'Nazi grandma' finally jailed for Holocaust denial

German authorities claim they have apprehended a notorious elderly neo-Nazi and taken her to prison to begin serving her sentence for Holocaust denial.

Police and prosecutors told the dpa news agency Ursula Haverbeck, an 89-year-old grandmother, was picked up at her home in the town of Vlotho in central Germany.


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>sentence for Holocaust denial.
this is normal. this is fine

Flag checks out.

where were all of the krauts protesting this outrageous arrest. For fucks sake the woman used primary sources in the video that she made.

They are all cucked

Thanks to the American people for removing the opressive, authoritarian Nazi regime and giving us a liberal democracy with free speech.

Also thanks for abolishing Prussia and taking our guns!

I'm happy to see German authorities take individuals' safety and experiences seriously. I cannot even imagine the horror and violence that would ensue if this vile woman ran into a happy Jewish family in the streets of Vlotho.

Krauts only feel outrage if someone eats meat in front of them.

Kill yourself.

>where were all of the krauts protesting this outrageous arrest.
Next to all the Americans who protest against all the illegals killing Americans and the complete inaction on the wall.

Nice PM you have over there, fag. I assume you'd also rage *IF* Germans protested in favor of Holocaust denial? Because all you want is to vent your frustrations, right, you little loser worshipping Maoris.

Goddamn you, Germany. Goddamn you.

>Krauts only feel outrage if someone eats meat in front of them.
Does that refer to America's new gay ambassador?

>Kill yourself.
It's easy to trigger a little sissy like you, huh? Can't argue my point for some reason, low-IQ piece of shit? Sad!

Who imposed these laws on Germany?

The same country that imposed the mosaic porn on the Japanese...?

>Jail refugees raping our women and killing our children? Haha why would do that? Diversity is our strength!
>Putting an 89 year old woman in prison just because she denies the holocaust is a top priority though

How the Germans are not protesting in the streets by the thousands by now is beyond me.

The last time I checked Germany is the country that had thousands of people protesting against rapefugees and immigration.

Your country, on the other hand, is so worthless and cucked that you hide your national flag while crying about others.

>The last time I checked Germany is the country that had thousands of people protesting against rapefugees and immigration.

Literally where? All I see is mutti Merkel being voted into office again and again and no one doing anything against it.

If voting changed anything it would be illegal.

Wow they are jailing a woman for saying something didn't happen in a time period when she was alive? I believe the holocaust happened and I still think this is bullshit.

Thank god they got this menace to society off the streets.

America should make it a crime to deny the moon landing.

>Literally where? All I see is mutti Merkel being voted into office again and again and no one doing anything against it.

Up to 30-40k in Dresden, 4k in Cologne and Erfurt, 5k in Berlin etc.

Mutti voted back into office? Yeah, she had the worst election result her party ever had and wasn't able to form a government for several months - Germany's worst political crisis ever. And it's only the beginning.

Still crying about others while hiding where you're from? the Uk? Sweden? Isreal?

The far side of the moon, since you don't seem to know the news?

Effing moron.

Well they were damn right about locking that dangerous, wicked woman up! Now those poor African angels can feel safe again while loitering at the station and molesting German girls.

>I believe the holocaust happened and I still think this is bullshit.

Do you admit that if Germany abolished these laws, imposed by the Allied Control Council, Trump would immediately go crazy and drop more sanctions on Germany than on Iran, that there would be a global outrage over it and everybody would protest and sanction us? Do you deny that?

It's Athens all over again kek


Can we find a way to write to her and offer our support?
Maybe even donate?

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I agree that nobody should be jailed simply for having an opinion but I don't feel pity for her as all of her arguments were debunked

Breaking news

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I do deny that, or at least I know the American general population would be okay with it.

Meanwhile, disagreeing with jailing her on faceberg...

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Lol, an anti racist German being racist himself. I am White you motherfucking Russki rape baby.

How many years did she get? Six million?

Oy Vey, we brainwashed this one very gud.

Me, rage? No, I support holocaust revisionism you arrogant cuckold piece of shit. You certainly aren't one to talk when the E.U is an unelected superstate that fucks all of you over. Most German men have no sense of humour. You are all fucking negative. Kill yourself from collective guilt lmao.

found this,


Worst election result or not she still won.
>Crying about others
I wasn't crying at all, just wondering how Germans are accepting this.

>tfw no based german nan

Nice chancellor you have over there, fag.

Thanks for destroying the Roman Empire. G*rman savages.

I would rip your fucking head off if you ever disrespected me to my face you arrogant little cunt. Best thing is I would get away with it due to your shitty laws.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Burgers larping and Anglosphere shittalking is the biggest joke in the universe right now. Especially American "Nazis" who elected the most Jewish president in burger history as their (((saviour))).

Attached: Ameri (((Dolan Drumpf))).png (699x875, 380K)

>Germany's worst political crisis ever.
>Merkel can't form a government.

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greeks had more protesters just because they dont like the name Macedonia....

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Yeah. And more protesters than all of fatburgers combined on anything. Bommelland is in full WE WUZ KANGZ mode now.

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hate speech, is not free speech

How does it feel like to blaming others for yours all problem kraut?
Just remember that your fucking pieces of shit country elected a fucking woman, and this cunt flooded your country with tons of shitkins

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the anglo aint finished yet hans,the blood refineries aint even up and running :^)

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Germans are fucking scum, no wonder Benjamin Franklin wanted them out.

>burgers making fun over the hate speechs laws they set up

>Especially American "Nazis" who elected the most Jewish president in burger history as their (((saviour))).
kind of ironic that is

>neo nazi
There is nothing neo about her, what the fuck

you kept them though? you should focus on "decolonizing" germany from american influence before you tackle the jew

>quit NATO cut all ties with jewish banking
>civil war into dictatorship
>put non-ethnics into camps

didn't the world fight against germany to prevent their government from being able to do this?

Apparently not.

silly grandma, germany doesn't have free speech

>Free speech

Pick one.

Don't forget about Monica Schaefer.

Canadian Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018 and is being held indefinitely in Germany pending Holocaust trail over a youtube video.
The Video in Question:
bitchute.com/video/OuCjVN4mlmju (mirror)
She references these videos at the end.
Questioning the holocaust - Why we believed
Ursula Haverbeck; The Greatest Problem Of Our Time (Eng Subs)
Off Your Knees, Germany - Ernst Zundel

Attached: Canadian Holocaust Denier Arrested in Germany following B’nai Brith Complaint Edmonton Jewish News (787x642, 577K)

>be a senile old lady
>start spouting nonsense
>get jailed

..and Lady Renouf

Lady Michèle Renouf (a British citizen) and former Miss Newcastle will goto trial shortly in Germany for Holocaust denial.
hooktube.com/watch?v=x3pUHHHad6w (Mirror)
bitchute.com/video/H523ZDNS1qQs/ (Mirror 2)

Attached: German police probe British socialite s Holocaust comments Daily Mail Online.png (660x774, 904K)

...and Sylvia Stolz
German Lawyer Sylvia Stolz jailed for a second time for DEFENDING in court a Holocaust revisionist (Ernst Zundel).
This video is about her FIRST arrest and incarceration.
Law licensed pulled.
Served 5 years for defending Ernst Zundel and now an additional 3 1/2 years for THIS speech in Switzerland.
hooktube.com/watch?v=YUfwalzc9Y4 (Mirror)
bitchute.com/video/pde1AufLiJCS (Mirror 2)
To think what is true, to sense what is beautiful and to want what is good, hereby the spirit finds the purpose of a life in reason. -Sylvia Stolz 2013

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Hahaha fuck these disgusting people

Talking about the Jews or "holocaust deniers"?

Stay bluepilled faggot. :)

Retarded people like you

>neo nazi

nothing neo about her

Stfu you krautnigger.

>Haverbeck was convicted of incitement last year in Verden state court and sentenced to two years in prison for denying the Holocaust, a crime in Germany.
Incitement of what? What the fuck does denying that the holocaust happened incite? If anything it defuses.

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>the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully
maybe it incites jews and other cucked krauts into violence against her

>lel you Amerifats did fuck all in ww2, everyone else did all of the leg work and you showed up last minute
>fucking Americunts you are solely responsible for why we don't have glorious Nazi regime, die