What preceded the Fall of Rome?

What preceded the Fall of Rome?

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open border policy.

god i wanna feel that manbutt

The Jewish Jesus

Marcus Aurelius.

Constant civil war
Franks and Goths pulling
And that emperor guy that killed the general

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mass migration ultimately killed the empire. They weren't defeated on the battlefield their armies were decayed by disloyal barbarian fucks that turned on Rome


It's hard to identify one-to-one parallels, but Bush Jr. was sort of Sulla and Trump is sort of Caesar.

Who will be out Augustus?

The rise of Rome

The Fall of Greece

The destruction of the mother of course! And then man followed suit!

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They couldn't pay for a bunch of foreign mercenaries who felt no connection to the city/empire so whenever they wanted their money/compensation and didn't get it they'd ransack the Italian countryside/cities/Rome itself.

HUSH YOU. My son is soon to be KING! You will watch your tongue!

If some religious group from a backwater in the middle east can end the greatest empire in the world, then it wasn't that great to begin with.

A combination of governmental corruption, weak leadership, religious unrest, open borders, and widespread degeneracy

Outsourcing of military

Some germans just walked into the city, and it exploded

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Why'd you pair a picture of Yondu with that?

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The rise of Rome?

Based on that picture, homosexuality

OP here is your answer.
A. Them invading other peoples instead of keeping to themselves.

the real redpill here is that there never was a "holy roman empire". it's taught in early education to introduce the idea of a global one state empire to adolescence. Predictive programming for future indoctrination.

No, the Holy Roman Empire was the complete opposite of the NWO vision. One and united, yet totally decentralised with a large number of different regional governments and regional traditions, with a large role for non-government institutions. The NWO government is one government, one people, and nothing outside the government

Degenerate public and democracy failing to solve these social problems. Lack of dedication to Rome and only to money resulted in a weakened public and country, meaning more corruption and less opposition to insanity like mass migration into the empire. The only difference between now and then is that today there is an (((active force))) subverting our country, whereas Rome went through collapse naturally.
>Inb4 fedorafags educate me on how Christianity was a Jewish tool to destroy Rome.

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interesting. would that be a reasoning as to why the fall of the republic, into the birth of the empire is a famous story etched into the "history" books?

Thanks for sharing that with us

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>holy Roman empire
>fall of the republic
Stop posting.

*sigh* This could have been avoided if she SIMPLY faced her shadows! Very upsetting indeed!

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Well the Holy Roman Empire is the Empire in the Middle Ages, while I think OP was referring to the Roman Empire of Antiquity. The story of Rome is mostly important because the Medieval kingdoms would often justify their right to govern based on being a successor to Rome


>Conscription abolished
>republic falls
>empire , some are good some are bad
>female liberation
>low fertility
>mass immigration
>refugee waves from germany
>horse niggers move from east due to great beautifull wall prevents them from leeching china efectively pushing mass migration to the west.
>horse niggers push other tribes to the west
>tribes enter rome as refugees
>rome can´t raise enough troops due to the fact that romen men are manchildren because women are whores and social roles are broken
>rome pays the barbarians to protect the border and gives them gibs in exchange of letting them alone aka bribes
>tribes start to overbreed romans
>horseniggers enter rome
>tribes tell rome to fuck itself because gibs are not enough
>not more money to pay for gibsbribes
>emperor sister invites horsenigger atila because psychopaths make her horny
>double just
>horseniggers let rome completely fucked up
>tribesniggers destroy rome

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>what proceded the fall of Rome

shut your whore mouth

Inflation (created by a central banking authority).
Interest Rates (controlled by a central banking authority).
Income Taxes & Welfare.

Rome was always an unstable political entity rife with "degeneracy". It had a lot of luck and great leaders though who kept bringing the greatest empire the world has ever known back from the brink with military strategies, political ideas and economic reforms that were incredibly far reaching and innovative. There is even a very good argument that the Germanic tribes could have helped prop the Western Roman state up for another hundred years at least if they had been integrated into the army and political life the way that the (barbarian) Spanish had been, the way the (barbarian) Illyrians had been, the way the (barbarian) gauls had been.

Most of the Roman emperors were not natives of Italy.

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Institutionalized civil war will do that
Xtianity didn't help with the dismembering of the imperial cult

also this , however this was the insidious economical process caused by what i posted above.

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Cant wait for our Nero or commodus.

What’s the deal with Augustus, I don’t know much about him

Mass Migration
Women's Rights

bachelor taxes

Obviously Barron. He'll defeat Donald jr and the rest of the Jew family in the power struggle following Trump's death

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The Germanic tribes are the ones who brought down Rome. Sacked it several times, destroyed the Roman Empire. They didn't want to integrate. They wanted to take it over.

The first citizen

Multicultural society tore itself apart.

The grain subsidy brought too many foreigners to the city and citizenship stopped being as exclusive

None, the us is still in the republic period , keneddy was grachus , the soviets carthage.

You are in the period of accumulation of wealth and political polarization and elimination of responsabilities like draft which is leading to the innebitable division and conflict.

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They were not properly integrated. Instead of the usual division, assignment and spreading out, the Romans were not able to control mass settlement of the Germanic tribes

really not great communication and administration across it's far away land which allowed for a cultural revolution (Christianity) easily to fuck them up.

Germanic tribes.

Rome needed soldiers to maintain its borders. Disloyal, envious German soldiers were commissioned. They settled inside the borders of Rome. They eventually said fuck this once they found out they had tons of power and destroyed Rome.

I recommend the Fall of Rome podcast

Mass migration wasn’t the main reason.

Looking back, how long will the American Empire last? Romans eventually crumbled in 479 then in 1453, but people back then taught their empire would last forever. What will happen when the US collapes? Various city states?

Also, the fall of Rome was not some sudden event that happened while the East looked on in horor. It was a slow burn and dismemberment that hardly anyone noticed, especially the normal Roman subjects. Theodoric was a good king despite being a Goth barbarian, as was sorely missed by Italians. It was apathy at the end. No one cared about preserving the name of Rome.

It was a backwater religion that appealed to
>The poor
>The criminally inclined (Seeking easy repentance)
>The non-Romans
>The women
The woman part was especially important. Christianity was spread throughout Europe by mostly nagging wives and mothers subverting the father by teaching their kids Christianity instead of their original religions.

Never under estimate backwater anything that appeals to the plebians of society. (For more examples see: Anarchism, Socialism, and Communism)

The idea of there being a fall is something of a myth to make it seem more dramatic. The Germanic invaders who deposed the Western Emperors didn't consider it an overthrow, but rather a restoration of a state where there was only a single Emperor, the one in the East. They even nominally swore fealty to him. Rome didn't "fall" until the Gothic Wars, where Italy was massively depopulated and devastated because of Justinian.

Political instability, overspending on the military, and Jews destroying their society with their filthy religions, in Romes case it was Christianity.

>What will happen when the US collapes?
The fun begins

>What will happen when the US collapes
Endless possibilities, the ripples and consequences to the rest of the world will be the real interesting part.

I’ve often thought about the HRE and how a modernised version of it would be perfect, but how would a modern version look? The only way I could see such a state forming would be in Russia or the USA after someone seizing power while having very libertarian views.

Christianity literally comes from Judaism you mongoloid. You Christ fags need to fuck off with your dirty, filthy kike beliefs.

the migrant invasions and the devaluing of the currency
both are happening again

Is he worth reading about?

Always been more of a medieval guy but just recently started learning about Rome, the greeks and even Egyptians Loved learning about Marcus, caesar and scipio.

I don't really see how feudalism is libertarian...

Something like Switzerland, where most political power is on the local level. In many ways it's more natural than the big and monolithic states that we have now

Robber barons were basically Medieval libertarians. They are the bad guys, of course

Lindsay Lohan is looking rough!

We are already in the “age of intellectualism” shifting over into the “age of decadence,” the final age

You don't understand at all the relationship of Rome to the tribes on and beyond it's borders. Read carefully through those invasions and migrations and you'll see it often took generations of barbarians living within Roman borders among Roman people before, for example, the Vandals and the Goths sacked Rome. There's a damned good argument that many of the "barbarians" within Roman territory were not homogeneous tribes, but were multi-ethnic armies made up of those who previously had been paid by the Roman state until that pay dried up and locals and freebooters (Roman citizens) who had no loyalty to a city that wasn't even the center of government.

Let me highlight that again, these armies were not the homogeneous tribes who had entered the empire. These events took place decades, even a hundred years later than the first migrations. There are ethnic tensions going on here, but they're compounded by the incompetence and snobbery of the Roman state who didn't have a place for these soldiers. The Roman state had done so much to try and spread their risks so that no one person controlled the provinces that there was no way to marshal the significant powers of those provinces to work against and even with these tribes and armies.

it is if you recognize peasants as property.


>American Educatiom

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We can only hope that when the US collapses that whites will still stay alive so they can innovate and invent new technologies so the chinks dont rule the planet forever into some forever dark age. If anybody says white people are awful just remind them of all the shit we invented

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> underestimating jews
Good goy.


They didn't sell themselves to their lord, they were born a serf. That's pretty 'statist'.

just for Christianity to rise endless other empires, if you want to be anti-Christian at least choose our battles more wisely

One could argue that leaders like Flavius Odoacer and Theoderic the Great were simply carrying the torch as best they could, and that Feudal Lords were better for local populations then a massive, crumbling Empire that could no longer afford to maintain it's own infrastructure.
The Capital hadn't been able to feed itself in centuries, relying on regular grain shipments from abroad. This necessitated the move to Ravenna after the world became too dangerous for these shipments to be reliable.
Also everybody pretends like the Eastern Roman Empire doesn't count for some reason.

>What preceded the Fall of Rome?

The Cult of the Magna Mater

The goddess cult, originally Cybele. Feminism destroyed Rome

>The only difference between now and then is that today there is an (((active force))) subverting our country, whereas Rome went through collapse naturally.

They blamed the jewz then too.

Incompetent rule and the military becoming too powerful and then replacing civil society, and niggers from up north

somewhere in academia, a phd candidate is sitting reading this questioning why they didn't just write their dissertation in memes

I understand the relationship perfectly well. It is you who don't seem to see evil for what it is. Germanic tribes who had been let into the Empire's borders wanted to take power. They openly talked about it amongst themselves. It was not a random implicit rebellion; it was active conspiracy. The German tribes were "multiethnic" only in the sense that multiple distinct tribes were often on the move and cooperated militarily (and sometimes in-fought).

Next, the Romans weren't "incompetent snobs" who "didn't have a place for these soldiers." Are you fucking kidding us? The Empire generously brought Germans into their military ranks for several hundred years in an attempt to assimilate them. The assimilation failed. In the last couple hundred years, those Germans rose in the ranks, even taking over the highest military position in the Western Empire often. The only position they couldn't have was Emperor, and even that was loose, with half-Goths becoming Emperor in the fourth century.

Maybe you as an Anglo are just feeling a little guilty and trying to justify the fact that the Anglo-Saxons were the tribe that formally destroyed the Roman Empire for all time.

We're basically at the verge, as soon as the white majority is gone and we're no longer able to keep the super leftist out of government we're going down the shitter really quick.


I mean libertarian in the sense of power being decentralised and at the local level, not concentrated at the centre.

Note I said a modern version, I’m not suggesting a return to feudalism

I think the issue is when you do have a larger area. It’s much easier to pull of with nations like Switzerland and Singapore. The key is upscaling that so it can fend of large threats, Switzerland only works because other neighbouring nations respect it and it does have much value geographically. It’s couldnt actually stop France or germany steamrolling it

The Summer of Rome

This. They are getting impatient and frustrated at the slow pace of the collapse.

The picture sums it up.

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gay rights


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Kek now I’m imagining the fall of rome as George Constanza in hospital after being beaten up by a gang of germans

God damn this is depressing if we could all meet up in pol and start some sort of resistance

Shit that's Europe right now, isn't it?

the 'barbarians' that sacked rome were mercenaries and the roman twats debased their currency so hard that they couldn't continue paying them, they did literally nothing wrong

This is Europe.

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