TFW reddit is more redpilled than zionist "muh shitskins" Jow Forumstards
TFW reddit is more redpilled than zionist "muh shitskins" Jow Forumstards
William Ward
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Hunter Lee
Charles Morales
Evan Jenkins
Based Brown Beeble fucking over da joos XDd
Haha praise assad lol drumpfcucks ;Ddd
Aaron Cruz
Carson Reyes
Best part of Trump supporting Israel is all the libshit Trump haters waking up to the disgusting relationship between USA and Israel.
Justin Thompson
It's russian trolls.
Landon Williams
You should go back there
Jonathan Price
Yeah r-right haha, dying for israel XDD that'll show them libturds !!!
Nathan Stewart
It was literally on Jow Forumsworldnews's top comment and everybody seems to agree