Some dumb bitch of kikebook shared this woke image. How would one respond without releasing pure autism?
And women want daughters over sons because they want their progeny to suffer? Or is it because they can better relate to their children and won’t have to deal with gender specific problems?
Fucking leaf, you ruined it.
you could remind them that only white christian males ever took any action, or fought any battles to liberate or educate other races
they wouldn't believe it however, so good luck
What womyn think is of no relevance. Stop wanting to debate womyn or change their infantile "mind". Womyn are just property to be owned
I dont want to debate at all. I juat want to post a quick smuggie to point out how ludacris her dumb ass post was. Any good FEMIN cancer images?
Leaf, how about you tell us what is it that bothers you about the tweet? What is it you consider to be wrong?