Why White People no read Bible?

Study finds black people read the Bible more than white people

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Black people are more likely than any other group in America to regularly read their Bibles, a study has revealed.

The Pew Research Centre also found they were the group most likely to view the Bible as the word of God.

More than half of black people - both Christian and non-Christian - said they read the Bible or other holy scripture at least once a week outside of church services, compared with 32 per cent of whites and 38 per cent of Hispanics, according to data from the Religious Landscape Study.

Only 24 per cent of black people said they "seldom or never" read the Bible, compared with 50 per cent of whites and 40 per cent of Hispanics.

David Masci, a senior writer at Pew Research Center, explained where the root of black people's devotion to the Bible may have come from.

"Religion, particularly Christianity, has played an outsize role in African American history. While most Africans brought to the New World to be slaves were not Christians when they arrived, many of them and their descendants embraced Christianity, finding comfort in the Biblical message of spiritual equality and deliverance," he wrote in an article.

The study also found African Americans participate in prayer and scripture study groups more than both whites and Hispanics.

While 39 per cent of black people asked said they did on a weekly basis, 22 per cent of white people and 27 per cent of Hispanic people said they did.

I read it front to back once (both old and new testaments) and that was enough for me. It has some interesting stuff in it, but it's not really worth multiple reads.

>what is per capita

Because blacks are superstitious. I'm not. I'm just a little stitious.

Go to the hood one thing you will see more than liqour stores and fast food places is churches

Compare two
>education attainment by race
>education attainment by faith

Christianity is for slaves

"Because they do not believe"

Next you'll tell me I have to go to a certain building in order to saved by God.

This is more about community. Something a sperg like you wouldn't know about

Slaves crave slave morality.

Is that why they can't help but shoot each other all day? Very tightly knit "community".

Common Filth is right about what happens when Whites turn their back on God and His Word

Probably because the average white person can read 10 pages in the time it takes the average black boy to read 1.

>or other holy scripture


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This, name any other faith that celebrates a God of Weakness (besides Marxist divisions)

Do you believe Eno and her study, Jow Forums?

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Try again.

>niggers lie
Stop the presses!

>hasn't been said yet

The fuck is wrong with Jow Forums?

we don't need a daily reminder not to kill

Oh there you are!

Time for a New Crusade.

And they don't practice a fucking word of it and probably can't even comprehend most of what they read. Blacks are the biggest Christian LARPers in the country. How did they control for this "study" by the way?

They treat listening to shucking and jiving hustler preachers as "readin' dey bible"

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Because they read GQ who tells them not to read the bible - this is pretty interesting:


Fuck you fag

Eat a hot box of dicks, syrup nigger. I hope chinks completely take over your country so when the Great War happens, I can kill all the chinks I want without any sort of remorse and laugh, thinking of you faggot dog fuckers getting conquered by insect people

>said they did
>said they did

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This is bullshit. There are probably more white people who have read the bible then black people that know how to read.

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I doubt it, I know more white people who can quote the bible more than niggers, and I know a lot of fucking niggers. Do not trust online surveys, island faggot.
But, this is for Murican niggers, not african niggers. There's a pretty big difference between the two, so you might be true.

Black people are liars, user.

You probably understood ten percent of it, tops.

>implying blacks can read


Pick two.

half of black people can't even read so I find this difficult to believe

>what is remembering

>black people
>can read

pick one you faggot

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>people have a lot of spare time in prison

>white people can comprehend and remember what they read
>niggers can't
Why the fuck did people waste money on a study like this?

Half the goddamn book is Jews complaining about their ailments. If I wanted Jewish neuroticism I'd just watch Annie Hall or Seinfeld or some shit.

the word jew did not exist when the bible was written and israelites arent jews. they were white, if you read the bible you would know this.

“Arius king of the Spartans to Onias the high priest, greeting. It is found in writing concerning the Spartans, and the Jews, that they are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham.”

1 Maccabees 12:20-21

Liberals hate anything related with Christianity until its something that black people succeed at better than whites. Gotta love the irony

>"and why thats a good thing!"

It’s the IQ thing.

I do this like twice a year, your loss

Blacks read jewish program....

>Half of them on the streets, criminals
>Half of them in prison

Gee, I wonder why.....

>Blacks more likely to commit crimes
>Statistics are wrong and racist

>Blacks read Bible more often
>Statistics are correct

Only blacks and poles are stupid enough to take bible seriously.

If more black people read the bible than white people, why do they still commit 90% of the crimes?

>52 replies
>no one pointing out the reason there are more blacks that read the bible is because of those missionaries inside prisons

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You wish retard

>Not reading anything of value
checks out

>Study finds black people read the Bible more than white people
>black people read the Bible more than white people
>black people read more than white people
>black people read

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>black people

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the bible isn't worth reading unless you're specifically reading the KJV to appreciate it as a literary masterpiece.

If you read it because you're an actual christcuck you're a retard.

your first day few days in county jail are called classification
everybody gets stuck in a cell alone and they watch you for 3 days
like quarantine
nothing to do because no books or tv in that pod
they they have to give you a bible if you ask
so you read it

Maybe that's why whites are so successful and whites aren't.
Whites do stuff, Blacks pray for stuff to happen to them.


staring at the page doesn't mean you're reading

Isn't he that noofta?

>black "people" are stupid enough to believe fairy tales
you don't say

What’s up with all the race baiting threads from Malaysia lately? You have three up Mike.

>why blacks are controlled by Jews and Democrats (also Jews), take their narrative and read their holy books

they ask them if they read the bible and most of them just say "hell yeah" and the researchers just believe them.

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>study finds black people lie more than white people

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Better white people are too smart for that kind of thing.

I remember when i was four and my mother was reading me the bible. I thought the stories were dumb and wanted her to read other stuff, but i started to realize how into it she was.
I asked her, "People dont believe this stuff anymore more right? Its just part of our peoples history, but everyone knows its not true by now, right?"
When she gave me that look of fear and anxiety I knew this was exactly what the world was going to be like...
Black pilled young... but western civilization still has to push on or it will only be worse.

shouldn't this say quran?

Because we understand it after just one reading

If that was true then they wouldn't be overwhelmingly voting for satanic progressives decade after decade.

Blacks also overwhelming LARP Christianity as Hispanics do. Whites are really the only reliable Christians, hence why (((they))) are entirely focused on dispossessing white lands from whites.

>black people reading

>study finds black people read
I'm already impressed

That's really interesting............is not

more like they act like they are reading it.

>study finds black people read-

>implying black people read

isn't it like 70% of blacks that have never read a book in their lives