6 more years of this
Hahahahahahahah they can’t even lie to themselves anymore
>iran hates our guts
>brought to you by
I unironically prefer king nigger to Trump
but he didn't even do anything
What a dick, Obongo.
No no, don't acknowledge the irrefutable fact that Iran didn't hold up to its end of the "bargain;" just keep rallying against Trump and ANYTHING he does, anyway and encourage your followers to blindly do the same. My God, the current state of the Left...
It takes at least 3 people as far as I know of. 1 is the president and then 2 senior military officials to turn the keys.
This makes my happy.
>thinks Iran will actually do anything
It's NK 2.0, you retarded weak bitches learned nothing. Pay attention this time.
>hurry up muller
im ded
Monarchy? Nigger please... He can’t get a GODDAMN wall built because of Congress/ DEMS/ RINOS etc, but it’s a monarchy.... mkay
>I hate king nigger
*proceeds to obama cock sucking intensifies*
>How can we take 6 more years of this
kek They already know they can't win in 2020
I have agree. On the face of it, this move is only good for Neocons and Israel firsters who want to the wiggle room to drum up any excuse to go to war against Iran. I hope that the only reason Trump is doing it is to renegotiate the terms and avoid getting us into conflict.
>the deal was good
>stop being a fanboy
Most people on the face of the earth, including most of Congress, have not seen the deal. What we do know is that there is no inspections in Iran without prearranging them months in advance. Meaning Iran has lots of notice and can simply hide what they are doing. They also have veto power on if the inspections happening at all. And there are side deals with the nuclear regulatory committee of the UN and others that even our most elite politicians can't see at all. Their behavior and their rhetoric towards America has been abysmal, including but not limited to massive public chants of "Death to America!" Obama sealed the deal with $1.7 billion dollars in assorted currencies, sent in the dead of night, for not-ransom to get Americans released from Iranian prison. This on top of unfreezing over a $100 billion in Iranian assets, assets that were originally frozen because of proven Iranian terrorism.
You can only defend what is known about this deal if you hate America and/or are gigantic idiot.
Snowden says he’s alive on CIA payroll living in Nassau Bahamas with like 3 wives & kids
That's because you need to go back.
pol will give you a ton of shit, but it probably was a more stabilizing deal
At least "king nigger" didn't bow down and lick Israel's boot. Today confirms the usa will do whatever the kikes ask it to do. I bet ben shapiro is jerking himself off right now
You realize Israel also wanted the US to get out of this deal? Do you really think Bibi Netanyahu plans on Iran getting nuclear weapons? Listen up little bitch, take your shithead out of Donny Doofus' butthole and try to make some sense a little. You can't just call everyone a lefty when you're a little Trump soldier ready to die for his God-Emperor and for Israel.
Fuck off commie
Pic related
if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if okie doke
Nice try, Jew
You should, illegitimate "presidents" do not deserve any legacy, and traitors must hang. Step 1 of 2 is well on its way.
Then why don’t you go write King Nigger a love letter you pathetic whiny little faggot, and in it you should totally ask him what the terms of the deal you want so fucking badly actually were since nobody even knows
>U.S. committed to regime change in Iran
Either the U.S. bitches out or it's going to get ugly because you can bet your pretty ass that neither Russia, nor Syria, nor Iran for that matter will actually accept the shit that happened in so many other ME countries.
And I, too, doubt that it will be escalated because I have faith in Trump but I am pretty certain that he will not put Israel on the line by threatening Iran seriously.
I honestly don't care about that desert personally. It's Europe that will suffer from war down there.