Press F. Andy Alaski Done

>does live stream, less viewers than much smaller channels
>goes full baked alaska
>has two niggers and a jew on to tell the wacists to fuck off
>boring and unstructured, the guests are confused as to their role
>andy doesn't know what to do
>over-whelming thumbs down and negative comments
>cuts stream short without explanation
>doesn't read super chats
>removes video from Youtube

Discuss and press F.

Attached: andyalaski.jpg (900x750, 39K)

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He was based as fuck, too bad the kikes took him down before he could go full 1488 on them.


RaceWarski is awesome.
He's trying new shit you faggots couldn't even dream of.

cry me a river

Big mistake in dropping JF. He held together the show.

Trying to ruin his channel?

>waaaah we arent allowed a platform for our disgusting racist views waaaah
Fuck off stormfags

Attached: AW.png (639x461, 74K)

Bloodsports is dead now

did anyone clip the ending? curious how it went
I love a good dumpster fire