This Iran Business, I love it

It's really delineating the populists from the Deep state acolytes. All the childless globalist puppets want to keep the bum deal.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The US isn’t going to war with Iran.

correct. ending the iran deal does not equate to a war.

I agree. We should root out the globalist minikike puplets who support Trump's pullout. That's the only way to ensure peace and stability not just in the middle east, but the entire world!

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>fellow germans

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Vatos locos hombre

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lest we forget the brave men and women who laid down their lives for larry silverstein

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stop making fun of jews

which one?

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Q said iran was being paid more money than we know about, what did Q mean by that?

Meme flag jidf

>bum deal
the one where a sovereign nation can produce nuclear power and abides by the non-proliferation treaty?
Yeah what a shit deal for us the country that has never been attacked by Iran.

how much money was iran being sent

Might lead to a war between iran/israel, but it's not something the US needs to get involved with.

israel is bombing them already.

And the US would never bomb a country just because Israel told them too, right

is this the level of thinking i can expect from you? you are naive.

I'm just stating a fact, that Israel doesn't have a history of sending US men and resources to fight their wars for them.
That is not a thing Israel does.
If Israel goes to war with Iran, Israel won't shove America into the middle of that war. It would be very unlike them to do that

people were wondering who ran barter town now that putin got shown? nuking the one good thing the west had going with Iran to win? nothing? i mean it's gotta be bibi running this puppet now because nothing else makes sense. too bad IL/SA still lost syria.

do you think you are a smart guy? and how would you know if you werent?

I'm not smart, I just know Israel would never do such bad things as false-flag attack Americans to get us involved in their wars. They wouldn't do such things, that would be bad, which is why Israel doesn't do those things.
I also know you're using that meme flag because you identify with it on an ideological level, and not because you're an Israeli shill. That would be dishonest, and you're not one of those.

you seem triggered. there is no need for that much mental gymnastics.

I'm just saying that Israel would never participate in something like the Lavon Affair, because that would be bad, and Israel is not bad.
Likewise, I'm sure if you took off the meme flag you'd not be Israeli. Because if you were, that'd be dishonest. And dishonesty is very unlike the Jews.

Quick, post redpills about jews until the shill leaves.

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Not more than we’ve sent to kikeistan #worldsgreatestenemy

He pulls out of Paris deal, the rest of the world stays. He pulls out of Iran deal, the rest of the countries involved stay. US is irrelevant on the world stage. No wait, US is highly relevant - as a bozo for amusement.

I’m fine with that. I’m fine with the US being whatever, but I’m not okay with being a beady eyed races cannon fodder. If Trump isn’t a complete fucking retard hopefully he’ll see why Israel started bombing Iranians in Syria 2 hours after he pulled out of the deal. If he sends us to war after the children of satan false flag us (again), I predict a civil war.

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yeah pretty much. Everybody laughs at the US senate too for being complete buffoons.

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when are you going to make a post worth reading

I know you're laying it on thick but fuck me if that last bit didn't make me laugh out loud for the first time in months.

Never post Jooawooo again. It's disturbing. Fucking leaf.

Why don't you switch that flag up buddy
I'm sure it would just show you're a great American patriot posting from America with the rest of the Americans
Be proud of your country and fly that yankee flag champ

It's weird how thick you need to lay on the sarcasm before a Jew can pick up on it. Subtle sarcasm just goes right past 'em

i'm bothering you immensely. what's it like to be weak

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>but it's not something the US needs to get involved with.

It doesn't matter what the US wants, Israel is hoping that by bombing iranian nuke sites with their air force (which is completely inefficient at that kind of range, not to mention iranian ADS) they want to trigger iranian retaliation and make them strike at US bases around Iran. Next thing you know, US bases/ships get hit by iranian missiles and you are involved regardless if you wanted or not.
>If Israel goes to war with Iran, Israel won't shove America into the middle of that war. It would be very unlike them to do that
Right, right, they will just set things up so the US gets hit too or stage a false flag coughcoughLibertycoughcough

its a good thing Iran's leader said he would abide by the deal if the EU continues to reciprocate. He's basically cutting Zog out of the conversation and it's a refreshing move by Iran's standards.

I don't know, what's it like to hate America but depend on it for your existence?

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>if the EU continues to reciprocate.
Please, how long do you think before Trump tells the EU leaders: "Either you do buisness with us or Iran, and by us I mean every country on the planet (safe for Russia and China) cz we will threaten them into follow our lead."

I give the EU a maximum of 3 months before it caves to US pressure.


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Goodest of goys


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Visualize my total abscense of surprise

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the eu will obey or get sanctioned

its like watching a horror DVD for the second and third times. You already know what is going to happen. The script has already been written and Trump plays his part in the game. But this time, we get teh director's cut edition and Iran gets a second wind to impress the west with an unwavering commitment to world peace. I hope the Iranians take that shot. They already have the momentum.

I fully expect Israel to start bombing US military advisors in Syria too, and they will blame Iran and Assad for it. They'll also do it simultaneously with the US doing something shady to Russia to keep Russia tied up.

>and Iran gets a second wind to impress the west with an unwavering commitment to world peace.

at least tell us the strain your smoking.

Israel quite clearly wants to destroy America, but this is indeed the opportunity for Iran to demonstrate itself as not being what Israel portrays it as. If Iran plays this right, it makes it much harder for Israel to justify their eventual war plans.

Israel's been throwing tantrums as of late. All the shilling might make it look like Israels in control, but they're actually not. I always say, the amount of IDF presence on Jow Forums is proportionate to how many moves Israel makes on the playfield. It's quiet now because they're taking the day off after they got what they wanted out of Trump. Whereas yesterday and the day before, israeli ID flags were all over the place at burger hours and mossad hours.

my thoughts exactly

israel is already bombing iran in syria and flying over iran in f-35s. iran is a joke.

the mullah are gangsters they ruined iran. how can you support them?

Regardless of how it may look at times, each day Israel wakes up with fewer allies than it had the day before. The people of the West are becoming increasingly anti-Israel, and that eventually becomes too large to pretend otherwise.

u talk too much nonsense. you are not credible

i can tell that you're a jew. Or that you were once an apprentice of an insecure jew.

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Israel wanted the deal to end. Do you honestly think Israel wanted something good for America?

i dont think you are sane man

Would someone please break this situation down for me, because I'm confused as fuck. Inthought the deal WAS shit and was backed by Obama as a gift to his muslim brothers. Backing out of it doesn't mean war, and Iran's sabre rattling about re-starting their nuke program is bullshit anyway right? (They never stopped, did they?).

deal is off. sanctions are on.

it's now Israelis Vs Globalist Jews worldwide. Shills are confused as hell, they dont kn0w who to shill for.

The deal was "shit" but in a sense the US lost nothing through participating in it, since what we "gave them" were Iranian assets in the first place.
Through pulling out of the deal we've functionally changed nothing in regards to Iran's nuclear program, since now they'll likely develop a nuke regardless being that there's no incentive not to make one.

The problem is less backing out of the deal, and more that Trump appears to have parroted debunked Israeli intelligence talking point, fallen for Israeli false-flags, and let Israel dictate US foreign policy by putting sanctions on Iran. Backing out of it likely does mean war since Israel has been emboldened with Syria and is going to drag the US into a war in the Middle East by fighting against Iran and Syrian forces in Syria, and then claim itself as the victim.
The kikes know it has to go to plan, which is why they're shilling this board so hard. It's why old mate refuses to show his flag, because then he'd have no deniability.

>It's why old mate refuses to show his flag, because then he'd have no deniability.
what did OP use for his pic?

naw. OP's thread is a distraction. Trump got duped by double nigger globalists. The Iran deal was good because it crippled Iran's nuclear ambitions. Now that the deal is off, Iran is no longer obligated to let the IAEA come in to inspect their nuclear facilities.

Iran however made an effective countermeasure by communicating to the EU that they will still continue the deal with the EU with or without the US.

Trump promised during his campaign to axe the Iran deal, and he's simply following up on it, despite knowing that the info he based his decision upon back then was obsolete and tainted. The EU and the IAEA did not stress the fact that Iran had been compliant with the deal until just a mere two to five days ago, and so Trump couldn't have known back then.

Now a huge chunk of Trump's support base is sympathetic with Iran, but because Trump doesn't want to look like a fool, he axes the Iran deal anyways.
It's a classic case of doubling down, American style.

it was only shit because the neoconservatives (ie. ethnically jewish GOPs) wanted capitulation, sanctions, nuclear disarmament, and regime change in that order. When Obama told them to fuck off (after Bibi spoke to the GOP without inviting him), it threw their plans out of order.
Now theyre making up for lost time.

in a sense, Obama had the balls to say no to ZOG. It doesn't excuse him from what he did by training the FSA and al nusra however.

Obama leaf you are cancer

Oh boy, every single time

True, I'll give him that much. Pretty much everything Barry did was shit, but credit where it's due.
Also notice how the kike is pretending he's not OP, and screeching when he's ignored.

Iran needs nuclear missiles now or it is to enjoy the same fate as Iraq, Libya and Syria.

how do you feel about the iranian people holding free and fair elections?

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I'm sorry that you're not accustomed to non revisionary history.
i see it too. He won't even retort with facts. Merely namecalling and indignation. He's probably accustomed to conversing only with /ptg/ yes men. Either that, or he's scouring Jow Forums posts for a Wednesday morning article on the Jerusalem post.

why do you support the mullahs?

Exactly mate.
It would be retarded for any country to see what's going on and think "we need to disarm ourselves of nuclear weapons". Every time a country has been told to do that they've been summarily invaded by the US or shelled by Israel, so why would they do it now? The ONLY success has been when a country developed nukes in secret. So why would Iran do anything but that?

>He's probably accustomed to conversing only with /ptg/ yes men
It really is sad how deep in neo-con talking points they are. Most of them are too young to remember that this "bomb Iran" talk is practically the same situation as the prelude to the Iraq War.


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As if you care about democracy in other countries.

why do you want the mullahs to have nukes and the iranian people to not have a legitimate democracy?

answer the question

Here's the CNN video of Netanyahu snubbing Obama. This was shortly before Obama annoucned the iran deal.

This makes me certain that Trump leaving it is a good thing. There's so much going on in the background that we don't see. For example, UK are adamant to stay, but UK is very much a rogue deep state actor at this point as far as I'm concerned.

>us not getting involved in israels wars


we are in ww3 and there's no one to tell us

>For example, UK are adamant to stay, but UK is very much a rogue deep state actor at this point as far as I'm concerned.
And Israel is adamant to leave it, which should be an even larger red flag.
As a general rule, always do the opposite of what Israel says

you're going to have an aneurysm.

Mossad is pretty sloppy though. towelheads
They always have our best interest at heart

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Dumbass Trump couldn't wait until he had another plan ready to go?

Both Iran and Israel hate America, but at least Iran is honest about it.

he spends his days finger painting and drinking 12 diet sodas.

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This whole Iran business will end with Israel fooling the US to bomb teheran so the jews can fulfill the yinon plan.

how did all these genetic deadenders get so much pull

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holy fuck
bibi is actually a baldwin brother, who knew?