Commies in Melbourne cbd want more gibs

commies in Melbourne cbd want more gibs

Attached: received_10204581466972555.jpg (1440x2560, 336K)

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better gib it to em then

Attached: averagecommie.jpg (323x412, 40K)

>Caring about communists

don't under estimate them, they are getting swole

Attached: soyboy crossfit_webm.webm (640x800, 2.38M)

Go down there and belt a few of them

Melbourne here too. Where can we join our fellow commies?

Attached: Melbourne protester.jpg (1200x900, 215K)

Where's another truck of peace when you need it? Melbourne only had 3 in the last year, surely due another...

Workers Unions arnt Communist retard

>Where's another truck of peace when you need it? Melbourne only had 3 in the last year, surely due another...
Fortunately, Melbourne now has a thorough system of bollards and safe zones, so is a well protected city in which to be a Communist. If only all places in Australia were as good as Melbourne.

Attached: Milo coming in Melbourne lushsux.jpg (2048x2048, 449K)

>bitches about abbos being oppressed by foreigners who invaded their land
>writes the sign in chink runes
Why are leftists complete retards?

Thank you to Daniel Andrews for looking at the problem and fixing it.
A bit like stopping white people dying in armed robberies by making 7-11 staff all Indians now.

>Why are leftists complete retards?
Are you pretending that Australia isn't a multicultural place with multiple languages spoken?

Attached: Australia now.jpg (2896x1944, 2.59M)

>A bit like stopping white people dying in armed robberies by making 7-11 staff all Indians now.
Aren't you lost, mate?

Attached: New Zealand pepe.jpg (851x660, 80K)

Kek. Nah mate, from Mildura. Working over here atm.

>Flag of Liberia
top kek.

Why does it always turn into shit about queers and trannys? this city deserves a better class of communist.

Attached: 7ff.jpg (288x499, 53K)

so its white people protesting that we should give abos more money

melbourne has tiny percentage of white people anyway, they all moved out

Attached: 1510829518489.jpg (437x437, 55K)

There's a CFMEU poster in there

Fuck I hate the CFMEU

>so its white people protesting that we should give abos more money
Nah, it's a protest for improved wages, you tard. Stop being so butthurt about the most disadvantaged and underprivileged population in Australia.

Attached: Melbourne autism expo.jpg (1240x1754, 866K)

>collective bargaining with employers = siezing the means of production

Melbourners have arrived.
G'day cunts.

Look out it's the poofta patrol

you fucking scabs wouldn't have shit if it wasn't for the unions and organised labour movements

The diversity in that picture,lol

Have a gaytime, fags

Attached: Golden Gaytime.jpg (634x320, 48K)

I have sanga's in the fridge. Can't ever be as a gay as a melbourner though. That's a whole other gay.

Fuck off you cunt go slip a brown envelope underneath your local union leaders office door ya braindead loser

If we didn't have unions, we would still be making cars you dumb cunt

The world I beholden unto you the Australian Union member. Completely brainless dropkicks who kiss the unions ass and thanks them for the air they breathe.

They will happily fill the unions pockets and buy what ever rhetoric the union spews forth and ignore as their unions accept bribes from the very same companies that union members oppose. Also have no qualms paying for union leaders legal bills after they assault people in a bid to look tough.

Brainless fucking goons the lot of them.

australia has very high wages, it only because the government allowed all the gooks in that housing has gone up so people want higher wages, also you want higher taxes which will reduce wages, you tard (offensive against tards bro)

You've really swallowed that plutocrat propaganda.

Australia's median wages are not very high because the cost of living is high. Most younger Australians struggle to buy a house now. In the meantime, Gina Rinehart and Dickhead Forrest are phenomenally rich, as is anyone who owns a casino or a pokie machine network. Australia has had an incredible mining boom and we have no major infrastructure or lasting improvements to the country from this. The wealth has not been shared. Instead, it's gone to the pockets of those who were already rich.

The tabloid press in Australia works incredibly hard to try to make you not believe this. Wake up, user!

Attached: Rupert Murdoch.jpg (400x300, 99K)

the government technically owns all the land in australia, i don't know why they didn't receive at least 50% of the profits from mining, Alaska and some others did something similar

>the government technically owns all the land in australia, i don't know why they didn't receive at least 50% of the profits from mining, Alaska and some others did something similar
I'd say the explanation is bribes and ideological blindness. Politicians choose not to serve the Australian people and not to take a sufficient portion of mining wealth. The result is that the rest of us got fucked over. Unfortunately, there are dickheads like who actively support us getting fucked over because they blame the Chinese and the unions, just like the tabloid press and mining company owners want us to. It's all too fucking predictable and stupid.

Attached: Lake Disappointment, Western Australia.jpg (960x639, 278K)

>quarter squats on smith machine with no weights
my sides

Thank mr skeletal