Is he right? Is this really America?

Is he right? Is this really America?

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No that's 98% of Africa

>a nigger kills anyone and everyone he can if given the means and opportunity
More or less, I suppose.

sage. This doesn't drive real discussion. Just a rehashed post probably done by a bot.

While you read entertaining slide threads and Fap to degeneracy there is a full scale WAR GOING ON.
>a war of realities and information
We have 2 separate groups of people who believe their own version of "reality"
>liberals believe Hillary is Mother Theresa
A war being waged between agency's and principalities.
>an ancient order of VILE people

And a GREAT AWAKENING IS happening to counteract this evil... it effects us all and is molding our minds and hearts... the great divide between GOOD AND EVIL is widening and no longer can you sit on the sidelines , now you must choose a side... EVEN KANYE DID

NOW more than ever YOU Need to discern your own info and data... you must research and come to your own conclusion, not Jones, not Peterson.. YOU!!! you matter more than ever!!! Your choices and opinions and more importantly your actions.
>as Google builds their AI false god to control you
What will you choose??

And finally we are dealing with a Cult of psychopathic control freak pedophole satanists .... ALLISON MACK has been caught... how deep does the rabbit hole go????
>so deep that even you, who is redpilled, could not fathom the EVIL .....AND VILE behaviors the elite conduct

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>Black man killing their own culture while rapping about being oppressed


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sage these fucking slides

Who is this idiot?