Reminder Israel is not alone. Saudi Arabia must be nuked too

Saudi Arabia is just as guilty as the kikes.

Attached: saudisjews.jpg (1892x1424, 319K)

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>America should abandon all it's allies cuz reasons
Yeah nah

Wise words

Damn, i was hoping to buy a nice suit made of astroturf in Riyadh. Oh, well.

Fuck off memeflag


Funny, they don't act like allies.

Only a kike would even try to justify any kind of partnership with saudi arabia.

Attached: 1525132936553.jpg (1920x1157, 1.11M)

KSA is the reason communism didn't swallow the middle east. Iran happily sucked soviet commie dick.

Attached: Ameribolton.gif (352x240, 987K)

300 billion dollar arms deal

Attached: Good goy, the nose knows.jpg (980x550, 82K)