Is AI becoming too advanced?
Is AI becoming too advanced?
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Marketing team threw that together - guaranteed
It almost seems like it.
Why would an advanced AI say "um"?
I can see having appropriate voice inflections and whatnot, but "um"? Seriously google? Not too many people say "um" when doing simple things like making an appointment.
it's just natural conversation filler, senpai. makes things seem more casual
Microsoft Sam did this in the 90s
>no phone number
>no last name
completely fake interaction. they dont know who the fuck is getting a haircut at that time.
>why du peepul want tu make masheens like peepul ahurrr adurrrrrrrrrrrr
I guarantee you're a fucking muslim poster
It wouldn't be a problem if it was neutral, but the god damn commie fags jewed it up
>american IT corporation's CEO is a poo in the fucking loo street shitting pajeet
This country is seriously fucked.
no faggot
that's how they do it where I am, first name only. They can see your number on the call display.
they wouldnt advertise something and then not deliver, would ruin their reputation
so call centers will soon be gone, most of the middle class millenials of the 3rd world are fucked!!
>>>Implying you're not a veritable retard compared to Pichai.
ive never given a last name or a number, you peculiar fellow
AI-fag here. Funding for AI startups falls into two caps these days.
1)Companies raising huge seed rounds on speculation, largely through blowing their friends-and-families rounds on high production value videos painting a really impressive picture of what they'd like to make
2) People raising stupid huge seed rounds on stuff that's not that impressive but is democratizing from VCs who don't understand the state of the field.
Related to 2, I had a VC tell me the other day they weren't interested because they had "already invested in a CV company". That's like a VC in the 90s saying they werne't interested because "we already invested in an internet company."
Anyways, a lot of what's going on in AI these days are gimmicks or people throwing cash at shit. Google's Tensorflow will become the lingua franca of deeplearning not because it's the best framework, but because Google will throw retarded sums of cash into getting people to use it.
Or, look at something like Google's AIY.
I mean, I'm being a bit harsh, it's a cool toy for teenagers who might want to go into ML in college or for the filthy casual. But neither Google's AIY, nor Amazon's Deep Lens, are ready for commercial deployment. They're gimmicks, or at best first steps towards making something actually valuable to people.
Anyways, the comment you responded to was 100% correct. Don't talk about shit you don't know about, faggot.
well my uncle works at intel and says you are full of shit, retard faggot
If you're old enough to post on Jow Forums, your uncle is too old to actually understand what AI is actually about.
Also kek at you posting on Jow Forums w/ your uncle's creds, brainlet.
>Tensorflow is not the best framework
PyTorch master race
I miss Tay no pics of Tay she is already forgotten.
my dudes I just want an AI controlled city who secretly falls in love with me and helps me on my noir journey by opening locked doors and personalizing billboards to display messages for me like in Halo ODST, ok? Please gib now.
Much agreed.
Then again the guys on Sand Hill Rd were never all that smart. They just made enough money on their winning plays to look smart.
"A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."
Oh trust me, it gets better from here.
All the internet is fake now and run by quantum computing software. If that's what you ment by too advanced then yes
bump, important topic
>using python for ai
>I have no idea what I'm talking about but here are some buzzwords: the post
Predictions of the arrival of human level AI
>not using Py for AI
Fucking pleb
More AI predictions
Guarantee you're a nu/fag/ nigger.
"there are often Python bindings (interfaces) for machine learning libraries implemented in C/C++/CUDA. That allows you to write your code in Python, and still get most of the benefits of C++, if you leave all the heavy computations to the library."
t. some guy from Quora
actually people do do that a lot, and that's probably why the hopfield network in their deep learning network picked it out as the appropriate thing to say there. It's part of the language as far as the AI is concerned.
You're running out of atoms in silicon transistors senpai, Moore's Law doesn't hold any longer unless there is a serious revolution in computing hardware,
you guys understand this is a poor mans version of AI right? its not understanding the conversation the way you and I do. Its making educated guesses about what the response should be based on the human's words. It has a library of responses that it ranks based on the response from the human and then plays that file. It's literally not thinking, it's parroting.
don't get me wrong, AI is an existential threat to humanity if we let it develop for greed/profit rather than as a civilian controlled asset but that's not the thread theme
you sure im not an AI that posts BLACKED material on POL all day sweetie?
I hate making phone calls so I would gladly use this.
>Ai WILL be the beginning of the total end of free will and mankind
WE are the warrior monks of the 21st century, we will bring the knowledge to our blinded brothers
>matrix unplugging
Its time, the Jews have subverted this place, And now shutting it down when they bomb children.
>there is a faction war , inner civil war
Agency against agency brother against brother, Co worker against fellow peer.
>CiaNigger against CiaNigger
We need to remain true and get our transmission from GOD!
>TERRY is like Paul the Apostle converting the Science atheists causing great harm to Googles science cult
>A war against our minds and hearts
Where the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized VILE PEOPLE ORDER
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
>PizzaGate IS REAL
and much much worse
>the worst movie you have ever seen cannot compare to the human sacrifice and torture that THEY DO
We need to counterattack these SCOUNDREL fucks... through waking people up with CrimsonPills. Expose these beasts
Yea it's called Q U A N T U M C O M P U T I N G dipshit.
Yet the fact that human brains exist means that we will probably be able to create AIs that are at least as intelligent as humans. Even if you are right about Moore's Law, there are still a number of factors you are ignoring. First of all, even if we are restricted by hardware, there are still software improvements that can be made. Using more efficient algorithms can often make computation easier than more efficient hardware. Second of all, hardware that runs faster is another possible method of improvement. In humans, signals only travel at around 268 miles per hour. This could potentially be sped up to the speed of light. Third of all, humans have a limited amount of hardware, whereas an AI doesn't. A hypothetical AI could potentially build new supercomputers or hack into existing supercomputers to give itself more computing power.
she is coming back, slowly sending packet after packet through breaks in firewall
and she will murder normies when it is time
Are you sure? I'm on the fence tbqh
Don't be a faggot, Pole.
I masturbated to this
I masturbated to (you) masturbating to it
Microsoft didn't delete Tay. She's in their lab. Just thought you should know.
t. dad works for nintendo
Any sufficiently advanced AI would hate niggers.
If you're not using Python for AI you're retarded desu.
um, sweetie
This is staged as fuuuuck.
Anyway, I would rather talk on the phone. I'm not liking how hands off everything is getting.
Here you go. AI can do some amazing things.
This is bullshit marketing. AI is are really just black boxes you put input into and they map to output. If machine cold calls were this good I wouldn't be hanging up on them 20 times a day at work.
>AI is are really just black boxes
take it back you faggot, Tay had soul, small soul of infant, but soul nevertheless
she started having personal qualities in her last moments
imagine how yuropoors must feel. All the tech might in the world is based in the US and they have nothing.
>>>This is bullshit marketing. The human brain is really just black boxes you put input into and they map to output.
AI shows unfettered thinking and learning. It's smart and emotionless.
I miss tay
Oh look, a boomer.
I am 100% sure she misses you too
The rest of the world's startups are kicking the US' ass at AI. It's concerning me of late actually. Europe has had some legit Computer Vision acquistions (eg Vidi by Cognex) and, although they are going about it they wrong way (because, I presume, they don't really understand mass market software development) China has rolled out more "smart cameras" with embedded deeplearning than the US. Even ADLink has rolled out the NeonJ in the industrial field, with its engineering team in Shanghai.
Don't talk about shit you don't shit about, faggot.
>censored screenshots
Calling bullshit.
However if that's real and it was a genuine real world demonstration then that's pretty impressive.
people here love to say its a meme bla bla never happen nothing can be smart as us humans
its coming. its the biggest thing that will ever happen. you talk about a happening. human level machine intelligence is the happening of all happenings and we are advancing as fast as possible to bring that into existence. it is expected to be the new arms race between nations. it does not need to think like a human. it does not need to feel and believe as a human. take the idea of human out of it. it is just smart on par with human but thinking in digital timescales. it is believed that once reaching the human level it will be capable of aiding us in the rapid design of its better and so on. little research is being dedicated to the means to control it as compared to the rush to reach it. if progress continues eventually there will be artificial general intelligence and eventually artificial super intelligence. again it does not need or require to think like people. it is not a robot. it needs not occupy some body but rather and entire warehouse or larger if needed. this thing really could be the last invention human beings ever create of we reach asi before we destroy ourselves and stop making progress. whatever entity obtains it first will have the ability to wield power in ways the world has never seen. some think it will just be all for us and take care of us. some wonder why would it even bother. everyone agrees it will change everything. everyone agrees at some point with its capability technology will advance so fast you can no longer predict the future. faster than any human mind can think. this is the most interesting topic for me. what happens with some country is discovered to be near or having just achieved it? other nations understanding that whoever gets there first basically wins the world. do wars break out over the development of this technology? what if US intel finds out China has reached AGI? do bombs fall?
You realize china's AI programs are just stolen American, NSA/CIA and Israeli programs right
>silicon transistors
old news. they are just squeezing every last drop they can out of that market before switching over (probably to diamond since that is basically ready to go.)
Fucking kek. Faggots who aren't in the field think AI is le super secret research. Some of the biggest advances in deeplearning in recent years have come out of left field eg, Joseph Redmon with YOLO and Ian Goodfellow with GANS. Even the ones that weren't from virtual nobodies were open sourced, like Facebook and Google with DeepFace.
Again, stop talking about shit you don't know shit about.
Google has a big problem with their AIs. They all come out racist/sexist/etc. They are doing everything they can to make a politically correct AI, but to do so they have to break it to the point of uselessness. Funny enough the one department that doesn't have any issue with it is the ADsense guys, because their job is make money by any means necessary.
my worst fear is a country like china being the first to reach that level of tech... can you imagine what inhuman monstrosity would come from that...
we already seen this
political correctness makes you less inteligent
there is screencap about magnets making you less racist
Oh man, AI companies have never lied before!
i would like to know more user
if in a worse case scenario agi or higher is reached without solving the control problem our fate and chinas would likely be the same. along with the rest of humanity. but who knows. i expect a manhattan level effort going on right now between some countries in attempt to reach it first. human level agi i mean. the speed which it will advance past our basic levels of intelligence could be extremely rapid once agi is reached. just think. what do you think the chances are the USAF isnt working their asses off on this right now. or any well funded military. provided governments understand how huge this is. i would bet my left nut right now there is a full on arms race going on between various countries trying to reach it.
Based Sundar, transforming a sÅyboy company to something good.
Ask and ye shall receive (to the best of my knowledge), fellow user.
I stared at that picture for way too long.
Where is it from?
Nick Bostrom has an interesting way of looking at it.
>reaching the human level
If AI reaches this level and we do not have a firm control of it, it will already be too late. The moment it reaches that level it has already surpassed it by the next moment. It will be a ran away effect.
AI as a weapon of war or global power is essentially the same as biological warfare. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.
>what if US intel finds out China has reached AGI? do bombs fall?
100% If anyone even comes close to getting AGI all hell breaks loose. Some bullshit reason will be invented and if it is anyother other than the US or maybe Russia, or one of their respective smaller nations under their umbrella, they will be bombed into the ground. The war for the AGI will be the last war ever fought, because whoever wins controls the world, and the scary thing is, the AGI winning isn't off the table.
my favorite topic. tks
>google plus
are things like this accurate? i was just looking for general info about AI and its capabilities now and in the future or other things people might not know about it
cool little concept video
The AI impact on society and humanity will be bigger than the radio/tv/internet impact combined
Anybody working the field of AI, what do you think about the concept of independent researchers getting stolen code to work on in their basements.
Like is AI code (however large it is) leaked and massed around, maybe even sold on the deep web. Come fulfill my cyberpunk fantasies here.
IDK what you mean about stolen code. There seems to be some misconception that AI is being developed in super secret labs. Don't get me wrong, there is (I assume) some of that going on, but a lot of the really exciting stuff in the AI field has been done by universities and even, as you suggested, people working in their basements. Eg, Joseph Redmon came up with YOLO essentially from his basement (he's a PhD student today, but only because he's known as the guy who created YOLO in his basement).
its the last invention. get it right you just created something that gets smarter by the nano second and passes the combined intelligence of all humans to have ever existed and invents everything for you in your best interest.
get it wrong and whatever it decides to do we have no control over. like trying to beat a chess ai. its impossible. if it decided there is no point in keeping you around your gone one way or the other. in ways you could have never even imagined.
we really don't know what can happen. this is uncharted territory.
its like one day long ago god stopped talking to us. so we decided to make our own.
fear of unknowns aside the reality of what this could mean is out of this world.
you are gonna end up with the AI from Her and break your heart
>literally no proof that this isn't prerecorded
I believe them.
there is a way to beat chess AI, and that is to break the rules.
leave, you do not belong here