Second Attempt:
My name is Patrick Little
Let freedom ring
And traitors hang.
Ask Me Anything
/plg/ AMA -Patrick Little General
Have you read SIEGE by Jason Mason?
I'll pass
can you provide us with proofs?
Bye jew.
Bump. I have a lot of respect for you, Patrick.
Did deploying help redpill you?
define fascism
have you tried to get on the alex jones show?
What did you think of siege?
And have you read mein kampf?
>shilling this controlled op
nice job playing into the kikes' hands, they'll forever destroy any pro white movement with the cringe this fuck spews.
What do you think of FashCash
fascism: a post-jew society
>with the cringe this fuck spews
If whites are afraid to cringe here and there, they deserve to be slaughtered.
How can you adopt far right policies in the muttiest of states that is California. An ethnostate sanctioned by the US government is a fucking meme in general, but California? What exactly are you gonna do, go on the lawns of Sacramento and yell at black people?
wrong, faggot. Patrick is the tip of the spear against the almighty ZOG.
You sir are a cuck concerned with pleasing his jewish masters
In Afghanistan, I saw red flags, later, when I pilled on the JQ, they fit into the place in the puzzle:
1. Learned Taliban had been burning poppy fields when they popped up before NATO arrived there.
2. British Marines and Soldiers told me in the chow hall that NATO troops were ordered not to interfere in opium production or poppy production, that the fields were being protected by NATO forces
3. Learned that we were paying off local warlords not to attack convoys
oh shid.
im no political expert, but i suggested this in the other /plg/ im sure its very low on your list of priorities, but it may be a way to garner support from a rather large community in california.
What is your policy on illegals
What's your opinion on this?
I live in California. I have a magic vote.
I want to see California burn to the fucking ground.
I registered as a Republican to vote DJT, I'll vote if you're on the ticket. 4th of JEWLIE can't come fast enough for me.
Your thoughts on the Alt-Right?
Shut the fuck up Jew. Fuck the Zionist GOP and fuck Jew-loving turd Trump.
Legitimately, will you be on the ballot if you are the highest vote count Republican in the primary? Will they even let you run in the primary? What's the deal man?
Lefties hate israel too and are never given politicians that give them that issue.
A pro-environment, anti-israel gop candidate could probably win california.
Will you have rallies and/or be able to pin Feinstein on the JQ on live TV? Or do you expect to get shut down?
I would drive to california for a saturday night rally lol
Does every man die? And if so, does any man ever truly live?
What are the most important elements of your platform?
your opinion on dabbing?
That's......actually legit. Trouble is winning with all the dindus and liberals after doing an AMA on fucking Jow Forums. This kind of shit makes me realize this is a meme candidate. Possibly controlled opposition.
Despite that, do you feel that your time in service was a valuable experience?
You are a true American hero. What do you think of bringing back Jewish quotas in academia?
Fascism is a hyperbolic return to traditions of a culture that has been targeted for atomization by jewish subversion. It focuses on overcoming the artificial divides that the jews use to d&c a nation they wish to control
this. i am also curious about rallies in the near future. and a debate with feinstein would be something i would never forget
Do you have plans to exploit and/or increase your popularity among California's Asian population?
What's the most effective way we can go about supporting you?
why are you just the fucking best?
doing it
I'm a bad goy
>My name is Patrick Little
Fake and gay.
> supported by your local Nazis
Kek. Flawless execution of Alynski’s rule 11.
>”If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.“
>controlled opp
Does it honestly fucking matter at this point? California will never go red again unless a civil war happens, might as well have the disenfranchised voters vote for the meme choice
What is your opinion on pitbulls? Should they be banned?
If the nigger hates the Jews
If the Muslim hates the Jews
I hate niggers, I hate Muslims
Why should I hate the Jews?
They are white people.
No surprise, they do this everywhere. South Asia, South America, Africa... yea you are liberators LOL
I thought that he was trying to use shock value to recruit disaffected whites who had been disillusioned by jewish controlled opposition groups. While many of his critiques of profiteer movementarians and donation profiteers were good, I don't like his solutions, as they require mayhem
What do you think of Trump. In my opinion by now it's obvious he is a jewish traitor.
What do you think about what happened with Iran deal?
That's not how primaries in cali work.
Primaries are party-neutral, so expect to see a far left dem and a marxist calling itself a dem. Running as GOP in cali is no different than running as a green or lolbertarian, odds of making the general are basically zero unless you do something amazing.
fuck off sandnigjew
I know nothing about it
when whites balkanize, what area do you think would be best? also, how should we go about the beginning stages of gathering people to section off that part and begin the secession process
Who is your favorite Winnie the pooh character and why?
Same way negros turned nigger into a cordial greeting.
Kikes handed us a convenient (verbal) shortening of 'National Socialist' on a silver platter. Was a shit tier attempt at a slur from the get-go.
why are you a fed?
>trip 000
oy vey the goyim knows
in a state with such a high population of cucked whites and nonwhites you can't seriously be delusional enough to expect that you have a chance to win on a platform based on "white interests" so what are you actually trying to do here?
Will you address the technology problem?
Thank you for speaking the truth. We are with you.
a multi ethno state can work, or just bash israel
Godspeed you glorious faggot.
of course he is being followed
You want your mailman dead on your front lawn tomorrow?
is english your first language, muttling?
Thank you for running, Mr. Little.
What should those of us in other U.S. states do since we can't vote for you?
stay mad faggot
Everyone who disagrees with me is ___
Fuck off newfag
im telling you guys. the cucked whites are almost exclusively concentrated in the urban areas. there are plenty of whites that just need a reason to vote.
look them up at fashcast . org
What do you think of Evola? Do you think you have a shot at winning?
How plausible is it to get rid of aipac?
why do you have this saved on your comp...
what a faggot.
Cringing is a result of pavlovian programming.
Speaking in the self interest of your people only triggers a cringe if there is a lot of jewish emotional programming and subversion. Cringing at sight of man standing up for his people is unnatural... result of Frankfurt School, Freudian Psychology, Boasian Anthropology, Critical Theory, Libertarianism, and other atomizing techniques
you forgot to change your mutt flag LMAO
Good luck Sir. If you need help with anything let us know. I'm North CA
Do you support Hezbollah?
Do you think America will experience a second Civil War?
Mr. Little, how do you respond to people alleging that you are, in fact, the reincarnation of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell?
what do you think about George Lincoln Rockwell
Love you Pat, keep fighting the good fight for our people.
not quite but you're getting there i suggest a good book a squires trial 3rd result on google should have an audio book i tried to send a pdf but Jow Forums is being gay as hell
Cool, hey welcome home man.
Hello Patrick,
I deeply admire your courage to speak and act on the real subjects in question here. The writing is indeed on the wall as to where everything in this sad mess will go at present pace. Your earnestness and passion is a jarring change from the utterly rotten politics of today and I do indeed agree that it's time to go on the offensive as opposed to beating around the bushes in need of address.
The extent of treachery and disloyalty that has come to infect all levels of the US Government in zionist occupation is truly staggering and I do not think that it would come easy to the average man to grasp its implications and meaning given the extents of indoctrination waged upon the citizenry of North America in this day and age. Specific subjects such as the true nature of September 11 2001 are particularly muddled, dark, and blighted by disinformation. Do you have any thoughts on what will be necessary to begin the true public shift in consciousness as is necessary to begin recognizing much of this at a meaningful level, as a wider society? How will what is to come be moderated to any extent unless some half-civil solution to it all can be devised? The enemies of America departed from any semblance of lawfulness or humanity long ago.
If you get 200k votes, you're in the race, if you get second place in the race, you're on the ballot
Population living in Urban Areas --------- 28,102,643
Population living in Rural Areas -----------5,187,019
Patrick Manlet will never sway california by appealing to rural voters.
hopefully the ZOG traitors feel more than just the tip of the spear, if you know what I mean. I need more people to name the jew with me, I need a long shaft ramming into the enemy behind the puncture I and others are trying to create as the tip. Courage is contagious, and it is needed, as jewish supremacists are the foremost experts at terrorism and deception.
Not fake
What do you think of having 30% of the Asian vote
have you heard this Benjamin Freedman speech?