Serious question: Why do you pretend you need military assault rifles like the AR-15 for hunting when a gun like the...

Serious question: Why do you pretend you need military assault rifles like the AR-15 for hunting when a gun like the one in the pic (minus the clip) would be more than sufficient. Nobody needs weapons of war to murder animals.

Anyone of you gun-nuts care to explain?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bill of rights, not bill of needs

Intermediate calibers dont have enough power to hunt medium game reliably

Badger runs and boar you cocklicker

We hunt the most dangerous game: the urban dindu

Because bait aside an AR-15 can probably be had for half the cost of that M14

we don't need it for hunting, we need it for shooting darkies and CIA niggers.

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>Shoot groundhog or coyote with .308 in an under 100 yard shot
>Blow the body in half and still carry enough energy to hurt whatever's behind it
>Ruin any pelt or meat I could have scavenged

But at least I wasn't using a high-powered weapon of war mirite?

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You played it too hard buddy

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Why do local police departments need them?

Ar-15 dont being used in war.



Report brockgobblers, anons. They're always already on multiple bans and are actively evading them. Sage if you must respond.

I need weapons of war for faggots like you.

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This gun would be in the same category as AR15 in any proposed legislation I’ve seen.

>Bill of Needs


It stands for "ArmaLite Rifle"

Assault rifle is a made up term

the CIA forgot to turn on their fake flags and IDs

obvious bait, but still gonna leave this here

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They are not for hunting and guess what else? It's not because I'm afraid of the government. I have it in case of a civil war and to defend our borders from foreign invaders.

I haven't seen anyone say they need an AR-15 for hunting. It's usually for self defense


>Anyone of you gun-nuts care to explain?
No. Fuck off.

All terms are made up. Assault rifle has a pretty clear definition.

>antique weapons of war are okay.




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Are you forgetting that the kangaroo fuckers used mini guns in a war against animals? An AR is way more efficient for killing animals, so as long as is not as big of a fuck up as that, who cares

It was never about hunting in the first place. Quit moving goal post or putting words in the mouths of the framers of the constitution. It has nothing to do with hunting, it has everything to do with owning weapons of war as a private citizen. NEED was never a requirement, it's not found in the constitution either.

ayylmao wtf are these digits?

It's a mag you mong

>being this new
I hear Reddit is wonderful this time of year

who the fuck let a tumblrista on Jow Forums

Probably moved from Jow Forums

>Jow Forums isn't allowed to talk about guns
Based mods


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What is it with retarded Jow Forums mods and moving gun threads to Jow Forums?
Jow Forums should be THE board where people discuss and know why they support the second amendment and why AR-15 shouldn't be banned.

Retarded fucking mods. Next you'll be moving those /v/ threads here where people talk about lootboxes.

How can this shill shit even be taken serious when you take a look at countries that have gun bans and the state they are in now ?



Don't need a cannon for hunting either. And you're more likely to survive a 223/5.56 bullet than a 68lb cannon ball. Nevertheless, the founders intended for you to own a cannon.

Actually, I would rather have a semi auto M14 than an AR15.

.308 > .223

>eating yote meat
Hahahaha what

The 2A isn't about hunting animals, it's about hunting corrupt politicians and their lackeys.

>be a moron
>ask the need for an AR-15
> show M1A
gain some knowledge before posting faggot


> need
it's a right to have first of all you useless faggot.
Secondly, guns like AR-15 are two-problem solutions for providing both hunting & self-defense capabilities by one weapon, call it a market solutions if your brain can't understand this further.

I think the answer you’re looking for is on Jow Forums. Ask us her and, while our answer is true to us, you may not believe it. We need assault weapons for when The Jew goes all in to destroy America


care to hit me with it?


That is a weapon of war you mong. It was developed as the successor to the M1 Garand main battle rifle of WW2 and saw extensive use in Korea and Vietnam.

It's my back up in case AR's get banned.

All weapons are weapons of war and the people have a right to bear arms because we are all equal. Our government and military are voluntary and subject to the authority of the people. It is the people who hold the power.


It's a right. End of discussion.

reminder that hunters and meat eaters in general are thoroughly judaized good goyim. and with plenty of the meats you consume in restaurants you might as well have the rabbi over to ritualistically torture the animal with jew magic in your own back yard

but the founders did not give a shit about hunting. its completely irrelevant. why would you even engage with this

And an m14 is a "weapon of war"

Needs got nothing to do with it user.

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Why would the the US use a hunting rifle in Korea and Vietnam when there are automatic assault weapons that shoot hundreds of rounds per minute (like the ar-15) available? Doesn't seem plausible.

Isn't that one of those designated rifles for the marines?

>implying authoritarian globalists and their milleniall diaper wearing commie enablers are going to stop when they ban semi auto .223....

If you are white and against gun rights please kys

Sage every response

Basically the type of gun that was born out of the Stg44 (Assault rifle 44).

Hunting animals is not the primary purpose of gun rights. The primary purpose of gun rights is to be able to kill people when necessary. Retard.


Forgive us, uncle Terry.

Personally I would buy one in a second instead on an AR if I could afford it. a decent new AR is well over 2000€ here already and used and abused worn out M1A start from 4000€. And I have mortgage and bills to pay and taxes don't make it any easier.

fudd pls go

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I can imagine some belligerent motherfucker walking around an a Continental Army uniform, wig, rifle and pistol, and lugging a swivel cannon behind him for "self-defense".

Why was this thread moved don't we already have enough b8 on this board

Because it's not for hunting, it's for fighting government.

Why must these trash bait threads be moved here? Who ever posted this shit on another board should be banned and their thread deleted, not shat upon Jow Forums.

M1a semi auto mod of the M14 weapon of war still used today.

Go kill yourself

Comes from Jow Forums faggots mods are absolutely retarded

Not joking but you can.

Find a Korean dog recipe and according to the guys on the predator hunter forums it works.

That gun is literally a semi auto. They used to be full auto at one point to.

I'm Chinese and I still would never consider something as barbaric as this. The manchus were right about one thing, and it was banning dog eating.

Eating dogs is fucking disgusting the only reason the chinks eat them is because they are constantly starving and its the only meat left after eating their horses.

This is a weapon of war, and has better penetration than an ar-15.

>assault rifle

It's Armalite not a acronym you faggot.
Even obama called them assault rifles like a dumb nigger and claimed their calibers were huge despite being smaller than the average pistol caliber.

Actually, that one has a selector switch, it is full auto.

That gun plus a clip

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I'd like to see you go to war with a hunting rifle, mate.

You show your ignorance in every part of your post.

>the CIA forgot to turn on their fake flags and IDs
it's because the board this shit thread got moved from doesn't have flags and IDs, newfriend

No it doesn't.

Holy fuck, you're right.

>Calls an ar and assault rifle
>Calls a magazine a clip
>Wouldn't know what a clip looked like if he saw one

Sage and die faggot.

The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. Secondly .223 is the bare minimum in most states and even not allowed in others for large game hunting like deer.

I see you've played Cod WW2 as well.

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Then why do the police need and use them? If they are so unnecessary why are they common issue for every police force in the country? And what makes you think that the second amendment only protects guns for hunting?

The police are held to the legal standard of conduct known as reasonable force. Thusly AR's are classified under the law as a reasonable means of the use of force.

The second amendment doesn't specify what types of arms for a reason. It is not a right to a specific type of weapon or arm and sets no limitation on a person's right to the use of force. It sets a prohibition on the government from preventing the people from having free access to arms. This is not an accident. The fact that gun owners have allowed their rights to be infringed in order to appease the feelings of those who fear a free people of agency is proof that reasonable gun control already exists. The fact that you push for ever more infringement in spite of all concessions on the part of gun owners is proof that what you want is neither reasonable nor common sense.

The problem with your argument is the state having the right to wield force over the people without a reasonable means of recourse.

Question one. Do I have the right to self defence? Because that is what they are for.

question two. If I have the right to self defence how can I exercise that right without the equivalent means?

Question three. If this particular weapon is so deadly and evil. What makes it acceptable in enforcing the will of the state against the people, but extraordinary and unacceptable in the hands of the people for their own defence?
The second amendment is more than the right to guns. It is the right to the self determination of the use of force by the people. By the weight of your actions your end goal is to subjugate that right and monopolize the right to the use of force into the hands of the state. That is unacceptable. That is why it shall not be infringed.

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It's like the Jow Forums mods want their board slid

Fuckwit that's an 7.62
It has superior range/accuracy to an m16, better stopping power AND penetration.
Honestly I would pick an m14 over an m16.



You are not familiar with real guns i see.