Guys, I supported Trump HARD during the election. I must have spent 6 hours a day arguing with my friends and family September and October and a lot of them won't talk to me anymore because of my views but I didn't care because I thought that Trump would bring some common sense to government.
Foreign relations was a big deal to me. I've had too many friends who died in Iraq and Afghanistan and I thought that Trump wouldn't waste our money and lives fighting Israel's battles overseas anymore. But today I saw that Trump is just like everyone else taking orders from Netanyahu and trying to start a war with Iran who's fighting ISIS. Honestly I'm really lost and I feel like I supported this guy for no reason.
I'm hoping that this is some 4D chess but I might just stay home in November at this rate even though I live in a swing state...
Didn't he say he'd get rid of the Iran deal before he was president?
Lucas Richardson
>Guys >I was, like you, of long-core hard time Trump supportment, but now he has gone too far, for even a Trump supporter like me >How was I to know that Israel controls our foreign policy? NEWFAGS, LEARN TO RECOGNIZE SPAM
Easton Wright
He has proof, though. Just look at this blueprint of an Iranian a-bomb that was found by the Mossad in an abandoned warehouse.
If you actually supported Trump throughout the elections you would know that he literally campaigned on ending the Iran Deal, Trump has pretty much fulfilled all his promises so far minus building most of the wall.
Charles Rivera
he's gonna let Israel fight w minimal involvement..... he'll hold off Isreal's enemies from joint and transforming the situation into a powder keg
but a final back scratch to fuck off in the future
any takers??
Parker Mitchell
He said that he would make the deal better and increase opportunities for American business, not take orders from Netanyahu. Don't try to tell me what he said like I don't know. Nobody who voted for Trump wanted our boys to die for another Israeli war in the Middle East.
Jaxon Martin
I know, huh. Trump says "America first" always. Trump said before the Iraq war we shouldn't and ran on no more stupid wars. The other Republicans (except Rand Paul) were all rabid about nuking the entire Middle East, and chided Trump as not being pro-Israel enough. And we get this. On the bright side, the alternative was Hillary Clinton and war with Russia - that psycho bitch wanted to start shooting at the Russians over Syria. Doesn't matter who you vote for, Israel has both candidates in their pocket.
Nolan Davis
who said they will?
I don't want that, I don't believe Trump wants that either
Nathan King
>fat degenerate cheating cheeto man taking orders from 180IQ Ubermensch that did multiple degrees in MIT with honors while taking breaks from studying to go home and fight as a special forces soldier . you should be thankful bibi spends his precious time ordering USA around . he has far more important things on his plate
>Guys, I supported Trump HARD during the election. I believe you, Sholmo. I really do.
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda. >Israel’s Online Shadow Operations >Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
he FUCKING CAMPAIGNED on this issue and you ask suprised
no fucking war chill out that shit is all a game
he solved the 'Syrian Gas' problem w/ 3 bombs at vacant bases and you believe it was real in the first place
the curtain is being pulled back, not a conventional situation
Ethan Walker
Trump campaigned hard against the Iran deal. Leaving it shouldn't come as a suprise to you. You are either lying, stupid, or a shill. Meme flag suggests shill.
Angel Parker
I hope you're right man. But that's what Netanyahu wants and that's what it looks like Trump is going to do with Bolton and these assholes around him. He's just buying into all their propaganda and all that leaves us with is more debt and more of our boys in body bags.
Isaac Wilson
Making the deal better for American business is one thing. Following Netanyahu's plans to throw us into another war is another.
And I don't get how you can call me a shill just like that. We all want what's best for our country.
Josiah Rodriguez
Don't be stupid Nobody wants to invade Iran Stop drinking the fucking Kool-Aid
Jaxon King
Jose Cook
If I'm wrong, turn the meme flag off.
Nicholas Howard
Maybe, but watch how it plays out. I could see what he was doing in Korea, but many couldn't and in the end China blinked. I'm not as sure this is a ruse but if it's the same ruse then more power to him.
I feel like we've been trapped by the axis of evil story of crazy dictators and if Trump can break through it in one case maybe he can in the other. Or maybe he'll start a nuclear war and end us all, just like CNN would happen in Korea.
Luke Wright
the absolute power play had to come sometime, I don't believe Trump views his army as indispensable
I think he has succinctly controlled China / NK from backing Iran and the Russian thing is a meme
let's give Isreal a wink and a nod we have their back from getting sucker punched
but we're smart about false flags and you can solve your future problems
Jaxson Williams
>He said
He said he was the most pro-Israeli politican ever and had jewish kids. Pay attention.
Austin Ortiz
When did Netanyahu say he wants war? He wants Iran to not have nukes because Iran openly says they want the destruction of Israel.
Levi Nelson
Hes not. Every conservative knew the Iran deal was a joke and ridiculous. Trump campaigned on it. We all wanted out of it. Trump will negotiate a better one with them (or try).
I don't know where the 4000 bots who are spreading the trump=israel shills came from. this wasn't a surprise to anyone.
Henry Robinson
What orders did he take?
Xavier Collins
>Every conservative knew the Iran deal was a joke and ridiculous.
>I don't know where the 4000 bots who are spreading the trump=israel shills came from.
I want you to go back to israel kike.
Jacob Gonzalez
and since Iran (and by extension NK) now definitively know American agreements are worthless, how are we supposed to negotiate shit?
Asher Torres
I wish Obama was president to fuck over the kikes.
Mason Nelson
>how are we supposed to negotiate shit?
that's the point. even if we do negotiate we will kill you regardless. So North Korea is buying time and will let these talks go on for a while only to build up their nukes.
this and fucking BOLTON was literally right there watching Trump break the Iran Deal fucking kek Is Trump compromised lads? Why is he letting in kikes ?
Luis Lewis
well he did campaign on beating ISIS and fucking MOAB'D those bitches, can't do that from drones
he has to clean up the corrupt Bush / Clinton / Obama fuck ups and satellite operations so faulting him for this is ridiculous
Christopher Mitchell
>>Iran breaches agreement show israeli flag, bibi
Jaxon Powell
>He's just buying into all their propaganda Yes, Trump is such a silly goof, being manipulated by those evil people that he was tricked into hiring.
>Iran can get nukes faster now >OMG Trump is a like!
Nathan Lopez
>Is Trump compromised lads?
that implies he wasn't always ZOG
Oliver Peterson
>Now, when Iran is not constrained by this deal, better invade fast before they have WMD! How can you not see the obvious?
Easton Sanchez
The kikes needed their controlled opposition in order for it not to become too obviuos that they run America, which is what Obama was. Behind closed doors the US never once stopped helping Israel. Trump doesn't need to do that because Obama's 8 years of 'swordfighting' with Netanyahu in front of the media in order to fool the goyim that there is some oppossition towards Jews was enough. Now Trump gets to play the role of the Jewish supporter and the next president after him will take the role of the Jewish opposser while America still supports the Jews just the same, regardless of who is president. Sorta like the good cop - bad cop routine played on international stage.
Americans are always antiwar. mostly because they are stupid lol
Lucas Cruz
>people acting surprised Trump is simply just another kosher kike puppet
Elijah Morales
No invasions means they will get nukes you get that right? They have like massive facilities under massive huge ass mountains that cant be bombed. Whats the next step in your masterplan?