G`day cunts.

>>Budget 2018: Migrants will not be allowed to access Newstart and other welfare benefits until they have lived in Australia for four years.

>>Finance Minister Mathias Cormann has defended the cuts to ABC funding found in Tuesday's budget.

>>Budget 2018: Scott Morrison has spoken with SBS News about his budget plan to extend the waiting time for refugees needing to access the government's job search service.

>>Budget 2018: how the Government's surplus plan locks in high immigration

>>Children's Taiwan flag design painted over by council ahead of beef industry event

>>Federal Budget 2018: Property owners sitting on vacant land targeted in budget measures

>>This week's federal budget is set to include a $3.8 billion loan scheme designed to ramp up Australia’s credentials as a global arms dealer.

>>ACA. Victoria State Police In Crisis.(Socialism)(Agenda Politics)

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Other urls found in this thread:

who here getting absolutely and utterly JUSTed right now?

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Sorry lads.

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I want some chink bucks.

Where to buy some land cheap then flog it to chinks in the future?

Well I am a white Australian, so yeah, til my death I expect. I'll probably get chinked in the afterlife too.

So Christ fags are there chinks in heaven?

There'd want to be a few, what if you want some Sweet and Sour Pork?

wtf lads

3 days got 17 tinder matches in lelbourne
2 weeks in adelaide got 4

why is this

>Children's Taiwan flag design painted over by council ahead of beef industry event
>Asked to paint their culture
>Paints a Taiwanese flag

Attached: deport.jpg (506x360, 32K)


>driving and listening to budget talk on the radio
>some labour cunt bitching in pollie HQ
>demanding money for abortion clinic in Tasmania because the "unacceptable" number of 10 women had to travel to Melbourne for abortions

Fuck labour

Melbourne has like 4 gorillion people + 2 gorillion refos m8
Badelaide is basically manlet city

Yeah just looked it up and melbourne is 4.3 mil, adelaide 1.3.

damn. guess Adelaide is just shit.

Post pisstralian role models lads. I'll start.

Attached: AussieRolemodels.jpg (527x651, 70K)

>muh cricket

man i got sick of hearing about this shit after the first day

>So Christ fags are there chinks in heaven?
only Japs

Attached: car_girl.jpg (720x1280, 383K)

ive jerked off way too many times to this bird

shes chinese btw

>Migrants will not be allowed to access Newstart and other welfare benefits until they have lived in Australia for four years.
>$84m to be cut from ABC
Looks like the cunts in Canberra are being slightly less useless than usual.

Considering how shit you are, I guess you might get tired of it.

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another victim of the eternal JUSTing checking in

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I think you have to have a soul to get into heaven.

pfff Grasshopper isn't a real sport

Stop giving me yellow fever.

Here's some counter porn.

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Hello Aus/pol/.

No burger flag today.

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post yellow puss

Guys guys look we have an American in our thread. IN OUR THREAD. I bet other country's generals are super jealous right now.

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trying to understand these two Aussies is harder then g getting my dick out the pumpkin

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Why are catholics such degenerate faggots?

Attached: 1.png (610x212, 52K)

>Tfw got payed today

Attached: auspol buys a car.jpg (811x434, 37K)

what cunt it's not that hard are you illiterate cob? that big mac clouding your thinking?

>deflategate the biggest meme cheat ever
> and then this dickhead is having a go at us about the cricket

Attached: satania_smug 2.jpg (593x663, 80K)

haha I had a Big Mac tonight fuc Aussies psychic as fk too

Are we talking about the map incident tonight?

Attached: auspol.png (1294x1230, 1.08M)

>Adelaide is just shit.
Adelaide is white. Keep your Chink'd ideas to your eastern state 3rd world police state shitholes.
>tfw you can literally be thrown in jail for no reason in Victoria
Smelbourne most livable city :^)

Attached: satania_smug 4.jpg (1920x1080, 99K)

Attached: australian-sports-tape.jpg (1344x879, 94K)

What is something Jewish that happened today lads?

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I drive for uber and sis asked for ride to Taylor swift concert I tell her to download the uber app and use my coupon so she can get 5$ off.

>this is american's cheating
>deflating balls
>video taping oppositions coaches
>"bounties" to defensive players for big plays during games
Keep trying to push the Aussie cheat meme

Attached: deflategate.jpg (560x356, 41K)

Catch me up on this. I missed it. What map was NZ left off of this time?

Is it true after ww2 you guys went and hid all your weapons and shit out in the desert? Wouldn't the kangaroo and emu tanks suffocate tho? Pretty sure you have to give them food and water every now and then other wise m8 you in for a doozy of a recovery mission.

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Please watch our sport

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stupid fucking university niggers might have screwed me out of a 20 percent programming task despite me passing every single provided test they gave

ya called ameriburgers for a reason aye

I'm from adelaide. i leave Melbourne friday. i dont mind a hot gook but fucking melbourne is literally hong kong

source: lived in HK

There seems to be alot of burger flags in these threads now

>lived in HK
Found a CHINK in his armor lads

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I've been to both Sydney and Melbourne a few times. Both were pretty Asian.

Anyone who says Adelaide is "Asian" or "Not white" is exaggerating a fair bit.

not bad, but check this out

Attached: contributing.webm (230x400, 1.29M)

'Rad'-elaide is officially 60% chicks to guys - pity they're mainly heifers and unfuckables

or meth heads

saw a hottie at the gym and broke my nofap, spent the afternoon jerking it to (((porn)))

it's called travelling assbag

adelaide is gook central in the cbd though no shit

yeah must be hey, like fuck me where are the hot bitches

haven't noticed meth but most people i know smoke dope

>migrants cant get gibs
>abc loses funding
>more cash in my pocket


it hit its head pretty hard


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Its a shame that newstart wasn't cut.



Fuck off boomer faggot.

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>tfw paid every two weeks

Feels like a decade between drinks.

Jesus. Sometimes women don't even know they are pregnant. Looks like one of those times.

After that disgusting preggo chink no way.

Here's my favourite blonde.

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>there are neets in this thread

preggo chink? where?

It's a shame they're pathetic anglo jew puppets larping as respectable white men.

Is there an Australian version of styx on jewtube?
Doesn't have to be a civ nat cuck, but just comments on Australian events and politics with a libertarian attitude

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Why do you need some cunt to validate your opinions or god forbid gain opinions from ?

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That was meant for him.

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>Anyone who says Adelaide is "Asian" or "Not white" is exaggerating a fair bit.
Go to the CBD or Arndale

work keeps cutting employees hours and making us do more jobs on top of our current workload

im being trained in several different areas so i can come in on the weekend and literally do everything. doesnt get much more hebrew than that


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>oh my fragile sensibilities

harden up cuck

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Fornight pay is fucking terrible, feels like you're always broke

Because I want someone to wrap up whats happened around Australia politically for the day/week and some context in a 10-20min video?

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>modern journalism

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does vice still do docos in africa or has that ship long sailed?

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My god it's real. And it's a woman?

seeing a girl for coffee tomorrow, how can i make her be my girlfriend guys

>Then the panel with Richard Di Natale, Leigh Sales, and others was on and Richard Di Natale was getting very angry and saying all the things that I agree with and I orgasmed to Richard Di Natale.

ask her if she likes memes, then proceed to redpill her on the jews.

How much would you pay for this pipe?

You can LARP as Gandalf.

Attached: 154d_hobbit_gandalf_pipe_prop_replica.jpg (600x392, 15K)

Not clicking on it.

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My cheated sides. Thanks for the laughs burgerman.

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>masturbating with an eggplant
The absolute state of modern women

Tell her you're desperate

Nothing gets a girls heart to yearn for the dick when a guy acts pathetic

BIG fan of Santner's action over here, lad.

Attached: Santner (4).png (400x400, 200K)

You'd be better off getting a proper hunters pipe

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Ari is my waifu

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Real white men do rollies whilst wearing a collared shirt.

>mfw labor will get back in after the next election and will raise my taxes more than the latest budget cut them

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Embrace the 56%
It is man's next step in evolution

>American war machine is going to grind Iran into a nuclear war since they've had functional nukes since 1995
>Retarded Aussie Government is going to drag us into it because they're sycophantic lap dogs for the US
I just want them to stop
Australia would be a better country if every politician just retired today

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all the boomers going to vote for Libs

Labor hasn't a chance

thats all the boomers fuckin do anyway