If Trump goes to Prison

What will happen?

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We elect the next president who runs on pardoning trump

Pardoning power was a mistake. Ford pardoning Nixon was a mistake. Politicians need to be held accountable.

the second ammendment happens

He'd make prison great. Absolutely fantastic you'll see. Wonderful really. It'll be so good, you won't actually believe it. You thought prison was bad? He'd turn it around and it would be absolutely fantastic really believe me. I

It would be an open season on liberals

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>What will happen?
Nothing people will chicken out as usual but "insert candidate" will safe us!

Jason Bourne-tier marine vets will break him out of prison and he'll lead the rogue neo-Confederacy against the US government.

The death of every Nazi by guillotine

Guillotine for nazis

I legit want them to attempt it, just so we can witness the blood that will run in the streets. Even those who don't fully support him would probably get involved.

Try it, you glowing faggots.

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Ohhhhhh I'm shaking I'm sooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooo scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
You know what? My father raised me around the AR platform. I can handle myself in a firefight too, Nazis.

Why don't you dipshits go do what you do best, go show the world how insufferable you are with shit optics and school shootings so you can get fucking lethal injection

a US president wouldn't go to prison even if he fucked a toddler to death in front of live TV.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha like I'm scared of autists and rednecks with the IQ of mayonnaise. Like you motherfuckers scare me.

>you will never be this mad
feels good

Mike Pence pardons him and you dumb cunts cry yourselves to sleep.

Mayo has no iq you fucking dolte

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Chaos. Can't exactly predict what kind, but chaos nonetheless. Both sides are so far apart now, the turbulent and body focused rhetoric is there. It would be the worst possible outcome, unless they paint him as worst of the worst. I am worried for us all.

May you be blessed to live in interesting times.

I can't wait until we actually get to shut these faggots up permanently. It's a mistake to think all the other progressive fags like you have ever even handled a gun. They're effeminate types that get ptsd from hearing gunfire lol

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Absolutely, and Nazis on here who can't get Trump dick out of their mouth who are asspained at the idea of Trump going to prison should be fucking promptly executed if they try violence.

Be aware Nazis, you're on not just government watchlists. You're on our watchlists too. Watch your fucking language, we're watching you. You want to go shoot innocent people? Watch as we fucking tie your asses up and put you to the guillotine like France did to King Louis, do you assholes really want to see our real power with a new reign of terror? Don't try us. We don't want that, but if you keep pushing us, we will react too, and it won't be fucking pretty, and the blood in the streets won't be ours, it'll be fucking yours

Mossad will break him out

He can pardon himself you know.

What are you, 12?

I have tons of experience with AR 10 and AR 15. I have tons of experience with guns. My dad's gun of choice was a 30 06, that was the first rifle I ever fired. Want to try some violent shit with me? I'm pretty crafty, and I am a lot more powerful than you assume

I bet you can’t even suck as much cock as your dad
He’s better than you at everything


>Like you motherfuckers scare me.
...he says aloud as he types on his mother's ipad, keeping the sound on mute so he doesn't wake her. he then lurches from his weathered recliner to waddle into the kitchen for more 'dew--it's never a bad time for three cups of sugar.

You the majority of Nazis are dead in this, the year 2018.

You are describing faggot larpers.

They come in all shapes and sizes.

Like the "Nazis"

It even includes you, larping as an Anarchist, or a badass, or whatever the fuck you are trying to larp as.

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We party.

I think he's pretending to be Antifa or some shit.

pence will kill all gays

>anarchist boasting about government lists

IE: Faggot bourgeois larping as the proletariat.

>What will happen?
Jow Forums will continue to shitpost, as usual.

he would be replaced by another jew puppet and nothing would change

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Dude don't get me excited! After your completely destroyed you want to be buried with anything? Maybe you have a fav commie book or dragon dildo you want in the casket with you? Let us know.

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A Mossad commando rescues him and takes him to Israel. Since he has dual citizenship, Israel refuses to extradit yet another criminal, like in the case of many pedophile rabbis and communist murderers.

Open season on nigger killing. Just because.

Leftypol FLAG

I think you're forgetting that the majority of gun owners, police officers and soldiers voted for Trump, while most antifa members live in uber liberal areas and never held a gun in their lives. Your wet dream revolution wouldn't work out well in reality. Lucky for you though nothing is going to happen, Trump won't be impeached and business will be as usual till the end of his term.

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It will be very painful... for you.

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You're forgetting I don't give a flying fuck, and the moment a Nazi comes up to me in violence, I'm fucking blasting his god damn head off

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>Bringing a hammer to a gunfight

sure ok, how far from Asheville are you? I can meet you at battery park anytime you want. if you're so asshurt you wanna actually do that and not just LARP as internet tough guy antifa wannabe. I'm game.


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>the anarchist beanboi ever held a gun in his life

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>the music of the left

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oh so you are a scared faggot that's just LARPing and fishing for (you)'s. ok, well good luck.

>netflix is real life

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That dude is craaaaazy tho he's gonna beat em all up wit a hammer

>leftists are mentally unstable and insane
Grass is green, water is wet, pineapples on pizza is a sin. What else is new. Also, sending a tip to the authorities, just in case :)

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Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-DDDDDDDDD They won't touch me

it's gone now, what was it?

Try it, knob jockey!


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>deletes his post

except hillary, right, hillary-lover?

Oh what the fuck, this shit again?
Just because someone hates Trump doesn't mean they love Hillary you giant dipshit.

He said how he was crazy and deranged and going to kill people, etc. and posted a YT vid of the solider that rampaged through San Diego in a tank a few years back.

>If Trump goes to Prison
he won't.
>What will happen?
he has to be impeached. then he has to be removed from office. then charged and convicted of some sort of crime. Once removed from office, Pence will become president, and Pence will just pardon Trump. Pence is too much of a conservative/American traditionalist to allow a constitutional crisis happen on his watch.

The only thing Trump could do to run afoul of Pence is if he was up to some sort of gay shit. Pence would probably just have the CIA execute Trump in that case.

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You should report him to the authorities aswell, user! He's clearly unstable, and considering all the people who said they will do bad things on the board and actually did it, it's better to be safe.

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>1 post by this id

oh, but you guys saying you're going to genocide people and shoot people to death for locking up president cheeto is somehow alright? lol

Fuck you, and fuck all you Nazi shitbags.

Live your stupid life and stop trying to project your hopes onto presidents you giant fucking shitstains

>If Trump goes to Prison
>What will happen?

He will gief the presidency to Hillary Clinton


When did I ever say any of that?

You know that many people can comment on your post, yes?

You realize that you are here with other people, yes?

You realize that you are here, yes?

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>What will happen?
he'll laugh at hill n bill then go back to the white house to get his dick sucked by august ames who is still alive and living in the white house attic

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It's okay user. I do believe that with treatment you will get better.

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Double standards much?


Time to drop some /oldfag/ wisdom.

You do realize that the majority of Jow Forumsacks don't actually believe the shit they say, right?

The "true believers" aka Stormweenies, fucked off to cripplechan years ago after the Cuckening.

>bribes whoever
>gets out immediately
Trump is a rich man, user.

He gets Hillary for his roommate.

The only good answer in this whole damned thread.

This is what a loser looks like.

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Two term president

8 years

Nobel peace prize

He'll get guys second term.

What does President Trump need to be held accountable for?

>just so we can witness the blood that will run in the streets.

> antifa are the real fascists!
>cops help! antifa is bullying the white nationalists!

wasn't it richard spencer who said he stopped doing speaking tours because antifa kept fucking him over

face it BUCKO nothing is going to happen MEGAPEDE


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money laundering, that's all

We console ourselves with flying cars which are as likely to happen.

Stop fucking sliding this board

But that didn't happen .

War crimes, for instance. But he is just president of Israel after all...

Faggot shill forgot to take his meds today.
Don't bother deleting your retarded posts, jew. I'm recording everything that happens here.

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