Is it true that 80% of women go for 20% of men?
Is it true that 80% of women go for 20% of men?
if they can get away with it, that's how things settle
Oh boy this shit makes me mad
Short people need to be eradicated 6ft>
However this is still cruel, if you’re married you have his kids. That’s just how it works
Yeah just like all of you try to fuck the fattest ugliest girl in town .
80% of men are weak
60% of men are obese and 20% are scrawny numales
She's not wrong.
Manlets should be cut out of the gene pool.
I wonder what advice reddit gave her
60% is the number from 10 years ago. 70% of people are fat now.
>drink more onions
I'm guessing. In a round about way.
10% of them arent actually obese, just really big buff dudes
>liberal advice
I don't think this relationship can be saved
Also true once robo waifus and artificial wombs become more feasible they will be more than welcome to share chad. :)
I love all the replies that paint her as the victim in that. Just as a reminder, about 1% of men are raising kids that aren't theirs.
>about 1% of men
It has to be way higher than that.
>conflating normal height pakis with manlets.
You should be cut out if the gene pool.
my sides have been abducted
it USED to be 10%. paternity tests, contraception and our understanding of heredity and genetics reduced that.
>Sister is 4,11
>Brother in law is 5,4
>Nephew 1 is 6,1
>Nephew 2 is 6,3
Just because he is short, doesnt mean his offspring will be. Its all to do with diet and Westerners on average are getting taller. Look how tall Gen Z is FFS and thats all races of Gen Z
I get matches all the time, I just find them that attractive to go out of my way and meet them
>80% of men are shit
>78% of women are "top tier"
Who writes this nonsense. Oh sorry its probably another article from a (((tribe))) member.
>I'm not going to bore you guys with huge blocks of text
>so here's a fuckhuge block of text
Chicks in a nutshell.
hahahaha, what the fuck
This is surprisingly accurate. It just needs to be Kek in the center.
>MFW THE 20%
He should've thrown her out of the house.
Men in the past knew how shit worked.
It saddens me how far we have fallen.
>emotional rape
it honestly baffles me that someone can be in a relationship for 4 years and not realize their wife is a psycopathic shall cunt. how do normies even manage to get into this kind of situations?
Waifubots can't come soon enough. After working 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday plus another 6 every other Saturday, the last thing I want to do, is to come back home to a modern female and her bitchy attitude.
The 10% figure is what I am familiar with
I know of literal nerds that have girlfriends and get laid for hecks sake. Why do you faggots spend so much time worry about 80 IQ semen dumpsters? Get a fucking hobby.
Why is reddit filled with such faggots?!
This (((M23))) should fucking leave that cunt right away after that. But (((M23))) prob picked out a nice, tall Jamal to impregnate his wife because he is short...apparently
Can Lil'Kim just nuke the shit out of this lost cause of a nation already?!
texas is a non alimony state? what?
Only if you let them.
Get a prenup and don't marry college educated women.
Prenup does very little today, you cant really protect yourself from alimony etc
% of men think they are shit
% of women think they are "top tier"
Men are the aggressors in every sexual encounter. That's just biology.
>after installing this one simple app, a deformed retard midget got over 1000 likes on a Tuesday night! And she only has one tit!
Men are shotguns, women are snipers.
A broad can get knocked up once every 9 months.
How many women can a man impregnate in 9 months?
If you pay alimony after a divorce you divorced like a fucking cuck and cheaped out on the prenup.
what category do you fall under?
how can you avoid paying alemony if you are not poor as fuck?
Even the retard women are pulling in decent looking men.
hoooly shit it's like sky kids
im the top 0.00001%
bow before me
No, the judge will literally terminate the prenup if its considered too brutal (the woman gets nothing)
You should really look into this, scary stuff
this is fake
uh huh
>being this jealous
>Men in the past knew how shit worked.
Some of us are still alive.
Modern (((men))) prefer fairy tales of equality to reading the truth.
Gloryhole Face is a real thing.
> Have sex once a year when I go to another country because I don't get shit here
post body
No, sadly, it isn't.
> Is it true that 80% of women go for 20% of men?
>Once upon a time, 4,000 to 8,000 years after humanity invented agriculture, something very strange happened to human reproduction. Across the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around today—only one man did the same.
>Then, as more thousands of years passed, the numbers of men reproducing, compared to women, rose again. "Maybe more and more people started being successful," Wilson Sayres says. In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man.
Remove the hypergamic barriers and I'll not be surprised if we revert back to 17 women who reproduced for 1 man in 2018.
That's only the case if no lawyers were present when the pre-nup was negotiated.
Forgot the link :
Incels are basically right on that assumption. The 80/20% as a crude rule is most definitely nearer the truth than anything else.
It's the case even with lawyers. Whether or not it holds up in court is literally up to the whims of the judge and judges are farm more liberal than ever.
Prenups are NOT a defense.
That nigger on the left
It's the harsh reality of french society today :
I hate everyone. They are slave to their nature, I despise every single person I ever met besides a handful of unic individuals. I hate the world, if tomorrow there was a genocide I wouldn't feel anything. This world is so simplistic it deserves to burn.
How do you feel anons.
>0% on top 1/7
>Dota 2 shirt on
Shit makes me mad. I would rather play with every peruvian in the world spamming "xd jaja ctm" than the stupid passive aggresive basedboy anti racism faggots. I dont even say nigger in games often but whenever anyone else does these cunts will stop caring about ranked games and take time to lead a fucking diversity discussion over voice chat
Dont do something stupid monkaS
>how can you avoid paying alemony (sic) if you are not poor as fuck?
Be a nigger.
That was mostly covered by "poor as fuck", though.
Option #2 is don't get married. If you're not a nigger, that becomes Option #1.
The best route is to put your wealth into a trust that you control, but don't own; Like the richfags do.
When the family of that dead broad sued Ted Kennedy, they quickly found out that he didn't own shit, even though his family was technically worth Billions.
The only way to beat the Jew is to become the Jew.
>The beta uprising 2030 colorized
I've got good verbal skills, graduated top of my school, I could start in some politics.
I am wondering if this is natural or testament to how things are fucked up due to the current advancements and times we’re living in (agriculture, social media bullshittery, birth control/hormone bullshittery).
In any case, 80% of women are literal fucking whores that will fuck you over if they were given the chance.
heh that porn slut
>tfw have unprotected sex with random 6-8s on the regular
>tfw must be part of the top 20%
Maybe it's just because I live in New Zealand and girls are apparently hoes here.
>inb4 degenerate scum
I hate myself already for what I do, but sex with girls gives me a bit of validation
Don't get married.
The west is full of scum anyways, have fun while you can. I can't wait when it all comes crumbling down Under Muzzies or Asians overlords. I have there will be concentration camps.
that doesn't offer a solution, the fact their nature is at odds with it means it will never last. There are better alternatives
Short answer: Pay a lawyer for their time and spend an hour asking them these questions.
Long answer: You can protect yourself with a maze of legal trusts and corporations that you don't own. Technically a corporation can own itself. Your wife cannot take your home from you in the divorce if your home is not owned by you, but rather a perk given to you by a corporation. It's very hard for her to receive alimony if your registered income is 1 dollar a year, but all of your groceries and bills are paid for on a corporate account.
However, I am not certain what the legality of these tactics are. Some states may be harder on obfuscating your assets than others. The taxes you have to pay may also not be worth it.
how do we save our country?
Why is he excited over a box of cereal you can get at any grocery store?
>the fact their nature is at odds with it means it will never last
but men have to know that, many many men do not know this and still believe women are innocent, they will let it burn
Society will balance. In decades past these questions have been asked before. Stay on the higher road, focus and work on being the best man that you can be and everything will be okay.
>That's ondly the case if no (((lawyers))) were present when the pre-nup was negotiated.
>Goyim NEED kikes to get married or divorced!
>Your relationship is illegal without US!
Nice try, shlomo.
No wonder you got kicked the fuck out of over 300 countries in the past 3000 years.
Yes, its called the iron pill.
>80% of women go for 20% of men
Yea, but they 60% of men go for the the women in the 30-70% range, because the hot ones put out and the mediocre ones stay loyal. The top 20% are not worth the effort and got the stigma for being high maintenance, and the 70% and uglier, either have long term boyfriends or they're fucking overweight slobs that only a dragon dildo can satisfy