Murdoch Murdoch thread

Been a while since the last episode. Until the next one comes out, we can talk about our favorite episodes and things that we think we might see in future episodes. I'm also curious of their thoughts on Patrick Little. Anyways, your top 3 episodes Jow Forumsacks?

>Metamorphosis, Last son of the west, Vidya

Also, here's the last episode that was put out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

MM88 is the masterpiece of our time

The one with Bill Clinton, Halloween special, and the college episode. Those 3 were the funniest in my opinion

I loved the border runners lol
I mean with the pixelated retro style graphics
It really gave a great feel
I'd rather watch that than some assvengers or whaveter holywood trash

lol when I found out Slick Willy really was the nickname of Bill Clinton it almost killed me of laughing XD
man, that's the best thing on the internet XD

I agree, I think its one of their best episodes.
All good ones!
I really enjoyed the comfy background images. I may have to go back and watch that one again. The spot-on spanish, the cozy retro scenery, and who doesn't love a good buddy cop episode with Mr.Bond music in it.

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What the hell is that pic senpai XD I AM SO STEALING THAT lol
mind if I print it :)

Metamorphosis was my favorite for getting that motivation when i'm really black pilled.

Same, the intro gave me the feels.

> a fucking cartoon

why dont mods clear this retard shit

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Well that was terrible.

I wonder if Kanye will show up in the next episode

you should hang yourself mate

hanging leftie a day
keeps the devil away

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> calls people a S0 Yboy

>watches a shitty fucking neo nazi cartoon that

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I became a fan when someone hacked a Democratic website around Election Day, replaced all content with a link to “Hold Back the Night”. That and “Great Meme War” Were my first exposure to MM.
Good times!

>Hanging a letie a day

You are watching a fucking cartoon not hanging anyone you fucking idiot. you morons are embarrassing and delusional

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The Last Son of the West is a favorite, well put together and enjoyable to wathc

Why is this gif so disturbing?

I am the embarassing one ??lol
It's not my country that's filled with migrants
and what's with the boy girl thing

as for the cartoon
so what
it's better than the gay shit on the pic you brought up

The Ghosts of America, Metamorphosis, Get yer hands off my Vidya
Hoping for some dank Kanye jokes.

Some fan art someone made, it's pretty cool. Printing it? Now that's a good idea!

Ah, the based black guy trope. A lot has happened in the past month, which peaks my curiosity into which direction they'll go with the next episode.

Why so angry leaf?

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Looking at apes is always disturbing
They look way too human
We do joke that certain races are just like apes ..... but in reality that's actually quite true
I would not be surprised if in a decade or so Liberals want to give voting rights to chimpanzees and gorlillas lol

>jewdoch jewdoch
lmao faggots go suck off those autists
>10% of the nation is türk and another 10% is cigány
>no immigrants

the last episode was pretty bad desu

gundam and the wolf brigade ... it's a strange mix
I do find it how they larp as nazis but they wear Generation Identity bandages
A group that while it is for protecting Europian identity is definetely not neo-nazi XD

can i come to bulgaria

I hope he destroys Juden Peterstein and his cult members

Gypsies ran away with the migrants to germany, the ghetto from my town is nice and empty
There is no such thing as Turks, they are many tribes from many RACES (asian, brown and white) only united by Kemal into a single country....that used to be civilized and secular
Anyways our mudslims if I can call them that aside from being secular are mostly Pomak
Yes we see them as trash but compared to the migrants and other mudslims ours dont do stupid shit


>They look way too human
You mean looks way too jewish with that huge nose

#1 metamorphosis
#2 nice guy
#3 MM88
hwite knites was pretty funny same with the murdoch diaries and meme magic.

I knew a Bulgarian guy back in middle school. I remember going to a birthday party of his at a community center, and somehow it ended with him showing us naruto porn on newgrounds.

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If you are into sports
We can go hunting migrants together lol :)

>Gypsies ran away with the migrants to germany, the ghetto from my town is nice and empty
user thats not what the 2017 statistics say
>our muslims
based doood what about ourjews?

>wanting to be near amerimutts

>hunting migrants

Attached: immigration.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

what statistics mate
nobody has been going from house to count people since 2008
If you read from the helsinki committe ... the shitty organzation that I have actually no fucking idea what they do aside from showing up on TV
They tend to lie a lot

as for ourjews
We dont have any lol
Like a 1000 max
which is why there isnt a single working sinagog or whatever they call it

it's my ancestral homeland.
too bad i belong to the kebab minority.

you should have came to our mountains and converted us back to orthodoxy in '76

Best episode, that one with the song "all for one" and also the son of the west, and that one that the jamal invades the house of the other dude, and then they "travel" to what the world would be without the evil european-white men.

Any top3 that does not metamorphisis is either a brainlet or non-white. Probably both.

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What movie is that?

lol we dont shoot them
at least I dont know if there are any shot so far
We only advise them to go back lol
I dont see a problem of you choosing your own religion yourself
Many of our leaders at the time considered Christianity to be a liability and christians as cucks
Europian christianity had rotten and probably is still unlike the one in the US
Anyways it is your choice and nobody can tell you what religion you should be or should stay in
Altho I would recomend that you stay away from religions that require you to do things or pay money

>be 1/302th bulgarian
>Im a pure bulgar accept me !!!

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Not sure, sorry user.

Anyways, have a good MM moment.

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While we wait, there's always Mr Bond to listen.

too much truth/10

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my fav one XD

both my parents were born in bulgaria and came straight here after communism failed.
though to be fair i'm more like 80% bulgarian. rest is probably anatolian and small bits of central/east asia

europeans afaik just aren't religious in general. and there is nothing wrong with eastern orthodoxy.
in america, evangelicals are fucked up and commonly shill for israel, even though the jews hate them.

i mean i guess orthodoxy is cool and whatnot but what's the point? wouldn't change a thing. everyone in my family is secular and i'm an agnostic.

Nice. Here's some more tunes.

Stiff Upper Lip

Hang 'em high (The jew voice is funny)

Kek Kommando (CyberNazi)

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be gone with your nigger influence

Well if you really want to distance your family from the religion you can always choose ancient Bulgarian names for the kids
Kubrat, Tervel and so on

muh cultural approppriation

Good thing we have weapons for faggots like you

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I always liked kekistan. It convinced Mouthy Buddha to do videos about the JQ

>Mine>Metamorphosis, Last son of the west, Vidya

I like ur taste anonymouse.

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i was going to try and stir up some ancestral link with a traditional song but heard this atrosity, maybe you should listen to nignog jingles instead

i mean idk man. doing that would be dishonorable because of the name change stuff that went on. effected my grandpa pretty badly.

i mean there really is no way to change my identity. neither a bulgarian or a turk. i'm somewhere in between.

though if my wife does end up being bulgarian we'll just do what we normally do. give the sons the name of our fathers.

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Even loli sisters watch murdoch murdoch


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This one is weird as hell XD

invasion usa
chuck norris

Jesus... XD

>the utter state of pol

That shit with the civil war and the national anthem in the end gave me chills but metamorphosis

HAVE the original of that

burqas in bongland was a pretty lame episode to be honest i feel like it was forced just because everyone is hating on the UK right now

It hurts not having a redpilled loli to cuddle with

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It's just a voice actress, channel is owned by a guy

They usually come out monthly and it's been around a month. Expect one soon.

>tfw i live around liberal
>tfw there are no white nationalists near me
>tfw i live in the most socialist state
>tfw i'll never get swole with my Aryan lads

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>search for cringe
>only in ad
You disappoint me

Have a waifu collage

I'm sure there are some like minded individuals, the problem is finding them in real life. You may have to convert some.

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this was too much cancer for me, and im a degenerate weeaboo nazi larp faggot

Diane Feinstein has this old trick every election season in California. She sends some goons to fuck with the skittish coke-head kikes west la with crude swastika drawings or whatever, and it galvanizes that base so she slides in to another term as deep state hussy, priestess, whatever. Point is, she's taken this old, tired attack to the chans. I seen JIDF regulars in the memefields for Little. It ain't pretty.
Brainlets are gonna get real confused real soon.

Perhaps this collage is more to your liking?

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how pathetic can you wh*tes be? keep watching your retarded cartoons while we fuck your women hahaha

i'm trying to find some desu. the redpill conversion process is a hard one where im living. Most of the people i know are welfare queens or deadbeat dads. I wanna leave my drug-riddled shithole of a town

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im going to take a bunch of redpills all at once.

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Hang in there user. I hope your future is full of wheat fields.

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i'll do my best desu. I plan on one day alerting my people as to what is happening to them... i only hope my people are ready to listen when the time comes.

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>jewtube disabled the comments
Goddamn them.

Tengri...I hate Slavs. My grandfather hated them too, even before they put out his eyes. Did you think I'd be out here on the frontier without good reason? Yes, Hungary needs a strong frontier. No, Hungary doesn't need unwashed whites at her gates! So, that's why I'm here, the leader of the Magyars: to bring Nomad order to stinking whites. Revenge? That'd be good too. This war against the Slavs won't last long, and when it's done, I've got plans. This is all about power, power in Kurultáj. Going down that road means dealing with all my other enemiess: the gypsies, the romanians, those austiran inbreeders, the Orbán and the political families too. After all, the man who controls Budapest rules the Khaganate...and one day, I will be Khan.

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I get that reference

It's been awhile since an episode came out, but I'm more worried because I haven't seen one of the Murdochs show up on Jow Forums anytime recently. Usually they like to haunt threads about themselves. I hope they're alright.

If only we bought more tshirts...

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Oh my dear! They are always lurking! Probably more so than I!

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Literal shills.

Minority opinion ofc.

o hai guise

I always find something I really like or find funny in every episode. but among my faves are all the episodes with Pierce, brilliant! metamorphosis, messagewise is a masterpiece. art of red pilling another big fav and I still really want to be a voice, would be a dream come true. can't wait for the next ep - we could really use one

why the GI optics cuck bands?

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got to move

>SammyH in the pit

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Last episode was kinda bad, but i really like it in general, truly creative, i kinda wished he didn't try to force so many Jow Forums memes into the cartoon, i believe he can create a nice story without being so meme heavy based

True. They are my go to when I’m feeling black pilled

Never despair my sweet! Keep your eyes ahead! And your shadow in check and you will be fine!

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they are getting aggressive, taking down one after another.
they've infiltrated everything, all I want is to move away from them. I wish there was an ethnostate or just take over a small city and become part of the woke majority.