Would you be opposed to the creation of a greater Israel, even at the expense of the current land occupants, if all Jews from White countries were required to immigrate there and transfer their control in White countries to Whites fairly?

+ All Jews out of White countries
+ No more Jewish control of White countries
+ No more Jewish propaganda

- More war in the ME
- More potential refugees (don't have to let them in, but probably will), but lack of Jewish propaganda means Whites more quickly reclaim their identity leading to faster total expulsion of refugees
- No more Khazar milkers

Attached: eretz_israel_by_3d4d-d67paci.jpg (942x669, 76K)

Can't let go of the Jewish tits, sorry

Attached: 1514601794226.jpg (966x1280, 265K)

>wanting to make more jews and increase jewish influence anywhere



>if all jews go there
Stupid hypothetical. They won’t all go there. GI is bad for everyone but the Jew.

>hand control over to whites
Pipe dream
Big kek


Oh Greater Israel
Stretching from Sea to Shinning Sea
I am an Amerimutt Zogmarine
Ready to die for theeeee
Semper Fi

Attached: high def merchant.gif (200x200, 382K)

Yes, I don't care about the lives of shitskins.

Look, they won't just leave once they get greater Israel. Are you retarded or a Jew yourself?