Press F to pay respects to Hitler

He was right and you didn't believe him. Press F to atone and pay respects to a leader we didn't deserve.

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he dindu nuffin, he was a good boy.


>He was right and you didn't believe him.
We believed, most of Europe believed, only you and the commies didn't believe.

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based Australian

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Sieg heil, herr Reichskanzler,mein Führer!

S for the Spergfuhrer, who ganged up on Poland with the USSR, destroyed much of Western Europe and handed the East over to communist domination.

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Of course we believed. Anyone caoable of critical thinking believed. He saved his country from the (((banks))) and he saved Europe from Bolshevism. Wish he was alive today, a man of unwavering integrity.


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After 4 minutes when it's 9 may Moscow time, I press a fancy letter on his grave. Don't worry, ally.

Untermensch detected.

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based frenchman

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The Fuhrer's backstabbing and incompetence led to the Soviets taking over a chunk of Europe.

I mean, I'm glad that Hitler gassed all those filthy communists (they deserved it), but that doesn't balance out the fact that so many whites ended up under Communist enslavement.

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>hitler had parkinson


he was a mad psycho who ruined a bunch of countries but especially his own

S. he killed more slavs than jews and gyppos. fuck hitler


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I don't think there is much to respect about him. He was a man driven by hate. He killed many good christians and tried to entirely destroy the chosen people. Why would you respect such an evil man. I would rather respect some man of great integrity, like Saint Peter.



communists are not people

also, he fucked up when he didn't listen to his generals and didn't go straight to Moscow to decapitate the commies


Fuck you anti-Semitic degenerate scum!!! Thank you based Jews for making westerners eat their own degenerate shit.

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fuck off, Rabbi

>starts unwinnable war for dubious land claim
>Slaughters millions of the best white warriors Europe ever had
>Damns nationalism and traditionalism irreversibly for the next 70-90 years
>allows communism to wrest control of half of Europe for half a century
>gives kikes the exact excuse to continue to fuck over Western nations because muh shoah
But let's continue to ruin the right wing's optics worshiping a man that most normies hate because they had cool clothes and fun parades

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Do you believe Christ is metaphorically fishing for out immortal souls? I do!

he was a failure and he lost



he lost because he was a total psycho who didn't listen to war experts


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death to america

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>communists are not people
you could genocide all of western europe with this rationale. a white man who swallows the JEWISH marxist bluepill is still white and can be reformed, and slavs are white and they are european whether you like it or not


Hitler was the final nail in the coffin of the white race

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Death to America, of course

The Jews intentionally created conflict between the communists of Russia and the Nazis. The communist movement was and is completely controlled by the Jews. It has been so from it's inception. Ofcourse, someone who has read Marx would know that this subversion was against Marx's wishes.

Marx himself was an anti-Semite and wrote about the Jewish history of usury in Capital. He even alluded to the Jewish conspiracy to overtake the communist movement in 'On the Jewish Question'. The Jews were not interested in Marx's ideas, or the proletariat. They simply wanted to exploit proletariat passions to pursue Jewish interests i.e. destroy the Church so that they could go back to their practice of usury (at the time made illegal by the Church). Ofcourse, when Marx was alive the JQ was probably only a glimmer. The completeness of Jewish control over communism came after his death.

Eventhough Jews controlled communism, they saw the minority non-Jewish pure Marxists as a threat to Jewery. So inciting tensions between the Nazis and the Communists was good for the Jews.

Careful there Hans, you don't want the Merkel death squad to come crashing through your window because you expressed a positive opinion on Nazi Germany

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>who else

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fucker wanted to destroy my nation
he can rot in hell

Do you ever post an argument or are you just gonna post "humor" that is meant to poke and prod without any principled stance

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He was a good goy. He made the Jews eternal victims, before then they were despised in society they had no reason to cry, he gave us the shoah. cunt should have deported them, that retard

>all of western europe
no, they're not Stalin's communist army

Jews were persecuted throughout history ever since Roman times. They were persecuted for good reason because wherever they went they loaned money with high interest and then enslaved the debtors when they couldn't pay back the interest.

It was only during WW2 that the Jews escaped Europe and took refuge in US where they were safe from persecution. They used their usury gained money in America to control the media and spread propaganda to tell lies about their innocent martyrdom.

Jewish control had probably been growing ever since WW1 because of banking and lending.

they never had anything but the exodus and second temple to point to though, and you could openly just despise them without any fear for repercussion, muh grievance from 3000 years ago. fuck that. now however, fucking hitler has made it forever taboo. it's another shoah

god damn hitler

S he fucked the world in the long run and killed millions of whites.

There were a lot of pogroms throughout history. Many were worse than the Holocaust, like the one in Kiev around 15th century. The difference between previous cases and Hitler's Holocaust was that in the previous cases everyone knew the sneaky Jewish economic practices. Everyone knew that Jews always have the mentality of Jewish supremacy and they want to enslave the goyim wherever they go.

At the time, Jews did not have their propaganda machine to wipe away all their sins and accentuate all of the harm done to them. The newly acquired propaganda machine allowed them to create the monolithic fetishized martyrdom.

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*laughs in victory*

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I don't think the Pope is Christian at all.

Destroyed Europe and made nationalism a meme ideology. Of course the people on this board worship the loser.

I think you are wrong. Jews are G--ds chosen people and can do no wrong. Of course there are Jewish sinners, but as a whole they are blessed.

Mein Fuhrer

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I was told this is a forum for healthy young Christian boys who do not masterbait, but this place seems to be full of sodomites and pagan idolatry.


I do not understand. Is this a joke? Is it supposed to be funny? Are you a funny person? Do you make this joke in classroom?

National socialism is the only true nationalism. The greatest thing you have is your own people.

And it worked. The third reich would still be standing today if the war never happened.

Facts aren't jokes. The Holocaust didn't happen.


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I miss you, Uncle Adolf!