We need at least a class of female nigger servant to perform work that is too low for white women to do.
Just as Hitler had envisioned per the Lebensraum project, slaves are needed to perform some labours.
The Ethnostate will fail without a nigger female slave class
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pls giv thicc nigress gf
we're going to use the whites who speak spanish for that because they're the niggers of white people anyway
She has an ok ass, but she’s still a negress, so that discounts everything else.
What if I'm a spic who doesn't speak Spanish
dat cellulite. And forehead to baloon lips ratio. Kinda gross, but YLYL worthy. (you laugh you lose)
We can use Slavs as slaves. its literally what there named for.
>we're going to use the whites who speak spanish
Whites who only speak Spanish or Whites who speak English and Spanish? Because the over class will need to know Spanish to give orders.
Remain in disguise.
sadly west europeans are cucks, so they will be the slaves
whites who only speak spanish
the overseer class will be this guy
after we teach him some spanish
That wouldn't end well stupid. A lot of white men would end up thinking with their dicks and history shows that always leads to problems.
Saw her live in concert once. Watching her sashay on the big screen gave me a boner.
what the hell is wrong with her breasts in left picture?
you can't photoshop this bad, wow terrible
80% of black women in America are obese
that forehead
Ethnostate comes from the mind of KIKES!!
You know what to do
>dat cellulite. And forehead to baloon lips ratio. Kinda gross
You Incel, did you read what the OP statement said? These nigresses will be slaves, not some beauty queens or a standard of beauty
No we just need racemixing to be abhorrent and unacceptable again
Send the nigresses back to the niggers and shoot any nigger that tries to touch a white woman
Her forehead reminds me of this
Use gooks or Poo women, all niggers need to die.
>what is automation
>The Ethnostate will fail
as soon as even one non-white octroon is allowed in. being flexible in the interpretation of ones rules and laws is how empires die.
Then why the fuck did he post a negress that is "supposed" to be hot.
Fuck off sophist
Racemixing is an abomination and an admission of inferiority of genes.
Why do bigger women get so fat in the ass and legs?
Or Italian whores.
They’ve evolved to breed with BBC so their lower bodies produce more fat so the black man’s superior cock doesn’t over penetrate
la criatura
>work that is too low for white women
This is how you spoil your women, retard
don't get me wrong
she hot and i would most def, but girl let herself go a bit
also i totally agree with OP
i will volunteer in the breeding program of said nigresses to bleach em
not for slave purpose but to make huwhites great again
Ugh fucking gross, someone is actually attractive to this nigger lady?
If you can fuck niggers and nigger women i bet you can also fuck Gorillas and Chimpanzees.
White women will be too busy being pregnant so the nigressess will be used to raise them.
That fucking forehead
This 10 years later will need a number plate on her ass
they come in all shapes and shades
>We need at least a class of female nigger servant to perform work that is too low for white women to do.
No. Fuck that. This is how we got to this point in the first place. White women need to be humbled.
Black qts belong to white men.
Too much ass.
i have a feeling it's always you and me in these kinds of threads
much love my friendo
Machines can do the labor. Feeding blacks and letting them reproduce is what started all the shit.
All i see is mutt, that ain't a race.
just shout soap opera one liners and you'll be fine
We don't need niggress slaves. We should be keeping our women as busy as possible with raising kids and maintaining the house (besides physical labor, like cooking and cleaning). Most of the problems from (((modern women))) stem from their biological instincts being suppressed and unfulfilled.
Just wait till you see the finnbro, he has an excellent collection.
Except slavs will fuck you up, leaf. Don't get ahead of yourself.
It's this kind of retarded thinking that got the South to import slaves to pick cotton. We can see how that turned out today. Have you learned nothing!?
>shitskins have work ethics
If you have slavery in your system, you have weakness; this weakness will eventually pervert and eat away at your system and eventually destroy it.
Slavery is just a bad institution in general. It might be good for building pyramids, but not for creating a civilization a good soul wants to live in.
And no work should be looked down upon.
Turned out pretty well desu.
Haha I am the finnbro, glad that someone likes my work.
Yes but what shape and shade would your kid come out user?
Visit Detroit, Oakland and St. Louis and reevaluate that answer.
I would rather automated workers.
And automated sexbots.
Honestly your black slave women should be killed with you.
>It might be good for building pyramids
which it didn't do historically. we know from records the pyramids were built by the farmers from the nile mud fields. they were skilled and well paid/provided for and had "sick days" like when they had a hangover from too much beer (they mostly drank beer which was a way to purify water).
Don't mind him. He's like those sickos that like feet, but instead he likes monkeys.
No it won't. People will liberalize and set them free and we'll be back at square one. Fuck your lebensraum, America has plenty of it, it's called the Midwest.
did someone say ebony worship thread?
ebony worship thread
*blocks your path*
How about ebony feet?
How did this whore get so thicc?
Reported for spamming porn :^)
Quit niggerposting, Jow Forums is a Japanese QT board.
we found the virgin boys!
>not knowing what porn is
>getting banned for false reporting
top kek have a ebony QT3.14