What do you guys think of this...

What do you guys think of this? I'm thinking about hanging some of these up to spread the word about NatSoc politics and organizations amongst my university. No, fuck opticscucks.
I want the message to go out to any potential sympathizers who aren't scared of the swastika, whether it be 10 people or 100, I want them to be empowered to be pro-Natsoc and pro-1488, so no fuck you my goal here is to get a conversation going and a powerful message. Thoughts?

Attached: 5ae68071af761.jpg (376x515, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is a good idea to do for all optics cucks. The thing they fear most is being called "nazi", we should make sure they're permanently branded as such. Fuck the aut-kike.

Attached: this.jpg (494x531, 32K)

You're dumb and edgy and you'll damage the aims of both legitimate fascists and cucky identitarians.
National Socialist imagery/propaganda always played to nobility and light.

Attached: 1498748178151.png (465x402, 433K)

The "damage" only works one way, kosher cuck.

Attached: animesiege3.jpg (500x671, 135K)

You're a retard, Siegecuck.
Read Codreanu or anything other than that blackpilled Satanic trash and get out of my face.

Attached: einen großen Gedanken machen.jpg (600x646, 33K)

National Socialism is what I want, and I am not alone. To break the stigma, we must fight it directly. The swastika gets people talking, National Socialism is the uncomfortable truth, the truth they hide from everyone and demonize but deep down people know is the correct way forward. To break the Jewish conditioning and the barriers in place, we must desensitize the public and show that it is OK to be public with NatSoc imagery. Time is running out and whites need to wake up before the demographic crisis hits a boiling point. The time for pussyfooting around, cuckservatism and dogwhsitles that have got us nowhere is over, we have to be bolder. We have to destigmatize National Socialism, we have to be public, we have to get the people willing to fight for the ideals and not worry about Jewish imposed social pressure.

We need something that will get an actual conversation going and get people to notice and think, not tired slogans and milquetoast ""all american" civic nationalist or "western civilization" type things, no we need to speak the truth, the Jew and race are the foremost issues affecting our people right now.

>Read Codreanu
I'm sure I've not only read, but translated more works into English than you've ever heard of.
> that blackpilled Satanic trash
What exactly is blackpilled or satanic, can you quote me something that concerns you?
>inb4 you can't because you never read Siege like every other faggot that complains about it

Attached: Tedpill.jpg (1195x960, 128K)


Attached: By way of deception thou shalt do war.jpg (427x500, 47K)

As far as that goes, I agree. Posting the swastika spattered with blood, however, is retarded. Look at actual National Socialist propaganda .
>I'm sure I've not only read, but translated more works into English than you've ever heard of.
Ha, okay. Don't reply to me again, you posturing moron.

Attached: 1424611926944.jpg (640x480, 128K)

I can't wait for every Nazi on earth to die

>implying your namedrop of Codreanu and telling me to "read a book" like alefty faggot wasn't posturing
kys retard. Still waiting for you to quote the parts of SIege concerning "blackpilled satanism" that have your panties in a bunch. I think he only mentions "satan/ism" 4 times in the entire book, and always in a metapolitical context about "prometheanism and showmanship" to shock and awe the public. But of course, you can't comment on that if you havent read the book, you fuckin pleb.

I don't even agree with everything in SIege, and I don't particularly agree with his views of Satanism. However, people like you are such fucking lemmings -- just echoing what the opinions you feel peer pressured to have in an anonymous forum, or probably worse, you're just repeating what some aut-kike eceleb told you to think.

Seriously, gas yourself for being a nigger.

Attached: disdain for plebs.jpg (736x935, 224K)

Didn't read your wall of text Nazi fuck, go put a bullet in your brain

>implying anyone gives a shit about your opinion
Don't you have a wall street agenda to go useful idiot for?

Attached: antifa2.jpg (544x720, 103K)

In that case you should understand my fucking point, namely that shitposting "hurr race war" like a fucking nigger calling his homies to a gang battle is completely retarded and will neither shock the masses, conditioned to expect that of Hollywood neo-Nazis, nor attract the minority of people who actually have the ability to become part of a radical movement. As to Siege and Satanism, you know exactly the shit I'm talking about. Counterclockwise swastikas, veneration of Manson, "convert to Islam, kill your mailman, and go innawoods".

I confess I haven't read the book- yet. However, I'm judging it by its exponents, not by some faggot e-celeb like you're trying to strawman.

Attached: 1426805116367.jpg (538x603, 99K)

You need to do better.
Swastikas are gay as shit and only make you look like a brainless ape.

yeah its such a good idea to run a smear campaign on the right so everyone disassociates from them forever
good job fucktards

You probably want to go full Americanism. That's also a bad idea.

>worried about validating hollywood stereotypes and "what the normies think"
Ok, let's take the rhetoric down a notch, since you seem capable of an actual discussion. Why did you think I was endorsing combining "hurr race war" rhetoric with aut-cuck logos? That was obvious to you right?

*Also, do you know what "Oderint dum metuant" translates to in English?

>Swastikas are gay as shit and only make you look like a brainless ape.
You're gay af and brainless if you think so; it's the most ancient symbol of Aryan civilization. The fact that it's been made occult and taboo is the ultimate monument to imposed self-loathing
the jews have erected since the war.

Yes, its a good idea to force crypto-fascist organizations to be radical right wingers or close up shop. Why wouldn't it be? Try not to be such a two dimensional thinker; what good are cryptos, when have Fabian tactics ever worked historically?
>hint: never

Attached: why the alt-right cant win.png (2000x1500, 736K)

>Why did you think I was endorsing combining "hurr race war" rhetoric with aut-cuck logos? That was obvious to you right?
Yes, it does, and while I endorse the idea of attributing fascist ideas and symbolism to cucky organizations I don't endorse letting the Jews tell you how to be a Nazi.
Something I would do, if I would use this tactic, is make a poster exactly like IE would make, but instead of whatever gay quotes they use, put a Hitler quote, and replace the triangle thing with a swastika.

>Oderint dum metuant
Only works in a power vacuum or when you're already on top. The Jews use the hate and the fear to portray themselves as the legitimate rulers.

Brainlets, you can be edgy here , but outside Jow Forums you are a stupid idiot that should be euthanised or a c*mmie jew that is trying to subvert.




Well, then you are brain-cucked.
The NS symbols being banned here in Jewrope really did help the rightwing movements, as idiots like you could simply be thrown in jail.
It's unjust, but it inadvertantly helped.
Look where IB is.
Look where the """Alt""" right is.

Thanks for your nonsensical and also just idiotic comment.
These groups are amassing support and becoming more radical just through sheer persecution from MSM and leftist organizations. You're just trying to lead them to failure at this point.

Needs more souncloud rap

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

>when have Fabian tactics ever worked historically?
They worked pretty well for the fucking Fabians. Getting crypto-fascists into positions of power so they can cooperate with radical groups is objectively a good idea, so long as you're talking about people who hold real fascist ideas and not faggot civic nationalists.

What do you advise then?
I do think optics are important.
Look at the NS dudes, they didn't go around calling for violence, no, the simply used violence to end violence.
That strategy worked back then, in Coburg for example, but it just doesn't get anyone today.
Today everything is about comfort and safety, and the political movememnt has to cater to how the people are made and slowly lead them away from the flaws they have.

>using .jpg.
Pic related, .jpg-cuck.

Attached: png masterrace but why does 4chan still uplod that shit as (((jpg))).png (1200x6400, 2.39M)

No you fuck.
That image you posted doesn't appreciate the fact, that the flow of ideology is simply cut off, when purity spirallers dominate.
That aside, you dudes want to gas so many people, that after the fact there'd be not enough people to support your cause in the first place.

Same thing Jow Forums always does.
Educates people through subtle humor and viral memes.

POL doesnt educate people on shit. Thats something people on here tell themselves to make them feel like they are doing something

>letting the Jews tell you how to be a Nazi.
Explain? How are "Jews telling me how to be a Nazi"? Is this a reference to the "Hollywood stereotypes" again? I realize your primary window into reality is what you're told here, and that if you never interact with Natsocs outside the internet its easy to believe the jewish strawmen reinforced by the shills here (especially the aut-kike variety), but no one save for a handful of the same rednecks in every photo op have those terrible optics. You wouldn't notice us by looking at us, except that we're probably cleaner cut than you are.

>implying you leave your basement to be active in right wing groups
Go outside, meet some Natsocs.

>These groups are amassing support and becoming more radical
No, they're aggressively DE-RADICALIZING the right, they explicitly say that's what they're doing. IE recently cut all ties with Richard Spencer over his "extreme image", that's how cucked those fags are. They're explicitly online only now except for the occasional pointless banner hanging and video release.

>They worked pretty well for the fucking Fabians.
Except they didn't work at all, even the Fabians conceded that. The Left didn't grow in popularity by charming normies; it grew by harassing and terrorizing them, by threatening them and forcing them to give concessions. The Left gained control "by a thousand cuts" over time, not by sucking the dick of lemmings who are general comfort-oriented and apolitical.

>What do you advise then?
That you lurk until you have more than "baby's first day on Jow Forums" opinions about why we should cuck hard and immediately and as often as possible. I speak to Natsocs in Germany and Austria on a daily basis, I realize it harder for you there but you never have an excuse to cuck as hard as many of you reflexively do. Stop looking to IE or Gen Ident and other philospemitic controlled op groups for ideas.

Attached: SIEGE infiltration Optics.jpg (1195x1200, 220K)

>Educates people through subtle humor and viral memes.
Except you've failed to do this for the last two years. You're subverted here, to the extreme.

Attached: nupol-muh-Q-larps.jpg (999x936, 298K)

Nice Honeypot Mr. FBI

This will not get anything at all done.
It is far too little, barely enough to sustain itself against the exflux of disillusioned people that just take the blackpill.
If we want to pose any threat against the propaganda matrix of the current times, then
we need to organize and attack simgle targets collectively.
Else our ideology is a meme anyways.
And don't bullshit me some crap about us being decentralized; no, we are centralized here eon this page, decentralized only in our ADHD-addled slide-thread answering stupidity.
I used to care, but it doesn't matter, sage alll you want anons willl keep acting stupid, and
once you talk about origanizing, jsut on the interent even, not even irl, you are cia.
Looks like everything is CIA if it requires lifting one's ass and learning.


Attached: Ricky Vaughn Aut-kike.png (600x458, 231K)


No u

Attached: Meme flaggot.jpg (208x242, 16K)

I may not agree with you in many other points, but this right here pisses me off to no end.
What is your strategy?

Also: I downloaded the /zundel/ bunker and k0bsl.org, gonna be a long hard way, but I am making baby steps.
For any anons interested; here:

And I plan on joining IB, there is no success to be had joining actual NS larpers here in Germany, it's a burnt path.

Go back to 8ch then. Nobody will miss you.

0/10 awful bait

The Jewish stereotype isn't merely the toothless redneck, it's the Nazi who is a Nazi because that's edgy and cool. The skinhead who uses the swastika as a gang symbol.
I don't think I actually disagree with you on anything of substance, though.
>The Left didn't grow in popularity by charming normies; it grew by harassing and terrorizing them, by threatening them and forcing them to give concessions.
With the support of Jews and leftists in the establishment, including people like the Fabians. The goal of infiltrators isn't to inject fascist ideas into globohomogayplex, it's to be soft on radicals and prevent the system from coming down on them. You're correct that the majority of the population will never be with us until either shit hits the fan or we're in power, BUT- there's a wide gulf between "apolitical and comfort-oriented" and "hostile."

Anons of Jow Forums unite in bookfagging; this is material to last you for years and ggoes far beyond jut Jow Forumsish stuff:


Fug, my hands really don't work today, sorry for the typos, but I am not going to delete and re-write that post.

it means when a dude wants to post a poster directly dont tell him not to. Because pol isnt doing anything better otherwise

bih what are they

its not satanic just autistic about manson

>He doesn't understand how psyops and honeypots work
Yeah u keep uploading Nazi shit to mega for the feds to download and false flag your ass one day

based pede

If you are legit this is ridiculous but I think it’s just a straight up false flag hit job you’re proposing.

It’s called SAGE u fucking newfags sage sage sage sage sage fucking read the fucking rules instead of contribute pointless reply’s to some fucking faghot.

If u don’t want this on ur board sage sage sage sage SAGE

Attached: thisisbait.png (625x626, 66K)

Keep your autism in check or do the humane thing and neck yourself.

Clearly your shitty autistic board is worse off given that you have nothing to do but come here for discussion, fag.

>putting blood all over the swatzika
>calling for civil war
It's like you want to get attacked.

It's basically a sum of 50GB of pdfs on things from arduino electronics to zundel holocause denial, try it, even if you aren't interested in politics.
There will be something for you.

Kek, I am not the uploader.
Also, why would they use that approach.
You are being cryptic, user, where is the (((problem))) you see?

>And I plan on joining IB
Identitare Bewegung is pretty cucked m8, its even more philosemitic than Spencer or the French New Right like Guillame Faye. How can you fight for you race when you're out there preaching "the Jews are victims of white genocide too"? Its bullshits.
>We reject racism!
How can you fight for your race's survival if you're anti-racist?


> it's the Nazi who is a Nazi because that's edgy and cool.
This is the acme of non-argument, you're just projecting your own infantile motivations onto others then condemning them for it. No one you speak to who is a fanatical NS is ever just doing it for the "image" or a larp; those are your frameworks, and since you can't read minds its obvious projection or "cope" because you're too scared to be more radical. Like complaining that people more Jow Forums than you are "gym rats" or don't have lives because of all the time they spend lifting. You're just uncomfortable to compare yourself to them.

Attached: (((identitarian))).png (1657x3163, 1.41M)

what the flying fuck are both of those things

destroying your ideological allies to btfo the libs

OP is a faggot who runs a Jew smear operation against the alt-right.

boomer you might not wanna throw such heavy accusations around like that, might put your back out, wont be able to stand to salute the troops

You have to be over 18 to post here. Not everyone older and smarter than you is a boomer.

Kosher cucks aren't our ideological allies. Crypto fascists subvert right wing radicals, they subvert NS/Fascists and white nationalism, not the other way around. Their democratic aspirations are laughably unrealistic pipe dreams until they've normalized far right values in the political culture. Kind of like NRM or Golden Dawn are doing. Anything less is a waste of time or controlled op

Attached: nrm2.jpg (500x707, 75K)

That's some top tier subversion, I'm surprised lefties didn't thought about it before.

Attached: 1462992169170.gif (640x480, 1001K)

Want to stir something up in inside people user?

Hitler was elected.

Well nobody who is smarter than me on this board is a boomer thats for sure, but that doesnt logically rule out you being a boomer

It's a shill.
But this thread is full of idiots claiming CIA or fed anways.

>more philosemitic than Spence
Actually Sellner, I did watch a video of him once on that whole thing with Yasha Mounk, did say that the irrational approaches to Judaism annoy him.
He wants to show that a right-wing movement can function without philo/anti-semitism.
In his own words, that is, and his actiions speak for it.
He doesn't care if it's a jew or not, he simply attacks the problems and (((problems))) and {{{problems}}} alike.

That picture you posted has been posted numerous times by low-effort shills, it reeks of concern-trolling.

Archives full of pdfs.
Mega.nz is a file-sharing paltform.
It's not safe to torrent the newest movie, but most of those books are public domain, and no one cares about books when the (((profit of hoollywood))) [movies] is at stake.
You can visit it, I can give you a screenshot if you want.
Get the client if you want to download the stuff, else it's too big for your browser to handle.
Also watch a quick tutorial on how to download with the client, it'll save you the headacht of accidentally syncing it with your free 50GB cloud storage.

What are the thingies actually about. Those words you through around mean nothing to me. And if its just full of esoteric shit nobody with half a brain cell will want anything to do with it

arduino is a peice of electronics, used by tinkerers, zundel was a prominent holocaust revisionist/""""(((denier)))"""

It was simply a jab at the "you find anything from a to z on here".

You misunderstand my point. The Jew promotes national socialismderstand my point. The Jew promotes national socialism as edgy, as dark and evil and bad. The type of person that I'm against runs with that imagery, instead of promoting national socialism as good. This isn't "everyone who's more radical than me is edgy."

That poster is exactly what I'm in favor of. Radical and forthright without going full "hur we're so evil."

Attached: DV2rbHpWAAI-5kT.jpg:large.jpg (1100x1342, 215K)

this infographic is retarded.
any group that has 88 symbols will not go beyond 1% in popularity among voters.
88 = political ghetto

yeah but what are the things that are on there. Not just "everything from A to Z", google has everything from A to Z too

You can also read about gardening and survival if that's your thing, child-raising, herbal medicine and other stuff arts, drawing books, tutorials on how computers work.

Be white, be curious, fuck it, I'll gib you screenshot.


this is a gay arse infographic


Attached: Nice-boobies-in-class-01.jpg (2448x3264, 1.18M)

Agent the boss needs you to call him back at headquarters. Report your findings and log out of the encrypted terminal.

Identity Evropa are Identitarians, they do not have a specific ideology besides caring for our race.

quit being a false flag cuck and stop working for the cia, faggot


Attached: link.png (1906x544, 184K)

Let's decorate everything with swastikas. Then people will think we are winners, since the national socialists won ww2.

Attached: Bi-winning.jpg (553x369, 33K)

That seems kinda crap and boring. I bet the philsophy section is shit as well.

Kek, I am no agent.
It's literally just pdf's you atistic fuck.
Sadly I canÄt link to 8ch, as it's filtered here, but rest assured, if you google this phrase:
you will see a few links on the results page to the 8ch boards.

How does your colon smell, because I think your head is pretty far up your ass.

Okay, keep shitposting then.

Goodbye, for today.

>be underage
>call people in their 20's boomers
I mean I'd tell you again to go back to your shitty forum but we all know that place is dead save for the couple 60 IQ morons like you that seep over here for real discussion sometimes.

This, it is all so tiresome.
Anons are literally too insincere to not shout "CIA" for a second.
I think I might just withdraw from Jow Forums since no actual change emenates from here.

I dont know why you think im from 8ch, you seem weirdly obsessed with the idea that I might be. Im calling you a boomer because you've got the shitty conservative attitude of a boomer, and an american flag to go with it

>Hitler was elected.
After getting shot, and becoming a national hero in an attempted coup, after years of street wars with communists and assassinated Natsoc martyrs like Horst Wessel.

Sellner and his organization are more philosemitic than the most philosemitic alt-lite cucks.

>The type of person that I'm against
But you're projecting that this strawman is the norm, just like the JIDF, aut-kike, and your local multicultural authority from the ADL and SPLC do. Just stop doing that pls, its pointless.

Attached: Responsible-Conservatives.png (1556x1008, 302K)

Oh Fuck, Off. Identity Evropa seems to have been doing quite well for themselves so far, without you bunch of fucking insistent worthless queerbates, and your gag-damned fuckin' muh' precious early 1900s german and only early 1900's german, decades of denouncement and demonization let's-get-censored, outlawed and imprisoned kraut chauvinist antique stupid muh swazzy bull's shit. They don't want your fucking crooked lines around asslick, fuck the fucking fuck off on your own failboat. Your larp piss is irrelevant and counterproductive for convincing people of anything.

>get btfo for being underage
>"y-yeah well u come off like a boomer"
You have to go back.

Attached: generation-kikedentity.png (1350x2804, 1.6M)


Im not underage asshat, but you're sounding a lot like a boomer, Im just waiting until you start talking about entitled millenials

What are you doing Rabbi?
There has never been a successful political movement that wasn't "optics cucking" ESPECIALLY not the nazis.

>National Socialism is what I want
No you don't. Else you wouldn't do everything in your power to discredit it.
Remember Hitlers words "I want the German people to be a peace loving people".

>The swastika gets people talking
No, it doesn't.

>uncomfortable truth
It is neither uncomfortable nor true.
A political stance is never "truth" and it is not uncomfortable, it is self destructive.

>We have to destigmatize National Socialism
Literally impossible.

>We need something that will get an actual conversation going

Identitarians are SHILLS

Too long have these democratic lolberg fags funneled would-be revolutionary white men into a dead end, philosemitic pathway. It is beyond doubt that these cunts are controlled opposition, most likely placed by ZOG to act as a pressure release valve for nationalism and prevent a genuine and ANTI-SEMITIC nationalistic European youth movement from forming.

Generation Identity:
>Unironically pro-democracy
>Unironically anti-National Socialism
>Unironically anti-Fascism
>Unironically anti-White nationalism (gay shit but better than 'identitarianism')
>Unironically anti-antisemitism (to a very large degree)
>Unironically anti-racism
>Anti-SIEGE (aka totally bluepilled faggots)
>Obvious libertarians (AnCap colors for brand color)
>Continually associate with absolute degenerates (trannies, fags, etc. probably because lolbergs)
>Continually associate with controlled opposition (Tommy Robinstein and rabbi media, for example)
>Continually place White women in danger, at the forefront of activism. Women get out of the physical realm of political resistance desu.
>PR cuck White Genocide by calling it the "great replacement" (essentially neutering the message and downplaying the true nature of the threat at hand, the total and absolute destruction of the white race)
>Are supposedly bankrolled by zionists (if anyone has evidence of this, please post)
>(((Martin Sneller))), the leader of GI, claims that Shlohmo has nothing to do with White Genocide, kikes are victims of immigration and denies that they are the perpetrators.

Attached: gk1.png (596x528, 48K)

>that underage damage control

Attached: gk2.png (468x502, 124K)

>somebody has radical new ideas
>he must be underage
neoboomerism at its finest

Attached: gk3.png (401x117, 7K)

>philosemitic than the most philosemitic alt-lite cucks.
Where is your source on this?
Also, all you post are loosely related images and some short phrases.
You really don't seem interested in honesty.
I do have to state my situation:
I do not understand in what way Jews are supposedly fundamentally worse than other groups, I see much of it as tribalism and nepotism of a small minority, that can, after the past history only be attacked indirectly at first.
Thus I see no reason to not support them, as they are taking on the power-structures of "the jews", and soon enough (((they))) willl start sticking out their noses for us to beat on.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you dound disingenuous.

Attached: gk4.png (443x152, 9K)

>Where is your source on this?
I'm posting all my sources now, multiple sources to confirm, just read above and below this post

Attached: gk6.png (592x604, 49K)

Firstly that infographic is completely incomprhensible.
Secondly it is beyond retarded and flat out wrong.

Okay, I will assume simply, that you are right.
What do you suggest, if I do not plan on joining fat neonazis?