We are Poland

Should Poland lead Central and Eastern Europe?

Would you object to it?

It seems that no other country in the region, other than Russia (which is objectively a shithole), is willing to act the part, or has the resources to do it. Poland, by contrast, even has something like a manifest destiny (Christ of Europe etc), and a fall-from-grace narrative to fuel it all. Only we have enough self-delusion to make it work---we think highly of ourselves in terms of morality and culture; we're romantics by nature (which didn't work to our advantage in the past, but maybe we need that in the current year), so we would unironically try to do the right thing.

We unironically think we are more Western than any other Western country right now. We are more Catholic than the Pope---one of our priests literally wished Francis early death for welcoming rapefugees. We are Poland.

The things you go on Jow Forums to discuss we discuss at the dinner table.

We also have a sense of urgency to secure the sovereignty of the Polish state, due to our history and our unfortunate geography, and the fact that we now have the rare opportunity to actually do something about it, and do it properly, so our children and their children don't have to suffer the way our ancestors suffered.

The way to do it, given our present circumstances, is by creating a strong alliance with other countries in our region with which we share similar experience, values and interests.

"Poland will either be great or it won't be at all." -- J. Piłsudski.

The alternative is to continue being cucked by the economically/militarily stronger states surrounding us, serving their interests, and marching the path of degeneracy with them.

All this may seem like a joke to you, because we're basically a meme country at this point. However, this is what the people at the highest strata of our society are unironically working towards right now, so I guess it's worth talking about.

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Poland should invade Germany and become the main power in central Europe. It'd help cleanse the degeneracy.

First and foremost you need Korwin as the king of the intermarium, because PiSs is a socialistic garbage party that will further ruin this shithole of a country.

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Korwin is "good" speaker, but i don't think he suits as a leader of anything. How many times he needed to make new political party?
Only if it starts as Poland and Hungary united

>The things you go on Jow Forums to discuss we discuss at the dinner table.
this is true but the "discussions" usually are not very intelligent :D

at least theyre national socialists (no relation :D) while korwin is an absolute spastic, you cant get elected if you keep talking about hitler all the time

>this is true but the "discussions" usually are not very intelligent :D
But neither are the ones on Jow Forums :'D

First and foremost Korwin is a useful idiot so kill yourself nigger, please, thank you

You won't lead anything while you act like a bottom bitch and invite US troops to Europe.

I think it's a good short-term strategy for lack of better options.

not until they drop catholic church after they recognise their leaders as satanic worshipers

Our church is pretty based though, it was part of the resistance that abolished gommunism

>it was part of the resistance that abolished gommunism
Except it kinda cooperated with the commies for most of the time.
Not that being realistic was something completely bad, but let's not fuel such silly myths.

Poland is too Americanophile.

> intermarium
Sorry to break it to you, but it won't happen. We will torpedo it. You tried 3 times, we will have killed it 3 times. Russia vs USA is a false choice. Romania can, and will choose neither.

Fuck the 3 Seas Alliance.

I am a massive sympathizer of you poor poles. Having to go through those partitions, having to go through all the hate on the internet, it just made me cry thinking about it.



As if Poland needs Romanian niggers.

Poland don't need Romanian scum

get off your high horse jesus
as for op's post , no your country is pretty irrelevant
russia should lead central and eastern europe

Central and Eastern Europe definitely needs a leader and since it is mostly rusophobic which I Don't support but it is. Poland is the only country that could take this role.

Focus on getting your birth rates up first OP. Poland will never accomplish anything as long as you can't replace yourselves or grow.

Visegrad Union is the future of Europe, I agree.

Although I agree that Poland should work on a birth rate, it's not that revelant. Look at Israel It has "a tiny bit smaller" population than US and still rules over you and whole world respects Israel.

We should be isolationistic and focus on our own development. Also, while PiS is duly nationalistic, they're civic nationalists, christcucks and their economic policies suck. We're doing okay, but we could be doing better.

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We don't have excess resources to spent on any kind of geopolitical influencing.
You want to build an empire, you need money.

Poland is growing more dlusional by the day, most of your population is working abroad cause pay in your glorious country is shit and you are talking about leading something
fucking snowflakes really.,

>XVIII century British were delusional, most of their population lived abroad cause pay in their glourious country was shit and they were talking about leading something
fucking snowflakes realy

This, let's build our wealth first and then we can maybe think about building some bullshit unions

idgaf m8
i want to live in a country
without niggerfugees
without LGBTDI3.0AMG
with self-sufficiency promoting and helping neighbors
without german nor russian cock in mouth

We are doing good, but the level of delusion here is admittedly cringy at times, I agree. We might grow strong in the near future (we've already overtaken Portugal in terms of economic development), nevertheless, we won't get far with the kind of shitty interventionistic policies that are being implemented today.

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>most of your population is working abroad
You are so wrong it's not even funny

kurwas in uk
kurwas in germany
kurwas even here

British had an empire they had conquered, only think you have conquered is the German national football team

Chyba cie pojebalo

>The niggers of Europe who have been conquered and barely done nothing of value through history should be the leading country despite being a poor shithole to this day

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Says a fucking mohammed

it's true though while your caricature isn't. Stop shilling for a slav(e) shithole

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Mohammed please stfu and go rape more swedish children becausw muh culture

go watch some more TV

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yes, rise up polska bros. hussar up. it's you. i'll see you all soon.

The point was to choose uourselves, not Russia, nor Eurosojuz, nor JewSA. Be our own man.

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are you sober stanislav?

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We’re done.

This country has to fall. It’s a poormans Germany here. The only difference is a temporary lack of niggers and low wages.

Yes. Fuck off krautnigger.

Zamknij ryj. Jestesmy znacznie silniejsi od szwabów i niemal zamożniejsi.

lol, poland is as shitty as any other ex communist country, keep larping faggot

Yes I agree it's a shit country
You really don't need to come here

Romania is on its own level

Nope , it's Soo much under

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We are colonizing Britain, Germany, Norway, Netherlands atm. Empire in progress

znowu ten jebany hiphopowiec


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stop embarassing us in public, sebix


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Jaki on ma kurwa problem? Za kazdym razem jak nic o Polsce jest on sie przypierdala i postuje te same obrazki. Slazak?

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Ja mam problem? To chyba wy biedaki buraki macie problem, bo ciągle pierdolicie o wilky polscy

dupę czyscicie Irlandczykom i Angolom, a myslita, że zaraz będzieta swiat podbijać xD

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>Should Poland lead Central
No, that right belongs to Germany and you know it.
>and Eastern Europe
No, that right belongs to us and you know it.

The people who's idea of military strategy is attacking tanks with horses couldn't lead a nigger to the watermelon patch they are the eternal laughing stock of humanity

>mowi ze inni bol dupy maja
>za kazdym razem jak jest nic to przylazi i spamuje te same obrazki

That history is over. This country won't be leading and has no crown to lead anyway. Every nation should be independent. Avoid falling for Western or Jewish tricks.

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>believing literal nazi propaganda

dumb flat earther

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>Avoid falling for Western or Jewish tricks
And don't forget about Northern-Eastern tricks.


Tak ty masz problem jebana spierdolino. To skurwiałe szwaby zbudowały ekonomie na kradzieży z calej Europy, bo te jebane śmiecie nie potrafią nawet same z siebie nic zbudować. Do dzisiaj kradną z polski miliardy złotych.

Russia wont lead shit, they are not part of Europe. Eastern Europe will be lead bypoland, while germanistan drowns in shitskins.

>To skurwiałe szwaby zbudowały ekonomie na kradzieży z calej Europy, bo te jebane śmiecie nie potrafią nawet same z siebie nic zbudować

Specjalnie wrzuciłem dla ciebie ten obrazek ty kurwiszonie. Idź pierdolić swoją starą jesli mnie nie przeprosisz

>Eastern Europe will be lead bypoland

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No i czego to kurwo ospermiona niby dowodzi? To polska zbudowala skurwiłym szwabą te "bazę przemysłową" a po wojnie odbudowal ich plan marshala.

To niczego kurwo nie dowodzi. To szwaby kradną z polski pieniadze jebana kurwo.

Rabin mu obieca, ze mu cos skapnie z reparacji jak od Polski wyludza, ale nie pyklo i chuja do geby dostal jak zwykle. To sie teraz msci

Dokładnie. To jebany troll i śmieć ludzki.

>To polska zbudowala skurwiłym szwabą te "bazę przemysłową"

Polska i Polacy to gówno i peryferia. Możesz dla Niemców tylko w Lidlu robić xd

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>To szwaby kradną z polski pieniadze jebana kurwo.

Can't you see you're writing like niggers talk about whites? XDDDD

fucking dumb polak bydlo. Are you a football hooligan?

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Zamknij ten ospermiony pysk. To Polacy zbudowali potęgę niemiec kurwo, i twoje obrazki tego nie zamaskują

remember the Constitution of 3rd May and how it ended?

yet the cuckedom is insufferable, we were humiliated so much I cannot explain this without painful vivisection

> he is all out

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>The niggers of Europe
That'd be you Sven.

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>To Polacy zbudowali potęgę niemiec

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Nice trips Marcel.

Zostales uwieczniony

Takiego debila nie znajduje się często

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Im irked by what seems to be a lack of significant progress lately. Babcia tells me over skypeheres a lot of home construction around her now, but thats about it. Im pretty sure our factories dont produce shit ever since they got sold off, considering you never see polish products anywhere and its all my drunken uncle ever talks about.

And what the fuck us up with the military? Why dont we make our own weapons anymore? We dont even have SAMS/AA that isnt decades old. Our navy consists of two ancient frigates and a few hand me down diesel subs. I thought we were increasing spending too.

Everyone wants a strong poland, yet theres no measurable results.
It seems like the only thing weve pulled off as of late is keeping the shitskins out. Didnt see many last year.

Also why is anime so popular now? I saw lots of anime/waifu shit when I was visiting. Is that normal now?

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Anyway, one should not shit into own nest, mind you.

Bo dzieło zniszczenia

W dobrej sprawie jest święte, Jak dzieło tworzenia;

Bóg wyrzekł słowo stań się, Bóg i zgiń wyrzecze.

Kiedy od ludzi wiara i wolność uciecze,

Kiedy ziemię despotyzm i duma szalona

Obleją, jak Moskale redutę Ordona -

Karząc plemię zwyciężców zbrodniami zatrute,

Bóg wysadzi tę ziemię, jak on swą redutę.

>First and foremost you need Korwin as the king of the intermarium, because PiSs is a socialistic garbage party that will further ruin this shithole of a country.

SPBP PO and Pis are absolute garbage. PO are kike fags and PIS just grab all the shit for themselvs insted of for kikes and give 0 fucks about the people