Stormy Daniels is actually upset because she wanted to be the First Lady. Don't stick your dick in crazy.
Stormy Daniels is actually upset because she wanted to be the First Lady. Don't stick your dick in crazy
Honestly I feel like Trump could've done better. I mean Melania is leaps and bounds hotter than this gutter trash.
That's what she told me.
Don't talk to me or about my wife's sauce ever again.
Heard she gives blow jobs in the VIP rooms of strip clubs she dances in.
Also Frankentits
She kinda looks like Giuliani right there
>that mug
I know this supposed affair happened over a decade ago, but she wasn't much to look at even then. Trump has bad taste in women.
She hasn't done interracial porn. Why is she not being called a racist? For real guys.
8ch thread is still up (not banned by cuckchan mods) for Stormy Daniels NXIVM brands on her belly
Mods are deleting this shit quick bro
Also may be a hernia scar. Ive got a double marks on each side.
What happened to the thread about her brand mark???
Dey getting 404d breh
Wait! Whats this? Hmmm!
No more bumps shill commie scum?
Hi Share Blue!
Can't read that clock tattoo.
It should be redone in digital format.
Someone should invent some software that lets you edit/manipulate photos, adding some scars would be so easy to do.
women are gross disgusting pigs
please stop liking women
Nah, I think she's salty because he didn't get her into The Apprentice like she expected he would if she fucked him. Then the deep state found out about her and are now doing everything in their power to create as much damage by using her as possible. I mean, who the fuck is that lawyer of hers that is basically working with Mueller to bring down Trump? What is even their case? They have none, yet they're on the news every single day talking shit about Trump and gloating about bringing him down.
Don't know why trump would do anything with her she's not an attractive woman
No. Just, no. Sauce is a fucking blog.
I like how people think it's illegal to have sex with a porn star. Impeach!!! Immoral, sure because he is married, but illegal? lolnope.
Stormy Daniels is a hustler, she gets fucked for money.
All those interviews, appearances, etc. will probably make her a millionaire a few times over.
Can't blame her. Trump is like Charlie Sheen: fucking porn stars without a condom.
And after ?
And it happened like 12 years ago
Its meaningless
I hope this is a larp and your not really this autistic
>fridge woman as a first lady
We dodged a bullet lads. Also, how fridge women look completely different when clothed completely boggles the mind. I wonder if fridge mode is activated in women by swallowing semen since it would technically cause them to become more masculine over time.
She's not too hot. But if you've never been with escorts and strippers let me tell you that they can fall for you really easily if you are a nice guy, they blur the lines so much and you can understand why, because of the nature of what's going on, but they are addicted to your money and what you're buying isn't just the sex it's paying to have them fuck off afterwards.
Trump should sue her for professional negligence. It's stalking but apparently white men can never be victims in the eyes of our NWO wreck societies.
I'm telling your mom. Right after I fuck her in the ass. She's my mommy now, Virgil.
>they can fall for you really easily if you are a nice guy
This is true, but they're so psychologically broken that I don't really believe they're capable of love or attachment anymore; they've destroyed that biological mechanism just like barfly whores do. Being respectful or even genuinely kind to them triggers something in them, and reminds them that they're socially disposable, and that some day relatively soon, no man is ever going to be kind to them again. Many of them know that even their own sons wil grow up, and realize that the hell they were forced to live through, without a dad, was entirely because mom was a loser piece of shit who wrecked her life. Deep, deep down they know that they're sitting on a timebomb of age, and unlike women who get paid professional rates as actresses, sex workers get paid barely enough (unless they live somehow without overhead, as some do) to pay bills. Many have drug habits, or overspend on clothes and props for stripping and stage work, or just generally don't spend pragmatically. Being kind to them reminds them of their existential dread. I feel sorry for those women, because most women have the mentality of children and genuinely aren't competent enough to be considered responsible for their choices... but then again, they usually have opportunities early on to get out of those situations, but they choose to stay put and ride that demon to its final destination.
>I whored myself out for shit tons of money and now I'm free to do something else with my life.
she has said that it was the best sex she's ever had. i bet she really thought he was gonna keep her around.
>now I'm free to do something else with my life
That's what they think, that's why they almost never leave. They used to be called "fallen women" for a reason, it's not like you can undo that damage.
Yeah I love Bree Olson. I loved busting it to her and now that she can't even live a normal life, hahahaha welcome to the real world bitch!
WE are the warrior monks of the 21st century, we will bring the knowledge to our blinded brothers
>matrix unplugging
Its time, the Jews have subverted this place, And now shutting it down when they bomb children.
>there is a faction war , inner civil war
Agency against agency brother against brother, Co worker against fellow peer.
>CiaNigger against CiaNigger
We need to remain true and get our transmission from GOD!
>TERRY is like Paul the Apostle converting the Science atheists causing great harm to Googles science cult
>A war against our minds and hearts
Where the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized VILE PEOPLE ORDER
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
>PizzaGate IS REAL
and much much worse
>the worst movie you have ever seen cannot compare to the human sacrifice and torture that THEY DO
We need to counterattack these SCOUNDREL fucks... through waking people up with CrimsonPills. Expose these beasts
Kanye West's entire uncut TMZ interview HARD to find because it's so Redpilled
He will win 2024
Implying anyone but a methhead would fuck that AIDs sponge.
I believe it
She did a lot of blacked?
>technically cause them to become more masculine over time
checked, hmm user you may be onto to something. Hormone absorption through digestion.