what should be the punishment for people who commit ridiculously evil crimes
What should be the punishment for people who commit ridiculously evil crimes
Justin Reyes
Benjamin Williams
It's called a firing squad.
Ryan Ramirez
what evil crime am i looking for here?
Henry Foster
wouldn't waste the bullets on these fucks, bring back draw and quarter
Michael Richardson
Mexican face rippers should be be used on them. Fuck this is fucking just fucking hell.
Caleb Lee
Total isolation, food delivered through slot in door. Execution is too merciful
Lucas Johnson
>white women straight up giving their daughters to black men
Connor Turner
She's a coal burner what do you expect man ?
Noah Rogers
found the nigger
Nathan Miller
Don't waste money on keep them alive nor bullets to kill them like mentioned. Hang'em and toss'em in a hole dug by other convicts.