/lefty/ general- Catgirls edition

Thread for leftist discussion and camaraderie.

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Other urls found in this thread:


On The Labour Theory of value.
All value that is created is the product of labour, from clothes and shoes to watches and diamonds, all is an expression of the value creating power of labour. By itself, cotton is worthless, yet through the value creating power of labour, a coat is created, and that coat holds value purely due to the transformative power of labour. The more intelligent among you may notice that diamonds were previously mentioned and may ask yourselves: 'how can this be a product of labour? A diamond is valuable in and of itself!'.
Incorrect, a diamond in the ground is of use to no one. Yet it is through labour that the diamond is removed from the ground and becomes valuable.
Thus we can deduce that all value is product of labour.

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Labour Theory of Value (LTV):

Non arguments:

>If I dig a hole in my backyard and then fill it in I used labor but made no value! Commies BTFO!

Marx clarified (unlike adam smith) that only socially necessary labor (labor used to produce a commodity with use value) creates value. This is also the case if you spend 1000 years making a bed.

>Nature can create value as well. If an apple falls from a tree then value is created without labor

Marx also noted nature could create value.

>if labor determines price why is coca cola cheaper than bottled water?

Labor doesn't determine price. It determines value (not exchange value or use value) and correlates with the equilibrium price.

Machines cannot create value. If I make a machine that makes diamonds out of thin air then the value of a diamond falls below that of bricks now that they can be aquired with no work what so ever. Price might not fall because you can still manipulate supply and demand but value certainly does.

Some definitions.

Use value = How useful an object is.
Exchange value = Market value of a commodity. Different from use value. You can sell a beanie baby for 200$ but it is almost completely useless.
Value = the amount of congealed labor withing a commodity.

Some evidence of the LTV

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On The Oppression of the Working Class.
Now that we have established that value is created through labour, let us turn our eye to the modern capitalist system. We can ask this: 'how can profit exist when the labourer is the creator of value?' Indeed, what has the capitalist done to create value in a product? The only answer: he has done nothing. He has not toiled like the labourer has, the value is not created through him. Yet, the capitalist sells the product at a price greater than the true value, the labour value, taking this money as his own. He then pays the labourer a fraction of the price. The labourer has now been left with less than he started with. He may have sewn a coat sold for $20, yet was only paid $5 for having sewn it. Profit is slavery.

Comrades, rest assured, it is only a matter of time before the oppressed wake up to their oppression. This is class consciousness. The knowledge that the oppressed is better served siding with others of his class, in the west we call these the working class. Class consciousness will ultimately see the collapse of the capitalist class. Realising the slavery they have been living under they shall rise up, seizing the means of production to create a future of the workers, by the workers, for the workers. Free from oppression. The dialectic is in motion, class consciousness grows. Workers of all lands, unite!

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>Catgirls edition

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I would like to see more of these commie catgirl pictures.

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you may have one (1)

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can you motherfuckers design marx chan
i need it

national socialist wolf girls are better

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>india in background with akahand bharat
Based af

fuck off nazi scum

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not before i fuck your catgirl

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High IQ
Has read lots of books
State mandated catgirls
>Jow Forums
Edgy teenagers

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No theyre not because anime and big tiddies are degenerate according to you!

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD

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Wass the Euromaidan led by far-right grouos revolutionary while the pro-russian antifascist left-wing separatists in Donbass/Odessa reactionaries?

I’ve never laughed at leftist memes before. Even though it’s untrue, I sti get it.

This way please. All OC of leftypol.

P.s. Otherwise, these threads are useless and everyone hates them.

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Smh, its a subversion of the religion

Your mod is a cocksucking tranny and the insane self centered drivel that is leftist literature does not make you necessarily smarter. Its like theology at this point.

The link, I mean

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you haven't been on Jow Forums for very long

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>mods delete ufo threads although they are Jow Forums related after pentagon
>mods delate pizzagate threads for not being /ewo/
>mods always lets this circlejerk through just to piss us off

You do realize that the only thing perpetuates your existence is our reaction, mods must fucking love to see us mad.

>/leftypol/ acts as if its one person while Jow Forums constantly reminds people that its not 1 person

You orwellian pieces of shit

Value is subjective. A diamond on the ground is of no use to a starving peasant, but it is incredibly valuable to someone who has the skills to refine it

cat is weak
snek is weak
Eagle is strong

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Communism and socialism will never develop the technology necessary to make catgirls real.

>furry hentai shit
I'm not surprised

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*tips fedorah*

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Reminder that global white supremacist communism is the end point of dialectical materialism. The proletariat will only be victorious after the lesser races have been exterminated.

commie anime girls are inferior to national socialist waifu

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Funnily one of our proto-communist revolutionaries carl schurz organised a substantial part of the native american genocide once he got chased out and emigrated.

It's actually funny to see that Jow Forums became so infested with normies that oldfags are now turning to /leftypol/ to be contrarian again.
Not one of you believes in communism.

nah both of you are the same braindead fucks.
marx wouldve rolled in his grave if he saw this thread

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>everything that doesnt suck trumps dick is a jew
kill yourself

>catgirls (male)
Ftfy comrade

>recycled photoshop posters, if not paints.

>Full blown and professionally done OC drawings.

That's the actual difference here.

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That pic had nothing to do with Trump. Just that you Leftist are kike cock sucking shills.

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say something bad about trump you dumbfucking braindead memer nigger.

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This is a channel I highly recommend, really informative at times, and these guys do a great job exposing the alt-right as the trolls they really are.


I can't tell you how many times they proved that free speech doesn't work by falling victim to nazi troll callers.

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He is a Zionist.

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I think leftypol demography simply thins out.
They see the absolute state of pol which lost quality and think they can fish for people now.

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Jow Forums is only relevant when muslims do terror attacks. those things are non existent now.

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The nonwesterners bring interesting persepctives sometimes. That and a few euros if you wanna hear what you already know but from someone you can emphatise with.

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Hurry user! Hurry!!!

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Basically yeah but drawn out over 250 pictures to kill threads desu.

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why are you being ableist? what about our comrades who are suffering at the hands of capitalized healthcare? watch where you are shooting, comrade.

>chink marx
Anyone else find it funny btw that commies glorify fascist states?
I'm all for it personally especially when it's an ethnonationalist fascist state like China, but it does look commies look a bit mentally unstable! :O


Austrian economics is what you're looking for.

I mean shit this is the exact kind of thing that Hitler would've implemented if the technology was available, fuckin based fashy chinks.

This time in the correct thread.

"Labor used to produce a commodity of use"
Then the demand gives it value. A million chairs no one is using are not worth nearly the same as a gallon of water in a desert.

Paul Cockshott proved that the economic calculation problem is not real:


questioned Murphy’s requirement that planning requires pre-knowledge
of all possible prices,

argued that the domain of prices to which planning is applied is in prin-
ciple finite rather than infinite and that thus Cantor’s arguments are
inapplicable, or at worst prices are countable, and Cantor’s arguments
are applicable but irrelevant because there is no concievable require-
ment that this domain be closed under diagonalisation,

argued that planning over finite prices is tractable,

shown that diagonalisation is not applicable to prices or commodities,

discussed how infinite structures of predominantly zero values may be
given finite representations.
In conclusion we have shown that Murphy’s arguments are ill founded.
The computational feasibility of economic planning at a detailed level is an
issue that must be investigated in its own right, and cannot be settled by appeal
to Cantor. We have presented specific arguments that suggest that detailed
planning is indeed feasible.

i wouldn't call that ''professionally'' done.
btw a snek could kill a cat easily

>not being a mental illness

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So every /leftypol/ poster is here
Go back home cowards