How do we end liberal bias and dominance in higher education?

how do we end liberal bias and dominance in higher education?

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you can't. higher education is a meme

Trade school. HVAC. Plumbing. Electrical. A Nursing Program. 4 Year college degree is as good as toilet paper.

Deunionize the teachers

sure, but it's also a powerful societal force that influences and poisons the minds of our youth through Marxist indoctrinators AKA "professors"

also this

idk, but calling them cucks on a website that would never actually impact them in any way seems to be doing the trick.

Home school

Thanks, Professor Shekelberg
Thanks John Housing

The reason libshits own academia is because conservatives are too insecure to invade it. Instead, they settle for just calling it a meme and the libs in turn settle right on in.

Stay uneducated, nobody needs liberal lies and ((degrees)). Everything you need in life can be deduced from reason by yourself.

>how do we end liberal bias and dominance in higher education?
There is not reason to do that. The leftist have turned places of learning into cuck factories. These weak minded leftist who scream and yell over the slightest incitement is ideal. Chaos is the goal not to fix something that can not be fixed.

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>End tenure
>Require real world work experience, not just going straight from a graduate program to professoring
>Drop useless shit classes & majors
>Actually make college hard again. Not just a 4-5 year babysitting program that waves people through with barely passing grades so they can qualify for “good jobs”

this. I've got two degrees so all this advice of home school and shit doesn't apply to me. I'm upset because looking back on my academic career, the amount of liberal bullshit I had to endure was disturbing. I don't want my children to suffer the same shit in college.

I vote for giant shredders lubricated with swine diarrhea, and throwing leftists in those, feet first

The amount of political capital this would require is close to infinity

Normies would scream their lungs out

hiring male would be a good start

>how do we end liberal bias and dominance in higher education?

Stop giving them money and go abroad for your education or learn a trade

End the unions. Cut funding. Fire libtards. Replace with vets and spooks for the next 30 years until stable. This epidemic isn’t just in higher education anymore either, they’ve spread to grade schools already.

kill all libs and marxists

women in universities

The real problem is normies, they have taught that "muh education" is what makes you smart and is thus sacred

Im studying to be a german teacher, and we are getting Gender, and multiculturalism cancer pushed down on our throats... Be it grammar or culture class, we talk about the poor migrants, gender and poor trans ppl...
Its fucking disgusting

And what are your arguments against it in class?

Colleges are modern day monasteries. There's very little you can do without seizeing the power first. The ultimate goal is confistacing their wealth and propeties, tanks rolling in a Harvard yard is what you should be striving for.

Education would still be available. The people who REEEE now will probably do the same if anything touches education but that’s nothing new for them. Maybe they can be herded to REEEE into a trap that will get them all arrested so they go away for another few decades.

Stoopid shaming

notice that leftist judges will actively legislate against every law you may create about this

separation of branches was truly a mistake, and the first step will have to be getting rid of judicial independence somehow, before the leftist takeover can be undo

Notice that anything like touching the judges' power will make the entire system reeeee

I think that whoever does this will have to be a dictator after USA is already disintegrating and California and other blue states are leaving

>be me
>majoring in Econ minoring in chem
>manage to take most required humanities/social science courses online
>all my econ/chem profs are totally apolitical or lean right
The only thing I’ve dealt with was a music professor who used the word problematic a half dozen times through the semester, but he was a manlet so I knew he was just overcompensating

this. 90% of the people in uni don't belong in higher education.

Remove government regulations on education.

Naming the jew publicly is the best way to deal with (((communists))).

I disagree about separation of powers. It makes things challenging when you don’t have 100% control, which it’s designed to prevent. We need a drastic change to our culture over more laws and regulations. For example, firing a professor that calls for white genocide on Christmas and praises Venezuela as they’re starving their population should not be difficult. Drexel got away with it because they can. Same with the many cases in Commiefornia.

convince kids not to go to those universities