What the fuck? Why no GE14 threads? here's one
Status : Voting sessions has ended. It's time to count the votes
Who we hope to win : Pakatan Harapan (just for dank PH memes and crying jibby memes similar to killary pepe memes)
How the politics works : welp I forgot you cunts are not us so here's the tl;dr
step 1 : fight for seats as an MP
step 2 : as an MP, you represent the people in an area
step 3 : fight other MPs in the same area from a different party
step 4 : vote
step 5 : win/lose vote
step 6 : +1 parliament seats if you win (each state has a different number of seats)
step 7 : party with most seats in the parliament wins the national government
step 8 : the leader of the winning party becomes the Prime Minister
step 9 : PM will pick his cabinet ministers
step 10 : ???
step 11 : profit
>mfw realize we adopted the British system
>mfw realized this would probably be irrelevant
whatever here's the live info