Jow Forums in 2012
>Actual redpills
>Great discussion
>Informative posts
Jow Forums in 2018
>Retards unironically worshiping kanye west
>Low iq amerimutt meme conservatives making awful posts
Good job, retards
Jow Forums in 2012
>Actual redpills
>Great discussion
>Informative posts
Jow Forums in 2018
>Retards unironically worshiping kanye west
>Low iq amerimutt meme conservatives making awful posts
Good job, retards
So basically the CHEETO man YRESOLD FROUMPF can get fucked!
Life’s a bitch. What can i say?
That’s the price of becoming popular
what would you like to know traveler, ask me anything or merely regale me with a tale of your travels.
>posting this thread
>not posting something worthwhile
>not kys
>not Truck of Peace'ing
good job, OP
dumb frogposter
>Low iq amerimutt meme conservatives making awful posts