Daily reminder that you /satanist/ and odinist pagsn larps fags aint got nothing on us Christians not only can i walk up to you in public and take command out of your soul and force the demon in you and you to do whatever, I can also heal people on will, i can even see into peoples futures on what theu will become, people look up to me for my face shines with wisdom and animals wants to be near me but the best part is?
You damn fedora satanist fags will burn in hell forever, while me and the christians will get supernatural powers on earth, we will reveive immortal bodies to reign with a fist of iron over the un christians
Daily reminder that you /satanist/ and odinist pagsn larps fags aint got nothing on us Christians not only can i walk...
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>christians in Sweden are so out of touch now that they are becoming pagans themselves
your english is very good mohammed
The problem are atheists LARPing. Fucking atheists are a pest.
most atheists just have daddy issues
You know it's funny, very few people know that The Prophet Mohammed ate pig shit and was the first Muslim to train his rapegoat to fuck HIM in the ass.
Peace be upon him.
Varg has deceived them al
lAnd jews
Fuck you chr*stian dog we will put you in grave as we put yeshuah and the rest of the heebs kikestrians
We'll see about that. We're getting stronger the goddess hears the cries of her children the ones on the fringes of society and lost in the shadows call her name and find your way.
lol the people on Jow Forums are too intelligent to actually be Christians. They are just LARPing faggots who actually believe in "muh jewdeo chrischin valoos" and think it makes them more traditional to believe in God.
You sound like a pussy
They actually believe kikestrianity is good fir whites and white based "tradition" and its "white culture"
ya i would have thought so too if you told me that five years ago when i didn't have two nickles to rub together now here i am go figure anway i bid you faggots good day
sick larp
Askenazi jews are not hebrews they are iranian converts worshiping satan
Talmud is filled with pedophilia
Are you mentally retarded?
Christianity us anti white
Christianity speaks out against racial mixing
God can be derived logically. Unlike pagan values Christianity is against homosexuality and traditionally against race mixing.
things Jesus did
>fight against money changers aka ((bankers))
>helped the poor and sick for free
>called the jews the the synagog of satan
that doesn't sound very jewish
Christianity woeshios semites
>national socialism
>not Christian
Only in hitlers later years was he heretical, possitive christianity denies christ, thats why he lost
Everything else however he did right>
Read hebrews they tell you to take a partner from your volk
Who is right, a pope or you?
Called propaganda
We deny yeshuah, nothing but a hew, death to bible and his gid and all christianiyu.
Hail Satan
Glory to the ancient ones
Praise the timeless chaos
You sound like a fucking moron, if your not a shill then how old are you?
Trust the bible more than idols
Your degeneracy is the main cause of you being a failure in life
>implying i give a shit what the pope thinks
Mathew 15 24
Jesus was son of david house of israel.
nice larp bro
christianity is a jewish slave religion
now turn the other cheek
Which Church agrees with your racism and anti semitism?
my nigga
Your masters hate you, thats why they turned you into their sex slave
Christianity only carea about Christianity, like good goyims, they dint care for their race or nation.
Turning yoyr cheek does not mean submitting
We are told to sell our garments if we have no sword
Hebrews were repeatedly told to genocide people
Turning cheek has another meaning
post pic someone
the protestant church
>meddling actual pagans with satanists, asatrufags and fedoras like a good brainlet
>>not only can i walk up to you in public and take command out of your soul and force the demon in you and you to do whatever
>>you will burn in eternal fire "while me and the christians will get supernatural powers on earth, we will reveive immortal bodies to reign with a fist of iron over the un christians"
Seems insane, retarded or jewish. Maybe all 3 of them
Christians would eradicate Nationalism, Whites, nations, and everything for Christianity if they were true Christians because thus workd doesn't matter only tgeir other world, every Christian shoukd be put into the grave.
Which Church agrees with racism and anti semitism?
Humility is a virtue brother.
>O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
Fuck out of here kike
their is a difference between Humility and being a bitch.
Your post reeks of sexual frustration. Im not even a Christian but I would gladly join them in a crusade to purge all of the pagan LARPers, muslims, homos, kikes and other degenerates from Europe
Christianity would eradicate the vast majority of the world because people from their nations attempted to lead us away from our religion. We just need to get rid of nuchristianity and we can start genociding again.
This. I think all these semen drinking faggots forgot how they were absolutely wrecked.
you contributing to mankinds DOWNFALL or resurection???
>are you a lurker, a shill, or a bringer of truth and pills
Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance
>mods cannot stop it
>shareblue cannot
>Rabbi Chaim Kibutzberg cannot stop it
Join the ARMY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and let's expose these DEVILS
A Digital Prohpecy from the futureScape
What about the power of spell check? Will that be delivered unto you?
What the heck is spell check?
I have heard of Paul smiting down a flying man if that is the Subject
Racial pride and realism not racism amen
Give thanks to Satan! Praise the Lord of All! Glory to the Great Mother, eternal and ever lasting! Praise and honor be upon the ancients, timeless and primordial, transcendent and yet present with each of us. Hail the nameless ones, hail the light of Lucifer, may your beacon shine brightly with the Divine Light, may your names be spoken with reverence, may your presence shine and echo throughout the omniverse
You sound like a fag, either way please kys
>worshiping a '' Great Mother''
my sky father could kick your earth mother's ass
>kell urselv Xddd
The being and wonders of Satan know no limit. Mortals battle among another seeking to limit that which know no boundaries, who are one with the primordial Chaos, who carry the Divine Touch and are reflective of the hymns born from the heart of Chaos, beating and dancing with each of us in a perpetual dance of Spirit with the prime everlasting
Do you cut yourself?
You genuinely have to be a fucking brainlet to believe that Hitler or many of the top NSDAP officials or even the ideology of National Socialism itself was Christian.
I don't think that's how any of those things work.
>edgeee X=====D ~~~
In the face of Chaos, the Satanist must never cower. Into the heart of Darkness must we each thrust ourselves. Each are called to rid ourselves of the prisons of Clayborn to free the drumming of the Spirit.
Lol, is this fucking neck beard shill for real??
Is that what you tell yourself when your masters fuck you in the ass? Kikes are the real children of satan, your just a larping goyim sex slave. Stop falling for ((their)) lies, ((they)) only want to ise you as their pawn and to see you suffer
are to calling Hitler a liar?
>da joos r Satanists
Always does disinfo arise in the face of freedom. Anything and everything must be said to push people away from that which unlocks the bondage so eagerly placed upon us. Satanism, a religion of the absolute free and liberated individual, is somehow a religion of the parasite that seeks to only destroy? What a pubescent understanding of the drummings of Chaos which flow throughout All. All are called; those who listen are the true Chosen.
"Absolute freedom" is what kikes and their slaves use to justify their pedo behavior. Degenerates like you need to be gassed
They are literal devil worshippers at least the high ranking ones are for sure the lower ones on the totem pole may be worshipping satan just with out knowing it. Jews are children of the devil
Anyone who has lurked here for at least a year knows this by now
>freedumb iz degenarit
Freedom of action and being does not mean that every action runs unchecked. It means recognizing the inherent divine liberty that we each possess, it means embracing the Calls of the Ancients and to echo the reverberations of the primordial Chaos. If this means that you go around killing pedophiles because they bother you, go forth and do so if you feel that the timeless ones are calling you. We each possess the power to cull but such is always an action of responsibility.
>kikes r devil worshipers
Using an argument to authority as a reason to discard a parardigm is reactionary retardation. Shall we destroy every religion on earth because there are detestable people associated with them? Few kikes are actual Diabolists. Many people speak about Diabolism while not fully understanding its conditions nor implications.
Your word salad addressed none of the arguments brought to you. You sound like an abused and unstable individual so I am going to stop mocking you. I recommend reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, included in it is a description of how the concept of "freedom" will be used by the jews to corrupt and degrade the goyim. Sure I believe in Liberty, but this "do as thou wilt" philosophy will only lead to your self destruction. The kike's souls are already destined to hell, so they are only interested in taking as many individuals with them as possible to please their real father in return for control over this world. Please seek the truth user
Bump for new jerusalem
Every day I pray for the nature egregore to hunt other, lesser astral forces, until only nature remains. Even Hell itself will one day fall.
Are you a fucking hippy? The forces of nature aren't high enough on the astral plane to defeat hell. Stop falling for jewish bullshit
Sven you're drunk go to sleep