Stamp vandalizm

Use one of these (rubber stamp) for spreading your message and for mild vandalizm.
Esay to hide, reuse and rearange.

Attached: RubberStamp_blank - Copy.jpg (413x411, 27K)

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>nigger nigger nigger nigger

I think thats an idea that would work well.

>this is the height of austrian inventiveness

No one wants to buy your (((stamp machines))) merchant

Checked. I've often considered it myself, going all the way back to the desu desu desu days.

Eh... potential.

>it's okay to be slight.

I plan to spread my anti fat acceptance message far and wide... especially wide.

>sales in rubber stamps increased by 1% this day

Attached: 1525571225313.jpg (1200x819, 77K)

I dont sell them.