I refuse to drive cars because they are a sure way to die sooner or later.
Why is public transport in the US so dead?
Can't you move som of that military budget from the Army? Public transportation should be the first move in fighting global warming.
I refuse to drive cars because they are a sure way to die sooner or later
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Because cars are a status symbol for Americans too stupid to dick measure with less obtainable things like houses or diplomas.
Ahah. I was right.
But driving my funbox is one of the few fun things I do. And "global warmining" is a boogey man when it comes to driving.
>Why is public transport in the US so dead?
Because govt controls it.
Should be fully privatized, so ppl will be invested very thoughtfully and intelligently.
Right about what?
What that dish was going to turn in to.
>Why is public transport in the US so dead?
Niggers ride it. Niggers shit and shoot up on it.
If I were in charge, I would implement separate routes for white neighborhoods and black neighborhoods.
>Drive in America
>Come to stoplight with blinker on
>Cars behind you aggressively honk at you because you refuse to make a right into oncoming traffic
That's when you just roll some coal on them.