FACT: A guy who doesn't suck dick because he thinks trans women are men is an absolute bigot

FACT: A guy who doesn't suck dick because he thinks trans women are men is an absolute bigot.

Attached: duderus.jpg (1080x1872, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:


FACT: OP sucks dick.

FACT: OP is a faggot.

creepy fucking cultlike repititive chants

OP is a queer

FACT: If you were born with a dick you are not a woman.
BONUS FACT: If you had your dick removed you are an abomination.

Good grief.

This is some seriously GAY shit.

This is what your taxes are paying for.
And that funding gets laundered straight back to the party.

>A guy who doesn't suck dick because he thinks trans women are men is an absolute bigot.
it's a funny feeling reading sentences like these and experience roughly the same confusion and lack of understanding that I feel whenever I'm reading about things like the riemann zeta function or set theory. I desperately want to understand what I'm reading but I know that I need hours upon hours of lectures and studying to get to the point where I can fully comprehend what I'm reading.

What would happen if you tweeted that publicly?

you'd get your account locked for hate speech and wouldn't be able to access anything until you delete the tweet

It's like he thinks if he says it enough it'll become true.

FACT: Trump is an autogynephile

Funny how nothing controversial about bong's statements only about a decade ago, things are changing quickly.

I don't know because I don't associate with any medium of communication that promotes faggotry.

Attached: 1499116153485.png (572x505, 92K)

Attached: outievagina.png (886x590, 63K)

Jail time if you do it in Canada.

Someday the weight of their lies will bottom out.

the brainpower wasted on trying to understand these comments could have been used to successfully solve the p vs np problem

It is weird. You never hear somebody repeating things like "Men have penises" or "Women have uteruses" over and over.

It is almost like they are repeating these things because they know they are not true but are trying to convince themselves that they are.

Attached: somewomen.jpg (1280x1707, 156K)

it's really not complicated, leftist have a morality that is obsessed with minimizing "harmful" things, to exclusion of absolutely everything else, including reality. Trannies get their feelings hurt because they can never really be women? Well we'll change the definitions and now they are women, problem solved everyone's happy.

>You never hear somebody repeating things like "Men have penises" or "Women have uteruses" over and over.

Attached: IMG_6598.gif (500x286, 489K)

Attached: straight_sex.jpg (531x762, 182K)

i regret going through their twitter account. also, OP image is fake, but the sentiment is real

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If queer = gay then why is it LGBTQ?

"if you say it enough times it becomes reality"

This is the same shit you'd read on /b/ years ago except it was said tongue-in-cheek.

>one women sucking another womens penis is gay

i'm lost. are they just making shit up now?

So being a bigot is good then?


: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
sure I am a bigot so are you .. so what.. do you think it somehow gives you power over me or will change my mind? NO.. just like it does not give me power over you or that I will change your mind.

Attached: Gay Lord Identified.gif (720x480, 126K)

FACT: boys have a benis
FACT girls have a bajina

Attached: arnie.jpg (594x560, 58K)

So they are admitting blacks kill blacks with guns everyday?

Children don't count. Children repeat basic and commonly known facts to solidify knowledge. Nobody past the age of 7 or 8 would say such things simply to memorise it or exemplify knowledge because it's well understood by the age of 7 or 8 that boys have penises and girls have vaginas.

god damn it.. i did it again.. forgot to check the 1 post by this ID. get cancer asshole

If saying you're wrong is bigoted then I'm a fucking proud bigot
>1 post by this ID

Attached: 1499565849645.jpg (300x192, 18K)

It’s not fake.


Is this actually convincing to people? Just makes them seem looney to me

Attached: 1520383899298.png (554x439, 146K)

Every day we stray further from God.

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I guess that makes me a bigot then. I guess this gives me license to embrace it in all forms.

thanks, was hoping someone would find it. i hate everything

Why is planned Parenthood posting so much about trannies on Twitter lately? I have an art Twitter account that I use to follow artists with (who many also happen to be extreme lefties). I'm starting to see a lot of retweets from planned Parenthood about trannies.

Are they planning to start giving abortiom services to "transwomen" now?

Yes, they know they are mentally ill, it's like a game to them... they just try to see how many people they can convince of their warped delusions. Go look at the trans subreddits, it's so batshit insane that you can't help but think it's just people larping, but the more you look the more you realize it's not... it's just people becoming parodies of themselves.

These "trans men" dont know the first thing about what it actually means to be a man. Women who want power and the privileged of being a man while maintaining their feminine rights. Death squads need to be released.

Just by doing what they do, planned parenthood has probably prevented millions of black on black gun homicides