Just admit you regret voting for this obese orange clown. How much longer can you give into the sunk cost fallacy...

Just admit you regret voting for this obese orange clown. How much longer can you give into the sunk cost fallacy? I admit it myself: I was wrong to support him.

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Trump did nothing wrong

I love Trump.

I am pleased to have voted for him. Will do it again

>I admit it myself: I was wrong to support him.
Hilary seemed worse, but now I guess, maybe Hilary should have won. Cz by now she would have started WW3 and the worst would be behind us.

He's basically a retarded sack of shit, but he was the best option. Rand belongs in the Senate.

But I don't regret it and I will vote for him again.

Trump pisses off all the right people so he’s alright in my book

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I love him more each day

I’m happy to watch england burn

Fuck off. You can have an opinion when you're no longer a socialist shit hole and you repay the Evans family for your cruelty.

Trump's a madman-- I love him.

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What has Trump done that would make me regret voting for him?

Hey britbong didn't we tell you to mind your own business in 1776

i too regret voting for trump. five times. my everlasting shame

he is in the top 5 if not top3 of the best us presidents and solve 3 issues in 2 years that obongo and even previous conservative and demorats could not solve. You are a retarded cunt that swallos shit that treasonous politicans from the left sell to their propaganda puppets in the media. You should be emberassed.

Why do Americans make the most jewish posts?

Is this British collusion I'm sensing?

Anybody who doesn't repeal the 1965 immigration act is a cuck and Trump hasn't even remotely pushed for the RAISE act.

I'm just sorry I couldn't vote for him.

Say it with me Share Blue... Nobel Peace Prize

Well you're an idiot who obviously doesn't understand our politics and as bad as he is he was still the only option.

The definition of a kike shill post

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Hillary would have been worse

>Just admit you regret voting for this obese orange clown

yeah we hate it when politicians do what they say they're going to do

Nobody other then boomers liked the removal of the Iran deal

oh there's that word again...

leave him be. we need to see the downfall

Neck yourself nigger cunt jew cock sucking loser. Wanna earn some more $$$? suck my dick.

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You're getting the rope, boomie

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Boomer edits are so fucking cringe worthy, and I think david brock is a massive faggot.

You're really dumb if you think many people that old come here

You mean the truth?

>what is a fillibuster proof majority

Trump needs 60 republicans to even consider getting it passed, plus there are tons of neocons who won’t vote for it

I dunno why shills are latching on to that word so hard

My only regret is i had but one vote to give. I love how triggered he makes the crybaby libtards, feminist bulldogs and BLM mongrels. He doesnt give a fuck for your little feewings. He's the madman we need but dont deserve. Faggots will downvote this.

No old people come here you degenerate

I didn't even vote for the guy, but damn that orange nigger makes me laugh. That comment on the paralympics, priceless.
Congress has and will continue to do the most damage. At least Trump is good for comedy. And I don't mean material for those fags at SNL either.

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I will never regret keeping Yeb and Killary out of the white house, even if Trump is flopping.

But what was the alternative? Hillary Clinton? kek

America has that fucked up electoral system, they basicaly choose between two retarded candidates. And that have only minimal impact on foreign policy

You know how I know you're full of shit? All the facebook comments and cringe y YouTube videos ranting and raving about Q. All the ebig fox news memes. Fucking /ptg/

wait, this is a pretty good fake... right?

Still, until he passes it my opinion on him won't change. He'll just be another president who doesn't do anything remotely hard on legal immigration. The RAISE act should be our main priority right now, not Iran.

Pic related

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Nobody other than faggot kike shills have their panties in a bunch over pulling out of the Iran deal

>one post by this ID

wtf I love Israel now

Downvote? Where do you think you are you senile old fart?

Removing the Iran deal is literally making JIDF cum their pants.


Kill yourself

Why would kike shills be upset over getting exactly what they want?

Voting for Trump again in 2020

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>t. Hiahm Goldbergsheckelstien

I'll vote for him again, no question.

>Voting a faux-nationalist in 2020 just so he will deport a few thousand out of 60 million spics

So based! He'll set our demographic decline by a month

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>get a load of this BlowJo-loving bong

a vote for trump is a vote for netanyahu

trump was the best option for israel . i voted for him (dual citizenship)

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playing into the hands of the kikes. If ww3 happens, white demographics will be fucked beyond repair, and immigration will happen again to fill the void of males.

Acting like Trump never publically loathed the Iran deal previously and being shocked over pulling out is literally making you glow

I never voted for or supported Trump. In fact, I began to hate him before the Republican primary even ended. The reason I began to hate him is because I was getting banned from 8/pol/ every day for "shilling" because I made posts critical of Trump.

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i dont know either fellow pede, Jow Forums has been compromised by anti semites and videogame shills

I'm permanently banned from 8shit Jow Forums for calling him a kike. No joke.

So he openly shills for Israel. Is there a point here somewhere?


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Trump cucks invited them here

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I was permanently banned more times that I could count. But, just reset my router. Eventually I got tired of ban evading.

Get a load of this faggot what's next? Reddit spacing? And too the point of the shill op. I would vote him in until he died

I'm gonna vote for him even harder in 2020.

>t. Schlomo Shekelstein

I'm not disagreeing with the meme's two points, but I think you're retarded. Fucking up the economy and narcissism do not necessarily go together. Non Sequiter