The Cleansing Plague

Any Microbiology fags here?

How hard would it be to create a deadly virus that killed people based on their melanin?

Is the dream of a white world attainable through chemical warfare?

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>says the faggot from nigger island

Hence why I'm interested...

Very difficult for many reasons. Most importantly our bodies do not have many weaknesses and it's difficult for pathogens and viruses to survive. Pathogens can definitely harm us but we are unlikely to die from them.

Also, pathogens and viruses mutate rapidly. There are already multiple strains of HIV.
Contrary to popular belief this mutating is not beneficial except in rare cases.

Difficult, but not impossible right? I mean, it only has to work once. Maybe with the Crispr tech getting better by the day we can engineer a second Black Death

Microbiology major here.
Use biowarfare based on dietary habit, rather than melanin.

Nope. If the virus or pathogen causes an immune reaction then it's enough to make it almost certain that humans will survive. The thing about HIV is that it blocks the immune system and immune reactions occur because the immune system is comprosed so opportunistic pathogens can strike.

But I am sure Bill is already working on something to curb the high birth rate of the African negros

Now, if you want to kill nigger on bong island, kill them with AIDS.
Gimme an example of shit niggers and chavs cant resist to eat or drink, but not uptight whites.

How wpild a virus "know" how much melanin there was? Melanin is inside dermal melanocytes, so it would have to specifically infect them to find out. And then... what? Kill the melanocyte and turn everyone white? But even then, infection rates are never 100%, and as soon as the first cell started to die and displayed the viral antigens, the jig would be up, and the immune system would swoop in. That is if the virus even could make it past the intrinsic immune system inside the cells.

There is a reason our attempts to do gene therapy with viruses keeps failing spectacularly.

Hmmm Grape soda? For Chavs it would be White Lightening cider


You make some salient points. Lets think around this. What are the other genetic markers for race? Would there be a way for a virus to identify race through DNA markers available in all the cells in the body rather than having to specifically infect the dermal cells?

now if your people could just learn to shit in a toilet we could team up for this shit

Okay, you can try to infiltrate distribution distribution centers, and food deserts with Bacillus anthracis( The one which shows the pneumonia type syndrome one) strains.
It kills pretty fast. Within 72 hours.
Couple it a couple strains of Yersinia pestis, and Avian/Swine influenza strains, and you got a nightmare in nog district.
infiltrate NHS in that area and introduce Pseudomonas, and Candida by nurses and handlers as vectors.

Why complicate, introduce parasites. Use Ascaris lumbricoides. Dump the shitty eggs by tons into the fast food chain and nigger food/chain. Poor hygiene and slow symptoms will cause fucking deaths. I guess. i read it some where they can fucking reach anywhere in your body, so i count them on reaching brains and cause system shutdown.

>Bacillus anthracis
So after a quick google I get this is like Anthrax - now Im no biologist but does the endospore forming nature of the bacteria mean it would be contagious? We certainly don't want to be killing any innocent whites


We already have AIDS. She has done so much to keep the black population down.

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>>implying the Ebola virus has ever affected a White person lol

Just brainstorming here but what about sterilisation? Would be a lot easier to cover your tracks as time from coming into contact with vector and realisation you've been infected and effectively sterilised would be long. Maybe something like gonorrhoea that scars the vas deferens ?

Nice digits and good point - would love to see something faster acting tho

spray aids on halal food but dont touch the Grape sods omg

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Nog detected

Ebola is fast acting omg
When the signs get out it kills within hours
and can stay dormant for weeks
The guys making it (probably jews) are still developing and testing it
Any input would be appreciated

Endospore is like a backup mechanism. In extreme conditions, the bacteria's body(the nucleus and the rest of the shit dies off). Endospore serves as a black box of genetci info to restart the population of that bacteria when favorable condition are back up.
Tl;dr Endopore is bacteria's back up plan if its food dries up to reboot.
Contagion is nowhere related it to dormant bacteria.
We can either restrict the infection to nogs by closing them off, Geographically. or modify the strain to only survive if it finds a specific protein in the nogs body.
It can be anything.
Wait a fucking minute. Eur-fucking-ka.
First, grow a dangerous strain of Anthrax which need a protein/chemical to grow.
Second, popularize food/drink/drug/lifestyle products having this chemical.
Third, Introduce the bacteria, and have fun

Dont you touch chicken and grape
also ...
come on man

He ment compromised.
The AIDS doesn't kill itself, it makes it so that other diseases can easily invade.
Most people with AIDS die from pneumonia or another infection.

Sorry I just meant the speed of the spread of infection

Every effective. But it should have enough mods to restrict only to nogs.
It can sterilize them, but that doesn't really stop their spread of sexual degenaracy yeah?
What about the mutts? They are more dangerous.

Everything nigs eat whites eat too
Cultural appropriation and shit
Only people will survive are the fucking Vegans
Spraying Anthrax in the mosques is better
No need for a second component

Holy shit! Sounds like you cracked it! Maybe put it in coco butter?

Ebola is now mainstream.
Current hot shit is West Nile Virus. Its spreading.

Shut up faggt

Shut up fagnant

Whatever you like.

Its the only thing I can think of that whites dont use but nogs do

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Kill the LARPers and Fucking nigger appropriators.Like the mosque plan. I have a very complicated but successful plan for that though

CDC nigger?

Aids is punishment from GOD against the fags and the nigs
It does it's job pretty well I might say
problem is the rich one that get treatment

If you see these two feggits (pic related) cough at them please

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Read This.
I guarantee it will shock you.
Everybody on Jow Forums should read it.

That's retarded.

There are certain other genetical details that could be attacked though.

Tests were made by the japanese in china during ww2. US bought almost all of the research and tested few own bacteria and other biological weapons during the vietnam war.

Look for the current scientific advancements and technology, our governments are likely to be years ahead of the public.

for a good reason lol
Cocoa is a strong source of coffein
putting that on your skin only gives you rash

They are decades ahead of public.
they knew that biological warfare couldn't succeed ,so they went with informational/psycholoical one instead.
Zero survival.

"Spic" Biochemist and geneticist here.

Never read about haplotype diferences on melanin nor if it is a mendelian trait (one that has one or several predictable and heritable characteristics according to mendelian laws, ergo a "1 to 1" characteristic), but im pretty sure that skin pigmentation is not mendelian so one would have to find a true mendelian nigger gene haplotype first, and one which is constantly expressed due to that the genome has several protections for access to their inactive genome precisely because it is protecting itself from external threat reducing exposure (metilation, entanglement, etc)

Starting from the premise that there is a single nigger gene, it could be targeted and silenced or cut by a "homing" Rna virus that is the complementary to that locus.

here is the difficult part, it has to be on BOTH strands, its effect LETHAL (could be safe or the effects to slow) and Irreversible (the cell has bazillion means to repair dna damage)

So sure, it could be done, but it would need research from a good team, dubiously useful experimentation on mice or apes, large instalations with the Best biosecurity available and a network of "off the grid" services and machines like a dna strand synthetizer and bioinformatic servers with the info to stop cía nigger bots which sadly are real

I doubt that the gov is any better than whats public...
That being said CRIPTR is pretty fun
if not else can be used to give white people genes on niggs
make them white
that will be fun lol

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Not that hard

.t biologistfag

Too dangerous colleague, you know to well that it could easily evolve. And it would target you

Search ~the black president~ by monteiro lobato

I prefer something ingestable.
Surface one can easily be detected


>dream of a white world
Look buddy I want Europe to become White again too but if you think everything is all of a sudden going to be sunshine and rainbows when the darkies get kicked out of Europe and the world becomes 100% white then you're sadly mistaken. Not sure why you want a "white world" though. I don't, I want a white Europe not a white world. Cue the t. Abdul or Mohammed comments as per usual but that's how it is. Sounds like you're advocating genocide here so maybe Tyrone has a point in defending himself and making the first move.

The main problem with bio weapons is that they are hard to manufacture to target a specific population and are incredibly hard to control.
Conventional weapons/ terror are much easier to control but have a more limited impact in terms of actual body count.
A better solution is to kick all the Foreigners out back to Africa so they can be kept in control by natural viruses.
Africa constantly suffers epidemics such as Ebola in West Africa or the outbreak of the Black Death in Southern Africa.
If not for the west intervening African populations would be kept within an equilibrium.

True, that's why you run simulations beforehand to predict the evolution upto an extent.
You then try to compare it with how it goes on, and then know your end plans.
It needs work, but can be worked out.

Well for once we can hit the drugs
Weed and all that shit only nogs and degenerates use (not sure why I wrote it separate XD)
Kinda like that movie

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That's one of the accurate representation of one of my plans, without the fanfare.

It would probably be easier to make a virus that targets those who are infected by HIV


ugh dude calm down
Viruses can easily be contained within a single continent
That being said the if we start infecting Drugs, Weed and all that shit We can definetely make the world a better place as it will remove almost all the trash people

>Viruses can easily be contained within a single continent
You have absolutely no idea how quickly it can spiral out of control.

A simple coughing can kill them
Except the very rich ones though
Problem are the aids carriers that dont suffer from it
but they help spread it against the Roasties, the fags and the nogs
so its all good

Creating a deadly virus that's only one step away from also killing white people is really dumb. After you release it, the virus (or any machine that has a genome) will evolve quite independently from what you've intended. Next week it mutates and now it's targeting all humans. You can't filter it out from the air, you can't order it to stop (at least not with the current tech), if you're lucky you can make a cure, but why bring the plague upon yourself in the first place?

Racial cleansing has to be done by hand - it's both safer and more honest. If you can't bring your Volk to go shoot some inferior races, how can you claim that your Volk is superior in the first place? Genocide has to be brutal and painstaking enough to constantly test your resolve and leave your conscience forever burdened.

He LARPing or CIA, so this thread shouldn't be taken too seriously. If we really wanted to cull their population, we would just pay them 2,500 dollars to get sterilized. We could also falseflag a stupid game to get this themselves killed like the No Lacking Challenge, but we'll get them to try and get them to make earholes with a speeding bullet for their shitty 5 dollars gauges

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We got Flamethrowers for that job lol
You watch too many Libtard zombie movies
The second a virus goes out we start burning shit and it's all good :)

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I'm pretty sure the lack of regulations on crispr will produce enough genetical trash to allow us eugenics, so why not.

About the governmental technology: they are definately far ahead and even the public reached a point of development and mass of informations that is really dangerous. If terrorists wanted to hurt the west, they woudn't just use some cars

Just need a viral sex propagated leukemia and world will be fix

>All these wannabe scientists not even knowing what vitamin-k deficiency is

If you had taken one year of med-school you'd know there is already plenty of diseases that hurt certain populations worse based on genetics rather social-caste.

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Well I would agree
but mixing Anthrax with the batches cocain and other drug shit is far easier
It will clean all the trash people so fast even the leftie goverments wont save them

>nightmare in nog district

I would see that movie

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The funny problem they encountered so far though is that while it works perfectly on rats almost all critters
Humans happen to be immune to it....
Our immune system completely cleans it out and even the cells have anti measures

Not sure about nogs though as they are not human XD

You can just mix cyanide with batches of cocain and other drug shit - no need to go biological and risk a pandemic.

Dealers would die before they could distribute it.

Anthrax is not airborn for all I know and is better than other STDs
This way it will kill the junkies and their suggar daddies
Otherwise you are gonna have angry sugar daddies going after you

we need something that takes at least a couple of weeks of incubation before it goes out and starts killing
If it's too short they will die before distributing
If it's too long they will go to a hospital to get themselves fixed

Maybe exactly a week
I have no idea how quick they move that shit or if they store it to avoid suspicion

Use an active alpha-decaying isotope.

What about something that affects everyone but could have an antidote put in sun screen or something only white people use?

much more difficult to acquire, much more difficult to handle as most of that shit cant be removed once it enters and I think might be detectable

With viruses at least you know what you are dealing with and if by mistake it touches your skin and you do get infected you can clean it

I am white and I never used a sun screen
I would never put any of that shit on my skin
Not all whites are consumerists
and btw just to be sure you dont misunderstand I am NOT a commie

Nearly impossible, making use of the relatively small differences between hwhite and nonwhite people could fire back really fast. Viruses mutate so fast, by the time it hits the 56% countries there's going to be a high selection pressure to infect whites too, and then we all die.

How do you avoid sunburn? Are you sure you are white?

ugh ....yeah pretty sure
I do get tanned during summer tho
browns and black stay the same color

Well, except for lead, I'm out of ideas.

Pretty sure? It sounds like you are black enough to go in the purge.

it will take a lot of lead to actually do something to them
meanwhile I checked
Anthrax takes up to 3 days to manifest
and then it kills within an hour
It does sound like the perfect time limit to put in the cocain and weed batches

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Pajeet knows what he's talking about.
Diet is almost certainly the answer.

Stops it after a few generations.

What about putting something in cheap menthol cigarettes?

Chinese eat rice
Indians eat curry
What nogs eat that whites dont ?!!!
with the drugs we take out the lefties as a bonus
Almost all the commie trash does weed
fags too

>kill them with AIDS
Not gonna happen, if aids was that deadly africans would have died out years ago.

You'll be surprised how many whites buy that shit too
And I mean decent whites

>What nogs eat that whites dont ?!!!
they eat whatever we send them.
we should send them onions and be done with it.

>Be brazilian
>have pale skin but a nigger skull
Shit ain't working on us

I am so sure you meant Soi :)

Yams? We can kill the vegans at the same time.

Dont worry mate
We found a way around it XD

Hiv is a hoax...
It doesnt cause aids

Dépression n bad lifestyle give aids kiddo

So poisoning fried chicken?

theoretically not very hard at all. just kind of expensive. and time consuming.

less so no with crisprcas9 tho

i wouldnt base it off melenin, there are better ways

not the sweet potatoes :S