How does architecture effect society?

How does architecture effect society?

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It reflects the society's values

There is a high correlation between a society having nice architecture and a society rapidly changing racial composition.

It's unnatural when half your your society was living in mud huts just 10 years ago.

German architecture is inferior to ours.

I'm not certain, but I know that beautiful architecture practically pays for itself in the long term in both prestige and money. Millions visit europe every year to experience stunning architecture and the feelings of awe that it evokes.

What you see is what you get. Aesthetics are culturally and socially transmitted memes. The thing is, it's all about perception. Person 1 will see this and like the intricacies of the design. Person A will see this and it will look cluttered. These are just examples.

come on
>1 post by this ID
and not in the least a political topic

European architecture is at its best when it's festooned with niggers and grenades. Setting things on fire, such as in France, also tends to help.

>How does architecture effect society?
Well considering Latin America has plenty of nice architecture because of Spain and Portugal but are still terrible I'd say little to none. But I will say it shows the accomplishments a nation has.

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