If you are an alt right subhuman, you are by default an incel

if you are an alt right subhuman, you are by default an incel.
Only pure genetic trash copes with its own subhumanity and tries to gain some sort of value by attaching himself to a 'superior race'. Good looking men already have inherent value and get positiv feedback everyday by society, hence you will never see good looking men among the political fringe. If there is nothing to be proud of in regards of personal achievements/looks etc, the only way to cope is through the lowest common denominator('MUH RACE!!!111')

Women have innate social status simply for existing due to their vaginas. A 5/10 young woman will have literally millions of men ready to commit to her. The average woman doesn't need money, social status or an amazing personality to live an happy and secure life. There will be always a man ready to commit to her. She does not fear other female competition since her eggs already have enough value.
Men however need either good looks, high social status or a lot of money to attract women. An ugly, poor, balding man with no social status will be invisible to 99% of women. Hence even the smallest possibility of another male specism being a direct sexual threat to his own reproduction success, will be seen as a danger.
E.g. a group of males from another tribe, a good looking man, a rich man etc.

Racism=psychological coping mechanism
Racism is an easy way for such low value males to uplift their self perceived value by using a common denominator like for example their race or nationality and simultaneously trying to remove the perceived sexual reproductive threat seen in a group of males with a different racial background.

This is why so many ugly men with zero social status will try to cope by joining extreme racial, religious or political ideologies to uplift their low value.

Good looking men are generally not racist. Could you imagine these guys being KKK members?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>looks are what matters in this world
Thanks for the input Satantrips.

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sure sure

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>all those words
k keep me posted

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They sessy

Jokes on you desu. Cause I'm not a racist or a white supremacist and yet I'm still a betamale piece of trash.

>I'm a gay nigger: the thread

my mom said I look great in this suit

Attached: illmoiduhya.jpg (3600x2400, 807K)

Not with them shoes huntay


Pretty spiffy I must admit.

OP makes somewhat of a solid point

the fringe these days is race

but back in the 1950s, a lot of Jow Forums wouldn't have been about race - they would have been beatnicks

in the 1960s, Jow Forums would have been hippies



the demon speaks

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You look great user.

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Are you the wigger or the nigger homosexualizer in that cute pic OP?

>meme flag

all of you should be sageing, this shill is not worth our time.

1 post

The majority of white men and women voted for the racist in chief

The white race is most desirable partner and sought after

Check m8

probably true tbqh.

>racism is lowest common denominator

right, now try all that again with people who believe in human universalism

thought so


>just repackaged the slayer copypasta
I'm glad to see you're still monumentally butthurt and more than obliged to share your tears with the board, nigger.

>If you don't believe the black race is equally as capable as the white race your a subhuman because feelings

Fuck off Satan, you have no power here

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I'm actually a good looking man who've always had attention from women and had multiple gf's, but I still don't want to see my country being destroyed by shitty subhumans. And I know many other people just like me, so your point is invalid. Now go cry for being a fucking worthless nigger who tries to negate factual arguments using strawman arguments

This shill is conflating several things and doesn't understand what xe is talking about.
>Being proud of your group is tantamount to hating other groups.
>Wanting the best for your people has to come at the expense of another people.
>Ethnonationalism and Race Supremacy are the same thing.
>In-group preference is hatred
All the things I listed are beliefs of the blue pilled masses and their origin is cultural Marxism. I only say this because someone from the_donald who thinks they are red pilled but still cringes at ethnic nationalism and pride might read this. Don't believe the shills, be proud of where you come from.


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>1 post by this ID,off of a script.

Fuck off Shartblue.

We get it op you're an incel and deserve a women even though your ugly.

>hence you will never see good looking men among the political fringe

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I didn’t even read a single word.


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How many one post ops are we going to tolerate

There needs to be a auto ban for this shit.

You have not heard of the wall. it hits women hard.
they lose value quick and if they spend there quality years playing around. when they hit the wall.. no guys but basedboys want em.

>wall of text
nice try satan but the left can't meme

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Good looking men are immune to harsh reality in the same way that upper middle class liberals can buy themselves out of dealing with refugees.

Attached: the chad nazi.jpg (353x374, 41K)

>I work out tri-weekly, 2 days of gym with sprinting at about 8-10 mph for 7min. straight on a treadmill with no cooldown, then work on my shoulders and chest by lifting whatever I feel like, usually ranging from 70-100 lbs. I do about 100 lifts and then get on the elliptical where I set the resistance to level 21 for 10 minutes with one break at the halfway point. On Fridays, I bike at least 3 miles with plenty of uphill taking about two breaks in-between each mile.
>My IQ is 130 and I have no problem in the workplace with socializing.
>A majority of minorities I see from day-to-day act like crack smoking faggots who sag their pants, buy all of their clothes from whatever hip and trendy stores all of their jewed masses go to, and are generally destitute with their only purpose of existence is them not being aware of it.
>Half white, half black
>Don't do anything remotely relative to minorities as described, have an office slave job, though.
>a hurr durr you have no reason to be racist you incel reeeee

What the fuck is wrong with you, insolent faggot? The people who need help or can't be helped know who they are, you didn't need to make an entire thread to remind them.


And any of you fat, unworthy-of-life faggots who are as op described, either go to the fucking gym and eat right, get tips from /sig/, or off yourselves. You're a waste of space if you really think you deserve the world on a silver platter ONLY because of your heritage.

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Sage again just to sink it in a little fucking more.


Psychologists and sociologists have actually studied racism in depth.

But you don't need to be a psychologist to understand it. Everything you said is completely logical. Human behavior as it turns out is quite predictable.

Are trannys mentally ill?.......

actually your entire post is a Jewish cope

you don't understand sage you damn newfag

But I has gf.

Weak, no facts just feels

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Wew, you caught me. I didn't actually put sage in the options field in the first post, so I made that and just hoped no one would catch on.

>always the Australians...

those twig motherfuckers need to eat some more

Hormonally imbalanced

Being a Nazi in Germany was pretty mainstream at the time

That was mainstream though, in 40s

OP is right, like it or not

holy shit those babies are small. t. 6'5 snownigger 1/2/3/4pl8

That is a prevailing cause of mental illness...

>upper middle class liberals can buy themselves out of dealing with refugees
B-but Jow Forums said privilege doesn't exist. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps?? Aren't poor people just lazy??? Why do rich liberals have to care about your poor people problems?

Conservatives are hypocrites.

According to the man Americas culture is prevailing racist

Why do you illustrate your point by posting a couple of ass buddies ?

That does not change the fact shit skins are a problem objectively.


/ thread
Racism is nothing but a protection mechanism to protect your lineage. Kys Op.
Busy day at JDIF i guess. Out of fresh ideas rabbi ?

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If you are not a billionaire you're a subhuman because otherwise you have to care about mundane problems only plebs face. Lmao.

Subtle racism at best.

>t.pilpul no one read
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.







>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

Attached: JIDF_articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.17M)

I believe they are mentally ill

There's two schools of thought today. Back then, there was only one. That trannies and gays were mentally ill.

But with more studies done - mostly on hormonal imbalances and other genetic factors that might alter someone's sexual orientation, many psychologists don't want to label them as mentally ill. Also, not to mention the rise of PC

Not according to the so called experts in racial relations in the country.

I don't know man, I just had sex with my girlfriend about 2 hours ago. I guess I've been an Incel since midnight?

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And actually, JEW, if you want to get scientific about it, racism is an evolutionary mechanism to protect your genes or genes similar to yours.
Everyone is racist, whether they are fucking hypocrites or not. Our innate instinct is to seek a mate beginning at the 4th cousin level.
The mechanism probably originates in tribe living times, when the whole tribe shared a close genetic type. By protecting the tribe heritage and by fending off foreign genes, you insure that if not yours , at least similar types will survive.
It is THAT FUCKING SIMPLE. Doesn't take a genius to understand it.
Unless you're a jew or a subhuman libtard

So not wanting to hurt feelings and PC culture is taken in to consideration with physiology and we should still listen to their opinion on racism according to you..... Lol

Once you realize mental is code word for emotional.

Your belief system signals a certain level of moronic inclination.


yeah he's pretty fucking retarded, my hate for niggers in general is existential and not automatically applied to any of them

in fact it only makes me feel even more empathy for the few who are actually decent people

i have more sympathy for smart blacks who arent liberals than i do for the average white person

that doesnt mean i think they should all flood into my country, but im not a fucking retarded asshole who wants to hurt them all

leftists on the other hand do seem to have a lot of repressed psychopathic tendencies that they project onto all of us, just look at that eric schneiderman guy, pushing feminism so hard then beating and sexually assaulting women

liberals are dumb and sick beyond my comprehension

>Only pure genetic trash copes with its own subhumanity and tries to gain some sort of value by attaching himself to a 'superior race'

OP is wrong morons.

>shit skins are a problem
For you. Git gud, conservapoor.

>Fiscal """"conservatives"""" whining about their poor people problems

> blacked
> pillow biter
> beta
You're a disgrace

t. fatass

Nice memeflag, faggot.

Glad you could see things my way

Shit skins are subhuman and poor

>Racism is an easy way for such low value males to uplift
You'll have to start explaining to me why children and even babies show racial biases then.

Heck, even your picture disproves your retardness.
>two men
>both equally fit
>one is seen like a god, the other just as a regular model
>the amount of fans of nick bateman is about 100x more than the amount of fans of a negro with perfect negro proportions
If racism is just a coping mechanism or whatever for men, why are women who are not insecure racist like that?

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I do not use the word "privilege". I am not using either of these facts as excuses to whine, but merely as explanations as to why those demographics do what they do. That being said, your country's culture and standard of living should be more important than your personal successes/failures. All right wing ideas are meant to provide long term stability to the nation, and therefore eventually benefit all who recognize how to take advantage.

>This is why so many ugly men with zero social status will try to cope by joining extreme racial, religious or political ideologies to uplift their low value.
That has literally nothing to do with the fact that you see ugly people in those groups irl.

Idiot, being openly a racist is a social toll on you. It's a heavy punishment and jeopardizes your entire life. That's why the only people you see in the open are ugly people, because they have nothing to lose. I have zero doubts that many tall, white, academics are secretly race realists and believe genes make a lot of the world we observe; but the thing is, they don't go to confedere rallies to scream with a bunch of drunkards.

I'm still waiting on your explanation for women being blatant racists with race preferences.

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>I'm still waiting
yeah, me too

>1 post by this ID

Why are shill threads so effective ?