((They))) are trying to legalize abortion in Ireland and remove our 8th Amendment (equal right to life for mother and unborn child) from our constitution.
>Soros funding pro abortion campaigns.
>Media biased towards pro abortion campaigns.
>Corrupt politicians pushing abortion and involved with Soros funded campaigns.
>Abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks in event of a Yes vote.
>Abortion up to 6 months for health including 'mental health' in event of a Yes vote.
>Pro Abortion shills tearing down No posters and foreign American pro abortion cunt attacked an old man replacing a No poster.
>Pro Abortion campaigns are extremely toxic and pushing PC nonsense.
>Reports of Repeal support dropping and pro abortion cunts getting violent.
>Soros funding pro abortion campaigns.
>Pro Abortion campaigns lying about the 8th Amendment to push abortion.
Quick Rundown Abortion Referendum:
>Date of Referendum
Friday the 25th of May.
>Pro Abortion campaigns - RepealThe8th.
Want people to vote Yes and remove the 8th Amendment. They are mainly radical feminists, marxists, and socialists.
>Anti Abortion campaigns - SaveThe8th.
Want people to vote No and retain the 8th Amendment. They are mainly Pro-Life groups set up to fight abortion.
this is a raid, post red pills and graphic pics on abortion.
They can't block everyone.
the soros shills have a blacklist set up feel free to contribute blocktogether.org
Save the 8th and save the Irish Future.