What does Jow Forums think of Childish Gambino's latest clip?

What does Jow Forums think of Childish Gambino's latest clip?


I think it portrays America pretty well.

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maar waarom ben je dan zon nichterige homo?
pleeg zelfmoord. je leven is waardeloos.

its about niggers killing each other. who the fuck cares lol, they are so dumb nothing is going to fucking change.

yeah, that is what is going on in foreground but whites are to blame again in a subversive way in the vid

I think Jow Forums always needs a based nigger to look up to because over 50% of Jow Forums is now comprised of T_D refugees.

Stop committing crimes niggers.

Can't even do that.

He shoots like a girl

the guy has some pretty bad gyno, straight up has mantits. song isn't very good.

video is just a jewish attempt at making the black man feel down about themselves. Can't have a nigger with confidence like Kanye, they might stop being victims in the jewish game.

It was disappointing. I actually watched this gibbering chimp's video after hearing about it so many times. I was not impressed.

>the guy has some pretty bad gyno

>tfw mine is slightly worse

inappropriately dressed black man kills other black people while demanding money for being black, runs from cops. Seems pretty accurate

It portrays America about as well as those drawings of your women in the weird hats and wooden shoes.

You've never been here and you will never care to know the truth. Kys

Nigga can actually sing well, but beyond that, couldn't give any fucks about his commentary, on anything, either way.

T. White person

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Still haven't watched it. just seen all these pics of that effeminate looking nigger posted on various Jow Forums boards.

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> Produced by (((Rothstein)))

>Director: Hiro Murai

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T_D refugees? Did they ban that sub?


I like the video in combination with the music, very artistic. I like the composition and the themes. I think the video is about how many popular songs glorify violence and people don't care because it sounds nice. Maybe it's not just about violence in the music industry but violence as a whole as well, and how easily distracted we are from the chaos and violence that's going on. Anyway Childish Gambino is a great talented nigger.
Everyone going "muh niggermusic" is obviously very shallow and prejudgemental when it comes to rap.

>implying we didn't always have a handful of based black men

Stop shilling this trash

make it stop

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Why so butt-hurt Aquafresh?

Not really. Its more about blaming white mass shooters and gun-loving 2nd amendment supporters. Blacks dont ever take responsibility for themselves, they always blame someone else.

contrary to pretty much every fucking post in this thread. what its about is Rap being filled with minstrel acts that promot degeneracy, which is why he is deliberately rapping in repetitive mumble style and why there are adlibs from dickheads like 21 savage placed over a trap beat.

as if to spell this out for you he shits all over Gucci (basically throwing shade at Lil Pump) by prancing while saying how he's "so pretty" for having gucci (meanwhile cunts are jumping from the floor above as if to commit suicide and shit is on fire in the background)

tl;dr its about manufactured rap being used as a control mechanism to make blacks act like degenerates and be distracted from things happening

I think stop shilling this shit. When did Jow Forums become a hot bed for marketing?

Yes he's basically taking shots at the whole mumble rap scene and how popular they are.

When Jow Forums became the biggest board

Idk what it is about that one scene but to me it's hilarious, who would think before you shoot someone in the back of the head to make such a silly pose like that? He couldn't have come up with a sillier pose and I think it's absolutely great. If that happened to me, after I die and go to heaven and God replays how I died and I see that the motherfucker who shot me did a flitty ass pose like that I'd be so pissed.

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What do you know about America, Aquafresh? Also, this does accurately depict nigger culture. AND the whites chasing him at the end? Artistic depiction of day of the rope?

What do you know about Europe, Mutt?

He's imitating the Jim Crow pose. There are multiple such references in the video.

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its meant to invoke a Jim Crow poster

Especially at the end with what looks to be whites chasing him.

this. no fucking point to any dumb nigger mv -- nothing new -- it's always ypipos fault that niggers are niggers and act as such

Shill thread

All discussions of this video are simply the music company paying people to post links to this video online

This is a 100% shill topic

>What do you know about Europe, Mutt?
I didn't claim anything about Europe, Mohammed.

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Except the two look nothing a like nor is that an actual thing. He's doing a silky pose and people have attached meaning.

No one cares shill

watchmojo are retarded

>check out the white horse it must be a reference to revelations that says a pale horse!

Except revelations 6:2 directly fucking says

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.


Pretty decent desu. Much better than any given Russian rap.

It was everything I expected.

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Maybe not in this thread but I know your kind.

I will never for the life of me understand nigger/rap music. Atleasy BB king, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley folks had some original class & mastered their instruments. Now its all about NIGGUH MONEH BOOTY GUCCI GANG MUTHAFAKA shit and a couple of random key hits on a midi controller and you have a million retards drooling over this new video. Also that community nigger is literally ass cancer and looks like he's shitting his pants in every scene.

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Literally always.
We've always ruled the world and they know. /tv/ literally is a hollywood idea testing and stealing hub.
This place and there get shilled the most that ive seen with confirmed famous ppl going there so its not a stretch to thing producers do too.
As for Jow Forums theyve had a prescence here forever.
If you arent super nee youll remember the white cringe rapper era. Riff raff ...lil debbie and her nudes getting talked about for months. Its not new

What I got from the video is that he's saying society has become so desensitized to violence we just don't actually care about it anymore, so long as it's not happening to us as individuals. And how entertainment companies know this and market it in the form of TV shows and movies because they're too soulless to not use it as a money-making opportunity.

I wouldn't say this is just America, this is just the nature of the entire human race at this point.


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>this is america
>video is not a bunch of obese niggers, rednecks and mexican mutts shooting each other

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Yeah that would be a hilarious kill cam

The face and spirit of America.



This, it's somewhat similar but idk until he comes out and says that's what that was supposed to mean then to me it's just a silly pose to make before you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.

The one on the right is less degenerate.

>And he puts on this face

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>all that blurred commotion in the background
>the overly cheesy dancing
>"watch me move, this is selling"
>"black man get your money"

Okay, is he referring to how what's highlighted in the media and entertainment are either visible marketable issues such as mass shootings and surface level entertainment to make people "happy", as well as criticizing the self-obsessive materialism of the black community?

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>nigger music


who would have thought freeing those slaves would have come back to slap you in the face so hard

good luck with all that lmao

what the fuck is all this nigger bobbing and chanting

kill whitey

Just another Hollywood slave
He's so proud to be owned
He proudly shows the mark of his owner on his back

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its ameritards fault for being too dumb and lazy and importing niggers in the first place instead of working themselves. they deserve their nigs and mutt genes

i see this too...

The video is exactly about what you are talking, talented musical niggers getting smoke by the gangsta rap culture.

I do think so. To me it looks like an anti rap culture video.

Do people actually enjoy listening to this? A few sound loops, a simple beat and monotonous, incoherent mumbling as lyrics - I couldn't stand it anymore after not even 2 minutes.




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The Bob Dylan of our generation, bros. Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.

And nor one black...

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That's the point.

You can't even tell how many layers of irony it's on.


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you can't understand nonsense

Stop shilling this shit

>I think the video is about how many popular songs glorify violence and people don't care because it sounds nice.
I see this a lot and it disturbs me. Little kids singing about pump and dumping a whore or shooting someone... the music sounds at firsy catchy, vibrant and welcoming then you realize what the kids are actually parroting. That cannot be good for a child's development. Especially the sexualized songs.

That doesn't make it any better, more enjoyable or more valuable. It's forgettable trash. Any fool can be ironic and spew some shallow message about consumerism or whatever the hip conversation topic of the month is.

Remember to sage and report

>"God, user, you sound like a walking stereotype from the last century tv with your "think of teh children" xD How lame are you? It's a free country, anyone can do what they want!"

>What does Jow Forums think of Childish Gambino's latest clip?

It's a half naked coon shooting a coon and doing the chimpin out coon dance with other coons.

>I think it portrays America pretty well.

Niggers aren't Americans. They are feral animals from the jungles of Africa who should go back or sit at the far end of the bus.

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>Hiro Murai

Rap is shit and has been since rappers delight was first played over fm radio.
I can remember what America looked like before the influence of nigger "culture" when everyone wasn't trying to be gangsta.
You must be a nigger to idolize such niggertry.

lol just another pet nigger for a jew

I dont watch or listen to nigger music so I have no idea and I care just the same

>What does Jow Forums think of Childish Gambino's latest clip?
I'm sure there are a fair amount of us that are fucking tired of seeing this thread started over and over again, you fucking faggot.

nigger music for shitskins

not everyone visits Jow Forums 24/7

kek kek kek kek kek kek go away
kek kek kek kek kek kek go away
kek kek kek kek kek kek go away
kek kek kek kek kek kek go away

What kind of gym regimen do I need to get a body like that?

mj was truly the last of his kind


GKYS bitch.

There is a lot of great "nigger music" out there, not in the pop charts of course. You're just ignorant or memeing if you think that music made by black people is inherently bad. There are niggers that read things like Russian literature and give insightful social commentary. Hip Hop is the modern poetry.

>has 2 kids with white girl
>has an Asian fetish
>depicts black women as trash in his videos

Is he, dare I say, /our nigger/?

Hello viral media manager for big music. I for one enjoyed your Jewish teachings in the video. Death to Iran. Shalomi.

>not everyone visits Jow Forums 24/7
Then maybe you lot should go back.

Unintelligible dumb antics. There’s a message in here somewhere, but he mumbled the whole fuckin thing

Same. I assume that's the intention. If it's supposed to mean anything else then he fucked up.

Everyone he killed was a representation of a calmer, more traditional black culture.

we can accept the effeminate looking ones BASED dad