help me understand , is reddit the Donald related to Jow Forums ? I admit I visit both but I see more hard core stuff here and many things copied by each website...
Help me understand , is reddit the Donald related to Jow Forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Jow Forums creates the Donald
>it grows massively cancerous because Jow Forums itself is cancer
>Jow Forums then tries to dindu nuffin and claim they had no part in its creation
That's basically it
Jow Forums is a stormfag colony on Jow Forums, and t_d is a Jow Forums colony on reddit.
pretty much. Jow Forums infiltrated and made the_donald a colony. once Trump was elected, they stopped going and started pretending it was always a faggoty place to go.
All that's left now are actual redditors and le civic nationalists that enjoy being politically incorrect, but only to an allowable degree. You will never see them discussing whether or not the holocaust ever happened.
once you make 100 posts on Jow Forums you are allowed to post on the donald sub on reddit is how it works
This website has died. /Pol use to have inquisitive conversation about politics now it’s just shit on top of shit with more shit. I feel like I’m the last Autist who completely missed the memo do to having autism.
But I’m getting off this ride gentlemen it’s been fun.
>many things copied by each website
Any side by side of the same copy pasta? Also you are a nigger faggot, kill yourself. Thanks.
Didnt help that the mod team was replaced by faggot jews.
Bye fag. I've been here since the beginning. I'm riding this thing out. I'm too invested now.
newfag. having been on Jow Forums since the day the twin towers fell, i can tell you you're full of shit. Jow Forums has always been both contrarian and saitirical. if HRC were to run again in 2020, this would become an HRC board.
Fuck off t_d faggot
Thanks guys. The Donald I found because someone wrote it on my college bathroom wall.. I found Jow Forums once I stopped going to B and consuming porn.
Not even remotely true. /Pol use to have wonderful diplomatic conversations and satire, BUT now it’s one hundred percent satire. There is no real discussions anymore and if someone makes a thread discussing actual politics only 5 or six anons join then five ten minutes later it 404’s.
started off as a joke and picked up way too much steam
They were? I wonder if the so called r/TheRedPill is run by jews.
Like it happened here too?
>having been on Jow Forums since the day the twin towers fell
Considering the board was created by moot in 2011 because he turned into a massive faggot
Fuck off, r*ddit nigger, nobody likes you.
Also another thing to mention /pol never existed when the twin towers fell. Neither did Jow Forums you fucking larper GOD DAMN IT GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD.
You think you’re cool larping on a anonymous image board. It makes look like a total fucking loser! Kys
all reddit subs turn to shit after reaching a certain level of notoriety. r/cringe has been neutered so much over the years, it's unbelievable
>I admit I visit both
Maybe you should go back to plebbit.
That's impressive considering that the site launched in 2003.
I bet you don’t even know what /news/ is.
Pathetic isn't it?
before it was on Something Awful and Newgrounds, only when Jow Forums was founded did all those autists have an official home
Whoops /new/
I think people underestimate how influential the_donald really is. The amount of help the_donald has given Trump is amazing, more than other candidates got from multiple superpacs. Jow Forums, which is almost entirely recycled r/the_DonaId memes has basically taken over Jow Forums. At one stage Trump was a complete joke on Jow Forums, now the pro-Trump Jow Forums board has like 100k posters, all thanks to the_donald's influence.
>le 2003 le /nenw/
you fags are so unebelivably new to fall for something so obvious.
>he visits T_D
Get out.
Before I read your post leaf why did you buy a Jow Forums pass?
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Yeah, but claiming to be a Jow Forums expert predating 9/11 is different than saying "I've been shitposting for over 17 years."
>Jow Forums is recycled the_donald memes
now that's a quality leaf post
Ah, the old "I was merely pretending to be retarded" defense.
When it was modded by Jow Forumsacks it was very anti jew and racist. Though the admins replaced them and jews wormed their way in like always.
Jow Forums became the jew
Did you forget to change IP before samefagging?
search 4plebs to read threads shilling the Trump subreddits (several were created, The_Donald is the only one that happened to catch on)
Apparently so, according to that deleted post from IDs JcolsZCw and NXdD58X6
Pol is now almost exclusively non-political content Your average post is something like “is this person white?” “How many transvestites do you know?”
God damn it I’m tired. You’re the fucking shit that has ruined my board. The Jews know damn well how to irritate the intellectuals and you’re the perfect pond for their sick endeavors. You probably don’t even research shit.
You just believe everything at face value.
No I deleted my post because He was the user who said all that stupid shit about being on here when the twin towers fell. I thought it was a different user because I didn’t read is ID because I’m tired.
imagine being this triggered by someone saying they posted on Jow Forums before 2003
Imagine being a fanboy of a message board that is full of autistic people.
You have a sad existence if this is something you use to help you sleep at night.
reddit went full male and female.
This is the place where You can post banned Video links like this:
Fear Speaking Your mind on 4 chan, Speak Your mind without fear everywhere else.
I came here to see the Bush vs Gore Generals on /b/. Fun times.
This, look up “normie outreach” in the archives, the proof’s all there.
We created it.
Imagine being a cancerous fag from rebbit
imagine calling things cancerous and then pretending not to be from r*ddit
I wasn't big on Jow Forums before the election, I'm not even a conservative, but during the primaries as soon as I saw Bernie shit all over the frontpage of reddit being replaced with Trump shit, I knew exactly who was behind it and came to join the fun, the_donald has too many normie faggots and jew lovers to be taken seriously anymore, but it was a fun ride.